Reviews for Slow Seduction |
Legolas chapter 8 . 1/7/2017 What! NO! Why haven't you added to the story! |
magda chapter 8 . 7/31/2016 good strory. too bad it end here. i'd love to se some kind of happy ending for legolas |
Guest chapter 8 . 3/30/2013 Next chapter will be out quicker?! |
gginsc chapter 8 . 2/23/2013 Ok, It seems that Legolas returned to Middle Earth. Are you ever going to finish this story? |
AnimeLover'sInTown chapter 8 . 1/17/2013 I am confused, what happened to legolas? :/ |
Torchwood-Babe chapter 8 . 2/4/2011 What? Why have you stopped i really like this story you can't stop now! Please Please Please Please update soon. I want to find out what happens next! |
Crystal Haze chapter 8 . 3/31/2008 Next chapter out QUICKER? It's been 4 YEARS! Please, please update! I used to think you were the undisputed queen of RL/SB AU, but you right this pairing so well too. And try to update Teacher's Pet too, please, I hate it when writers leave such wonderful stories unfinished! |
00000000000000000000000000000 chapter 8 . 6/8/2007 how is Legolas going to get back? |
Padfoot's Fuzzy Angel chapter 5 . 1/27/2006 A Legolas and Aragorn fic yay! I love your work, really, I do. If you ever write a book, I'll push all the little kiddies out of the way and head straight to the front of the line first before either of them can say Quidditch! Wait...That's Harry Potter... *Shrug* I don't know much LOTR stuff. Believe me. This story is fantastic. All of your stories are fantastic. How do you do it? You must be more creative than I xP And did I mention that you're on my favorite's list? Well, you are. Finally, please forgive me...I haven't been the type of person who reviews a story constantly! -Bows head and looks shamefaced- I am also thinking about embellishing a Livejournal account...Again...(Sorry for this long review! Which is severely getting side tracked, and my apologies for it) I get confuse with those type of big communities. I'll try and join the 'Dark Side of Sirius' club. Anyways, enough of this ramble, I'm getting overly side tracked here. Love the work! Don't give it up. PFA |
Chibixholic chapter 8 . 12/12/2005 I can't wait to see what happens to Elladan/Elrohir...] I love that pairing now...and I also hope that Aragorn finds his way back to Legolas...please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next! |
Kiao chapter 1 . 10/25/2005 yes, yes I just review before .. just sendin a shout out! . You're a swimmer AND into anime and manga (and HP AND LOTR!) .V you just made my day hun! Me too! What anime/manga are you into? and how the HELL (scuze the swearing) have you gotten livejournal to work? I've tried to post and my own firewall's blockin me . .*grunbles* . but ya! do you still compete? .V seriously you just made my day hun! I've been looking for anime/swimmer types at my college and have been sadly unfounded. . . . wel! Ja ne! ~*o*~ (please excuse all the rambling . .I've had WAY too much sugar then healthy) ~K |
Kiao chapter 8 . 10/25/2005 Just an amusing thought! . I got the song "Candy Shop" by 50cent in my head when I heard your description of this story. . I also read it and enjoy it. . . just thought you may be as amused as I was by this odd . .. . odd music tweek I had. I really really like the story though, though it DEFINITLY has a different connotation verses "Candy Shop" . I denfinitly think for the better . . *ironic smirk* . . they may not appreciate that on verses . . . anywho . .like ur stuff .. sry for the random rambling but I found it WAY too amusing to not share (specially the one w/ 50 Cent in the Lotr realm .. *dies of laughter*) Have a great day! OOh and if you wanna beta or someone to bounce of plot bunnies, I haven't done it in a while due to a fight w/ some of the girls here at (I helped for a while) but I like your style so send me a shout if you'd like it! ~*o*~ ~K |
narel chapter 8 . 9/20/2005 NO.. MORE..? -sobs- |
Captain Oz chapter 8 . 8/18/2005 Ok- first fic in this fandom I read, and therefore first A/L slash. Amazing! Please don't leave it like that- Legolas has to go and make Aragorn happy again, then we'll all be able to sleep in our beds. |
geminillama 2 lazy to log in chapter 8 . 7/13/2005 gah! why... why did you stop? I must have more! Oh please, even if you make it up on the spot and its three senteces long, finish this? I'll love you forever? I'll pimp you on my lj, i'll bring you anyone you like on a platter, i'll do anything! |