Reviews for Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw
porter.allred chapter 53 . 2/6
WAIT WTF, im confused
porter.allred chapter 52 . 2/6
oh my god I love Plato and Floating-Interest
noobsaleh chapter 58 . 1/26
If Alex changing from spectral to solid causes her to shoot out of Luna, why did the rain explode, and why did the Chimaera feel mortal peril?
noobsaleh chapter 57 . 1/25
Virgo is top of her year? Even ahead of Luna? Is that a mistake?
juliabeck chapter 1 . 1/20
I just read your story, and I absolutely loved it with all my heart. I am very interested in converting it into a comic and have been waiting for this. I also want to discuss a lot about this story with you.

Discord: julia_beck
chapin94 chapter 34 . 1/16
i really hate that you made James and liy not even give a damn about Harry
maiqsmail chapter 53 . 1/7
All the long setup and now the fic really dips into crackfic.
maiqsmail chapter 52 . 1/7
Fandom needs more house elf on goblin interracial porn. Also, why was it censored away? WHERE ARE MY LEMONS?!
maiqsmail chapter 49 . 1/5
Oh god what. I can't decide whether this chapter is brilliant, insane or a mix of both. Basilisk gaze petrifying fiendfire? Souls eaten and melted together by essentially occlumency guardian? *Lamia* animagus? As in monster girl anime Lamia?
London Knight chapter 69 . 1/2
Just read Chapter 86 on leadvone dot com : Brilliant stuff & nice to see Lucius scared shitless for a change ... *evil*

And we only have to wait until Saturday 8pm (UK Time) to wait for the Next One ! Hope we find out what Virgo is up to ... ?
LK out .
maiqsmail chapter 47 . 1/4
Stuff like that is why I love longfics. Smaller stories just don't have the word count to fit in something like slice of life.
maiqsmail chapter 46 . 1/4
Would it kill you to STOP putting CONVERSION RATES after EVERY chapter? It was interesting first few times, but if people can't remember that so many chapters later, they won't be able to follow the plot anyway.
Princess Void Dancer chapter 2 . 1/4
I just looked back to chapter 2 to check on something I noticed in chapter 83. You are a devious, devious man for planting that seed so far back! :D
Princess Void Dancer chapter 1 . 1/4
Found your website and binged on chapters 69 to 86! Oh wow! And only a 10 hour wait now for chapter 87! Thank you so much :)
maiqsmail chapter 43 . 1/3
"Unless you want to go through life speaking only Russian"
А вот сейчас обидно было.
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