Reviews for Klepto
Sak chapter 14 . 9/10/2020
He was just so totally naked mm mm mmm
Sak chapter 13 . 9/10/2020
It's just so good when she pickpockets Bane
Sak chapter 12 . 9/9/2020
Aw I forgot this nice chapter and their standing together. Not dancing
Sak chapter 11 . 9/9/2020
It is such a good thing that Dal and goby came to help. It would have been difficult for her otherwise
Sak chapter 10 . 9/9/2020
They were so chummy I love this chapter
Sak chapter 9 . 9/9/2020
Everything greatly explained
Sak chapter 8 . 9/9/2020
I like that you kept her robin hood stealing even in the unknown land
Sak chapter 7 . 9/9/2020
Totally cool
Sak chapter 6 . 9/9/2020
I wish they spent more time in their room together.. sweaty... But it is definitely more believable your way
Sak chapter 5 . 9/9/2020
She's busy so classy and confident
Sak chapter 17 . 7/20/2020
Still pure gold.
FrkMTV chapter 23 . 6/20/2020
Fantastic story! Lovely written ️
Sak chapter 23 . 3/24/2020
Thank you.
I think in any other situation the author wouldn't be able to pull off a good, tasteful, believable epilogue to this epilogue... Of their reunion... But I know you could. :)
Sak chapter 22 . 3/24/2020
Their parting was perfect
Sak chapter 21 . 3/24/2020
My heart is definitely racing with this chapter. Your genius astounds me.
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