Reviews for Femme Fatale
sz3ianne chapter 26 . 8/20/2024
It's an outstanding story! You kept me on the edge of my seat. Not many writers do crime drama, which I love to read and try to figure out. I caught on to the lipstick quickly, but the murderer wasn't who I thought it was. I was leaning towards their fifth year with the pink toad, and the murderer was scarred by the DA group for snitching. The other list was the Slythrians who worked for the pink toad. As I write this review, I can't remember her name.
KristieRoxie chapter 26 . 5/29/2024
Nice wrap up to the good old murder mystery romance genre.
KristieRoxie chapter 24 . 5/29/2024
And of course Millicent's father doesn't think anything is wrong with this daughter. He probably pushed her into the shyness shell that was so hard for her get out of.
KristieRoxie chapter 23 . 5/29/2024
I swear I hate killers who blame everyone else because they were shy and meek and didn't put theirselves out there. It is not the Hogwarts Class of 1998's fault that no one paid attention to Millicent, that's all on her for trying to change things.
KristieRoxie chapter 17 . 5/29/2024
The killer actually sleeping with the women and men would've been a great plot twist
KristieRoxie chapter 11 . 5/29/2024
Ahhh! I hope Harry, Ginny, and Draco don't use the body paint before Hermione finds out the exact brand. Cause I'm pretty sure the killer isn't buying multiple brands of body paint from different stores
KristieRoxie chapter 4 . 5/29/2024
I get Hermione's reasoning about not wanting to sleep with a co-worker but she really should've thought of that before sleeping with Draco. Even if he lived in France, there was always a chance he could've gotten transferred back to Britain since that's where he was born and raised and it's where he went through his Auror training.
But I also agree with Ron. A workplace relationship only gets messy when you and your partner can't separate work from pleasure and start being petty about one or the other.
Rome4 chapter 26 . 12/7/2023
great mystery. this was like an episode of NCIS. Thank you for sharing your time and imagination. wonderful story.
Rome4 chapter 25 . 12/7/2023
Rome4 chapter 24 . 12/7/2023
while I'm a huge fan of Ron-bashing, I love that everyone gets along in this story. Ron has his own area of expertise and isn't in Harry or Hermione's shadows. Ron's also not saying death eater scum or filthy snakes every other sentence. oh how I love the stories you create in HP fanfiction.
Rome4 chapter 23 . 12/7/2023
interesting. out of the listed girls in the lipstick chapter, she was my guess along with the one in America. They seemed like they had few friends or were on the edge of the popular group. I'm curious how she did it, the poison, lipstick and body paint. where are her parents/family? I'm really glad it wasn't who I thought about early on, had it been it would have had to play out just like you wrote it.
Rome4 chapter 22 . 12/7/2023
so, who will it be? I think it has to be one of the girls mentioned in the chapter where they collected the lipstick. there were people that had a obvious connection to the cosmetic industry, but?
Rome4 chapter 21 . 12/7/2023
is it purposeful that they haven't considered that the witch had cosmetic surgery on her face? Only her possible fake breast have been mentioned. we know from one of your earlier chapters that MLE has had contact with the killer. They need current photos of their classmates. Hogwarts needs a yearbook or reunion photos. lol
Rome4 chapter 17 . 12/7/2023
I hope they talk to Blaise, I'm sure it was him and Theo she marked at the bar? So the killer has to have been in the same year as the victims/targets. She knows an awful lot about everyone, so I'm guessing school gossip girl or her friend...maybe?
Rome4 chapter 16 . 12/7/2023
they need a break in this case.
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