Reviews for The Lord of the House of the Golden Flower
Glory Bee chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
I am so glad your friend asked for a Glorfindel story as this was very touching. :)
Prophetic Fire chapter 1 . 8/11/2003
Aw, how beautiful! I love it! I won't stop smiling for a week! I'd say more, but that's all I have. need to write more of these things.
Soledad too lazy to log in chapter 1 . 6/8/2003
Aw, that was so sweet! How come that I never seen this story before? I really should spend more time checking...

I could literally see how Turgon and his people worked on the building of Gondolin - and young EƤrendil was really cute. I liked your OC, too, and I'm glad you allowed them a happy end... after 50 years of courting and about an Age of being separated. :)
Lady Peredhel chapter 1 . 5/4/2003
Finally, I found a good Glorfindel's story. It was touching and I enjoyed reading it very much. :)
Thirteen Black Roses chapter 1 . 2/6/2003
WOOOOOHOOOOOO! yay! i like that one! but u should make another chapter or a sequel or something to tell how he came back cause he died and even if he got out of mandos he wouldve been in valinor not middle earth...*hits self* i will stop being such a geek...i will stop being such a geek... im soooooo glad u put the reunion in at the end...i love happy endings.
Ithilwen too lazy to log in chapter 1 . 1/8/2003
Well, I hope E. W. liked her present! You've written a very appealing Glorfindel here, and the romance was sweet but not cloying. There aren't too many happy Silmarillion-based fics out there; this is one of the nicer ones I've read, because the happy ending doesn't seem forced (as most do).
ARtanis chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
AWww... Glor's fic! And he is with a lady!

Favulea is very sweet, but not Mary suish, I am glad that Glor is "hooked" up with a lady like her.

And most of all, I am glad they are united again. Go Glor!
Klose chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
Awww... that was sweet. You know, if I could write a proper story that short, and still have a certain thing called a plot like this one, I'd be so happy. :)
finch chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
Lovely and sad - until the happy ending. I particularly liked Earendil's little ship and found myself hoping it would survive the Fall of Gondolin (so thank you for making it so)!

If I have a complaint, it's that it is too short; I'd have liked to see Favulea fight at the sack of Sirion, instead of being told about it.
elizabeth wyeth chapter 1 . 12/31/2002
Jilian! This was so WONDERFUL! Thank you for the Xmas gift. You now realize that I will be drawing a picture of Earendil and Glorfindel...perhaps one of Idril and Tuor.

Yikes, but that was so nice of you!
