Reviews for After The Wedding
Anonymous1511 chapter 42 . 3/21/2019
A beautiful ending to a beautiful story! Very well written, not just the plot but also grammatical wise, which is a rarity in nowadays fanfics. Waiting for more of your creations. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous1511 chapter 26 . 3/20/2019
To be honest, I think Bella is being a little absurd here. She was married with a child and she expects Edward to live like a monk and pine away for her, his entire life? I think that's a bit hypocritical of her... Hope she understands this sooner rather than later...
Anonymous1511 chapter 3 . 3/19/2019
I don't think I can understand Bella. If she loved her husband so much, then why did she cheat on him? Granted, he deceived her at first. But then how can she love a person who deceived her in the first place? That's a bit unbelievable in my book.
Anonymous1511 chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
Oh my god! Talk about a twist. Poor Bella! This is so unfair to her... And now I understand why it'll be "awkward" for Anthony to meet Esme. Because she would recognize Edward instantly.
Guest chapter 30 . 2/8/2019
This is my i lost count as many times i read this story. Still is good and still can't get over how much of a coward Anthony was he was such a hypocrite. He rather let Bella suffer thinking she did something wrong when all this time he was the one that was in the wrong. And had everyone else fooled. He used Edward and Bella as a scapegoat. Because of his selfishness they ended up suffering and he didn't have the balls to admit who he really was and stand up for what he believed in. He just continue to hide behind other people and use them while the people he used were suffering
narsuess chapter 35 . 12/17/2017
You story definitely has shocking twists. When I first read this I hoped and thought that Lizzie was Edward's but then in the next chapter I found out that Bella slept with Edward when she was pregnant, so it's impossible it was Edward's, but then came the shocking truth, she was Edward's after all. Anthony and jasper were another interesting twist.

Thanks for sharing this original story, I very enjoyed reading this ;)
blb1000 chapter 35 . 9/29/2017
The end? There are a lot more chapters...
twilight-saga-lover95 chapter 42 . 9/29/2017
I really loved this story, until the end. I can't get over Edward raping Bella. Because yes, that's what he did. He had pretended to be someone else to have sex with her. That's rape. It's disgusting and I can't believe you had her just basically not care.
blb1000 chapter 34 . 9/28/2017
What's the baby's name?
blb1000 chapter 33 . 9/28/2017
Ah. So Anthony & Jasper were lovers. No wonder Alice had no chance.
blb1000 chapter 32 . 9/28/2017
The use of "learnt" in fanfic bugs me. It's a made up contraction of learned.
blb1000 chapter 31 . 9/28/2017
Ah ha!
blb1000 chapter 30 . 9/28/2017
I heard a "dun dun dun" at the end after Anthony's proclamation.
blb1000 chapter 29 . 9/27/2017
At least Edward has no qualms about snapping James into shape of he misbehaves again. If he knew what happened to his mother, he'd probably punch James.
blb1000 chapter 27 . 9/27/2017
Ok then!
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