Reviews for The Arrows |
guest chapter 1 . 3/26 Who are the men of 'Mirkwood"? |
Lydwina Marie chapter 1 . 6/19/2017 Oh, this is sad. Short, but deep. Great job! |
AmpalayaJuice chapter 1 . 5/17/2016 Wow. So I'm kind of reading your stories and wow. |
Eosrora chapter 1 . 1/28/2016 Since I read this, I can't get it out of my head! At first, I thought this story was too hopeless for my taste, but I nonetheless keep reading it time and time again: there is something darkly attractive and hearthbreakingly touching in this fic! It took me a while, but at last I'm reviewing, because you have to know how great your job is! And also because I'd love to read more and I'm hoping against hope that it had all been a huge misunderstanding or a dream (well, more of a nightmare), for it can't be true! And most important, I hope the man and his elven friend are not those two I'm thinking about... I can't even write their names, because when I try, I shiver... I'm in denial... At the same time, though, I know it can't but be true and it hurts! And I'm trying to figure out what happened and save everybody, but I fear I can't... And I fall in love with this little jewel all over again! This is so wonderful and inspirational! I'm re-reading this even now, while reviewing, and I wish there were more words to express my feelings and emotions, but there aren't and it's a shame... This story it's brethtaking! One last thing, thank you for opening me Tolkien's world! Were it not for you, I'd still miss something very important and amazing; I owe you! Once again, great fic! And sorry, this review got out of control ;) PS just in case you were wondering, I modified my pen-name a bit, but you know me as just Fiordineve :) |
nyx thranduillon chapter 1 . 10/27/2015 Intriguing and powerfully written. I for one would love to know more :) |
KiyaNamiel chapter 1 . 10/24/2015 Wow Eryniel, great drabble! It's really poignant and sad, but still a great little oneshot and very expressive. I'm glad you changed the animal hide thing, they are right about that. Keep up the great work! May the Valar guide your pen, Kiya~ |
Eryniel Alasse chapter 1 . 10/24/2015 Yes, I'm reviewing my own story. Sorry, but I have a good reason! Just an update: After a pair of reviewers pointed out that broadhead arrows are not terribly effective against armor, I changed the "armor" description to "animal hide." Thank you to those people who told me! Eryn |
WeilIchsKann chapter 1 . 10/24/2015 Hi there! Nicely written. One thing though: Bodkins are the armor piercing kind of arrowheads. They have extremely fine points and are all in all very narrow. Broadheads would be more effective against unarmored people (and were to my knowledge used to hunt). See ya! WIK |
guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2015 Confused broadleaf with broadhead - sorry! |
TMI Fairy chapter 1 . 10/24/2015 Broadleafs are not AP. So the Woodsmen of Mirkwood have harsh laws. Jolly good for them! Borys |