Reviews for To Catch a Flower
Maeko chapter 1 . 1/4/2003
I don't know what else to say but: *snort* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Gure-san's like, what, 28, 29? And our Tooru chan is 17 or 18? Ew ew ew ew *cracks up all the same*

I'm so curious, but I have the feeling I'm going to be looking away quickly at times and scrolling down so as not to destroy my innocence!

Ha ha ha...

Anyway, very well written and the Japanese words all fit in well. I'm struggling with that in my own unpublished fic b/c I want it to flow well!

One l'il thing: your last sentence is kinda fragmenty in a way that seems a little odd to me. Maybe a DOT DOT DOT before "completely" would help? But it's just a wonderful story!

Keep it up!
Maie chapter 1 . 1/4/2003
Please finish? I love the idea of Shigure having funny ideas of Tohru. It's really funny . lol.
Small Lady chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
Ah! I've only seen a few episodes so I'm rather unsure about all of this, but I'll keep reading. Hurry up and write some more!
1surfer chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
you did a good job ~~~~pats sailorpanda on head and hands over sexy shigure plushies~~~~
Indigo Blooms chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
yay! a gureru! they make a pretty hot couple imo. i wonder how it's all gonna turn out.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
kewl! i cant wait for the next chapter...i love shigure x best couple! lolz! cant wait to see shigure flirting with tohru and get it on! hehehhehehhe lemon fic are the best! keep up the work and write soon! you got good techniques man
rowan chapter 1 . 1/2/2003
you do a really excellent job of keeping everyone in character. it'll be a trip to see how you pull this off.
Shadowfox13 chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
*LOL* I just had to read this since I'm still waiting for the other one, but I just want to say I really like it! Just another fic for me to wait for,eh? *LOL*

Will it be just a fic in general or will there be any pairing here?
snowflake chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
you're doing a shigure x tohru too! *squeals* omg! you're like the queen of alternative pairings! as long as they involve tohru *giggles*
Nano-chan chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
EEEEK! That was sooooo wonderful! _

But...the bad thing is I'm doin a Shigure/Tohru fic now too! ;_;

Oh well, you rock! I absolutely LOVE this fic!

I might be weird, but I think the Gure/Tohru couple is bomb

Well, keep up the good work, and next make more action ;D!

pantau chapter 1 . 1/1/2003
I really hope you will continue this fic soon.

I like the pairing Shigure x Tohru!

It is more interesting for me to read something far away from the usual pairings

Yuki x Tohru or Kyo x Tohru!

Now I'm looking forward to the next chapters.

And it's no problem to use the japanese terms, as long as you give short explanations for someone like me! Cuz my understanding japanese is not as good as yours! :)))

Whoa *_*

So far my review:

I like your fic _
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