Reviews for The Return
Joker Army chapter 6 . 11/2/2015
Plot twist, I have great idea because I want to see it, where orochimaru saves naruto and orochimaru becomes a good guy and naruto a friend again
Unspeakable-Hastur chapter 6 . 11/2/2015
Decent chapter. Mainly enjoyed the flashback and the interaction between Tsunade and Toka. I don't particularly like how quickly it seems Naruto is developing feelings for another woman, despite having on returned some time ago, and missed out on a lot with Tsunade. I would think that he would be making up with lost time and not eyeing another woman. Surely, Hiruzen thought his students how to remain 'professional' while on missions. . .

Hiruzen's reasons for suggesting the CRA makes little sense. Even if Naruto agreed to CRA there isn't any guarantee that Mikoto won't be any birth complication or be able to conceive for that matter. If he truly cared about his students, like he claims to, then he would ask them to do something like that. I'm questioning if he even cares, seeing how he manipulate Tsunade into considering it. The argument about bringing back powerful clans is an insult towards all those not named Uchiha, Senju and Uzumakis. Hiruzen is basically saying 'You might be powerful but still not worth it." In this context, Hiruzen is no better than A or Danzo. Hiruzen really has nothing to lose because he knows Toka will be trained by Tsunade and Naruto. So, not only will Konoha have their weapon, but also future Rinnegan users. . .yeah. . .Danzo much?

Despite my dislike with Mikoto adding to the pairing, this is still a good Naruto x Tsunade/family story at the core. The interactions between Naruto, Tsunade and Toka is a high point, and I trust you as an author to not get side track with Naruto x Mikoto and forget about the interactions between grandparents and grandchild.

Sorry if this sounded like a flame for that wasn't my intentions.
WhatzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzUP chapter 6 . 11/2/2015
Flashbacks...i'm kinda 50/50 on. I wouldn't mind them in your story, but for the most part I'd prefer if they were rare. I feel like you've already developed the character to a point personality wise where flashbacks for the most part will be unnecessary. I generally only like seeing flashbacks to explain why a character has such and such personality quirk or maybe going back onto a more 'intimate' scene...

I could see you using them here and there, and in the same concept that you did in this chapter, but otherwise i'd keep them relatively rare, and further and further room in between each one as the story develops unless you do it for example, with toka during a training mission or to explain how a character has developed after a long absence from last meeting them in the story.

Also i'd advise having Pein or an associate of Akatsuki either getting in contact with, or spying on Naruto. A new character, directly linked to a jinchuriki would get their attention, especially two of S class rank in Tsunade and Naruto. Especially with Zetsu, since he is the most likely to find his appearance as an oddity to be researched if you keep his character close to cannon. A.K.A the some thousand year old mastermind of the moon's eye plan. Kinda depends on how close you are keeping it to canon.

Will like to see how Sasuke develops in this story as well, especially with Toka in the academy considering his 'mission' issued by his father.

Also, great chapter man! Really in love with this story.
Ace chapter 5 . 11/1/2015
I like to see Hinata and Toka be on the same team with kiba. It will be interesting to see who there team teacher will be maybe Kurenai or Mikoto.

Since Naruto and tsunami are young again they can have another child so the Senju line can continue or Naruto could have a child with Mikoto so their will be a Senju, Uchiha child to bring both clans together plus end the hated between them :)

The way you write your fighting scenes its very easy to follow and it is all very well written. Overall the story is an excellent read and keeps the readers wanting more.

Thank you for this cool story. I am also looking forward to more upcoming chapters :)
Guest chapter 6 . 11/1/2015
This story is awesome. I think Mikoto needs to get a divorce. The clan line can still continue maybe naruto will have a child with tsunade or mikoto since naruto is young again.

It will be interesting to see you is going to be Toka joinn teacher will be maybe Kurenai yuhi with team members Hinata and kiba etc in the same team, team 8.
Alex2909 chapter 5 . 11/1/2015
love how naruto kicks ass and causes havoc. looking forward to some bonding between him and toka
Delta3950 chapter 6 . 11/1/2015
You know there is a way that you could have made a Harem if you truly wanted to. Many stories have this thing called the CRA, as Naruto is the last male of two clans(Senju and Uzumaki) he could take on another woman if the council wished it, and because Naruto is not only a Ninja but also from two clans only the Shinobi Council should have say of whether or not he goes into the CRA.
Rickjames196 chapter 5 . 11/1/2015
Lulz he knew gai's n kakashi's dads. Hahah poor kurenai he breaks genjutsus as a reflex. Ouch poor kurenai beat with genjutsu ahaha. Dang anko is a bad ass, I think that has to be one of the best anko fights ahaha. AHaha he got chakra chains. Poor min min rasegan is Naruto's jutsu. I thought the fight scenes were pretty good. Aww no tsume, lame U.U
pr0dz chapter 6 . 10/31/2015
Aw man a Yuri side pairing... the Senju line is gone lol
Superengineer chapter 6 . 10/31/2015
I love your story it is very well written. I think its really cool to have Naruto U, Tsunade S, Mikoto U as the romance which is awesome. Plus I really do want to see Mikoto make some new friends and gain some old friendships back and she will be better off with Naruto :)

Can Naruto summons be a dragon or tigers, something that is really cool.

Keep updating I'm at the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next:) update soon proud follower :)
DracoKing30 chapter 6 . 10/31/2015
cant wait for new chapters ob this cool story
Divinesent chapter 6 . 10/30/2015
Your choice is sound, and your reasoning legit. I personally enjoy harem a lot, but your story is flushed out enough that putting in a harem without it being grounded would ruin it. Stick to what your planning and ignore the hate. "If it's good, they will come."
Guest chapter 6 . 10/29/2015
Mikoto is still in so that's all that matters. I hope you're not a yuri craze or anything cuz of the Toka/Hinata pairing. I really hate yuri especially in harems. If yuri is between two girls fine, but if those two girls are Naruto's girls then fuck that lameass shit.
twell101 chapter 6 . 10/29/2015
I think you made a good choice scraping the H route for a threesome. Much easier to follow and believe. Looking forward to your next update.
ncpfan chapter 5 . 10/29/2015
Good chapter, here. I'm really looking forward to seeing Naruto and Mikoto interact more once Mikoto wakes up. I do believe that Mikoto earned Naruto's respect in a way that none of the others did, and I'm especially looking forward to seeing Naruto stick it to Fugaku and winning Mikoto away from him.
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