Reviews for The Ties That Bind |
Guest chapter 4 . 10/17/2024 Lo dicho, una grosera malcriada insoportable |
Guest chapter 3 . 10/17/2024 En serio Edward la trata mal? Qué ridícula, al contrario le soporta todos sus caprichos y altanerías |
divyvicki chapter 42 . 9/4/2024 Great mafia story!. Can’t wait to read more. |
Divyvicki chapter 29 . 8/23/2024 She really is immature, but she was right about Esme not gossiping to Carlisle about their marital status |
divyvicki chapter 13 . 6/27/2024 Foolish foolish girl! |
divyvicki chapter 10 . 6/15/2024 I’m with Bella. I need answers soon! |
divyvicki chapter 7 . 6/15/2024 Why don’t they just explain to her what’s happening so she won’t be such a brat! |
CynMar Rom chapter 42 . 6/1/2024 Awwwwww. Poor Bella. Edward knew she would act out eventually for all she went through, so how is he still mad? Ugh. Men. Running to read the sequel! Thanks for sharing! |
divyvicki chapter 4 . 5/30/2024 Why wont they tell her what is going on. |
divyvicki chapter 3 . 5/30/2024 I’m finding this facinating. |
QueenGB chapter 42 . 3/21/2024 After all of the ups downs and tantrums we still don’t have a mob version of HEA? Thats sad. I did really like the story even though Bella was exhausting. Well done. |
QueenGB chapter 39 . 3/21/2024 Bang bang bitch! |
QueenGB chapter 38 . 3/21/2024 I hope our little Bella listens to the head of her family. This is a big ask. |
QueenGB chapter 37 . 3/21/2024 Yay. Now lets kill some siblings and bad guys. |
QueenGB chapter 36 . 3/21/2024 Are we going to the mattresses? |