Reviews for Metro City Zombie War
PrayerGirl chapter 25 . 3/19
I am not a zombie fan at all, but this story is so freaking good! I love all the characters how everyone is with everyone and the intrigue behind it all! I cannot wait for more of this story! It's just too good kt to continue it! Please update soon!
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 3/12
Wow! Awesome start!
Bergerac chapter 25 . 3/4
second time ive read this story. i really hope you don't abandon it. i want more
Guest chapter 25 . 1/6
Wow! I LOVED this story!
Prismet chapter 25 . 9/28/2023
Just finished rereading and catching up on this. It’s always a pleasure to see what you’ve done with the plot! Thanks for the great fic :))
FoolishFangirling chapter 25 . 4/16/2023
This story is amazing! Please continue writing!
Guest chapter 25 . 4/7/2023
This story is so well written with excellent character development! I really enjoyed the often neglected slice of life problems such as running water, bathrooms, and dealing with chronic illness during a disaster. Theses elements really added to the worldbulding, backstories, and web of relationships that flushed out Megamind and Roxan's characters. I thought it was an inspired ballance of action, romance, and the every day concerns that go into running a city during a disaster. I would gladly read more hint hint...
Bergerac chapter 25 . 11/25/2022
you need to write more!
christopher.foy1 chapter 1 . 11/6/2022
Excellent story!
Guest chapter 25 . 10/15/2022
I have read this fic again after some time. I love to continue like this, excellent work.
YuppityYupYup chapter 1 . 10/7/2022
This is amazing! I can't wait to read more, you're an amazing writter!
Keep up the good work!
Omniwriter1234 chapter 6 . 5/17/2022
I really doubted this story when I started reading, the whole zombie apocalypse thing in Megamind, but this is incredible. I don't know how you did it but this is amazing.
steel.metal14 chapter 25 . 4/12/2022
absolutely wonderful. I can't wait for more
Guest chapter 25 . 4/10/2022
Wo ho I re read your story and found 2 new chapters can't wait to read more keep it up were still here
Sarah H chapter 25 . 4/6/2022
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