Reviews for Stages
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2022
Guest chapter 23 . 9/19/2021
Stumbled back upon this story for a re-read and loved it all over again. Sending you hope that your muse returns for the finale, but even if not, I adore the chapters you have shared. Thanks!
but seriously chapter 16 . 9/11/2021
This is such a wonderful, beautiful, bittersweet story. Thought I had to let you know before I finished the rest. I will now nestle this into my heart as the alternative Canon I never knew I needed. Thanks so much for writing thisthe detail is impeccable and the circumstances surrounding the changes you've made makes for such wonderful world-building. And Dumbledore, that rat bastard, I've never been more squicked out. Sirius' black moods (ha) in the books seems more justifiable now especially after reading this from the marauders' pov.
ANGSWIN chapter 23 . 5/10/2021
Oooh! So very intriguing...

If you decide to come back to the story, then I will happily read your updates! :)
Kaarina Riddle chapter 23 . 9/12/2020
That ending! I need to know what happens next this story has me on an emotional roller coaster but I love it and I can’t get off! Gorgeous story I can’t wait for more xo
simmingdae chapter 23 . 6/3/2020
i absolutely adore this trope! childhood friends,the i loved you for years kind of trope. and this is well written as well. remus' love for hermione is so unconditional. i love this so much!
Noacat chapter 23 . 2/8/2020
I have basically spent the entire day binge reading this story. It's fucking amazing.
Mal chapter 23 . 8/4/2019
noooooo. this... this can't be the end. I hope you are thinking about this story somewhere... Its been such an amazing ride.
moonlight10060 chapter 15 . 4/27/2019
I don’t read often with an internet connection so I’m going to write this while I do have one.
I love this story and I’m so thankful that you took the time to write it and share it with us without any kind of retribution.
Thank you so so much and know that you are really appreciated.
Don’t listen to the haters and do whatever your heart tells you to.
Okay bye because I won’t have internet soon.
BlackRoseargh chapter 23 . 2/14/2019
GrimmauldPhoenix chapter 23 . 12/23/2018
I came across this ad I was stumbling through the fandom looking for a new story to read and follow. Absolutely fantastic read. Apart from the plot, characterisations, story flow, originality and every other wonderful thing it's the tone I enjoyed most. I have never read a full length story in this tone, style, one I usually associate with one shots and stand alones. What utter brilliance. Honestly can't sing the praises enough for you as a writer. Looking forward to more! Congratulations on your opus!
drkaitiewhoo chapter 23 . 12/19/2018
circumvolation chapter 23 . 12/19/2018
I love this story so much even if it's updated sporadically. Thank you
arizonadaydreamer chapter 23 . 12/18/2018
Thank you so much for the update! Muses will be muses and we are at their mercy, but I'm so happy to see you still dedicated to this one.
voldyismyfather chapter 23 . 12/18/2018
omg i had forgotten how much i loved this story. i re read the whole thing which is why ive taken a day longer to review than promised. amazing chapter and it was brilliant the whole thing with Severus still ensuring Draco's passage to the Order. Lovely work.
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