Reviews for Hand-Me-Down Ranma -- A Good Fit? |
![]() ![]() Mmmm a sweet compressive nabiki? nope Why, why someone always has to make akane look like a bitch in order to pair ranma to someone else? And of course poor innocent ranma is the victim -.- |
![]() ![]() Genius. Great. |
![]() ![]() This was out of character as fuck, but still interesting. Carry on, I may not fully Support this couple, but it is much better than the horrible Kuno\Nabiki abomination. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well this is fanfic and we can consider this partly AU and assume Soun does not earn much as he obviously does not have a job and Nabiki isn't that much of an immoral character who gets to go scot free of all troubles. In canon, how she gets away from trouble is unbelievable and her folks does NOTHING! they don't even correct her! In canon, Nabiki was such an immoral character borderline criminal, but...then again Ranma 1/2 was just not a serious series like Inuyasha from the same author, as it had too many ridiculous plots twists and it was a bit of a satire or honor codes and other old traditions. Even those curses Ranma and Genma got were too conveniently fit on their character, as Ranma's curse represents his extreme pride on being a male and Genma being lazy. Marriage life Ranma and Akane with that curse would only bring him endless trouble and misery...she couldn't even see the obvious hint of Ryoga's curse. Anyway...there are already tons of fic featuring Ranma x Akane and we all know that happened in canon and so on. It would be too boring (at least for me) to see that pairing yet again on fanfic too. A bit of refreshing change would be great, instead of the usual deal of the forever done and already happened canon (Ranma x Akane). I wouldn't mind if it were anything but Ranma and Akane, which we saw in canon. Its super rare to see a different pairing fic. It would be a loooooong time when Akane thank Nabiki in this fic verse. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah... this is a concept that could easily become really, really bad. You're already showing signs of the characterizations; psycho mallet-happy bitch Akane, breadwinner Nabiki with a heart of gold, and of course poor, angsty, abused Ranma, who hates his life and cannot be blamed for any of his problems. Which is ironic, because the entire point of the story that you are re-writing was to show once and for all that Nabiki was NOT going to fall in love with Ranma, Akane could actually become quiet and depressed when she thought Ranma had fallen for someone else, and Ranma, naïve and socially awkward as he is, just simply can't take responsibility for his mistakes. On the other hand, if you're SERIOUS about this, then it could be pretty good. The description of Akane from this chapter is from Nabiki's point of view, and Nabiki could easily believe that about her. It's unlikely that Nabiki could believe she is in love with Ranma, but she could regret missing the chance to take him on as her fiancée and having him as a protector and breadwinner. And Ranma has not yet been betrayed by Nabiki, (as he has in stories set after this arc) so he actually could fall for her, especially if Nabiki starts taking the engagement seriously instead of constantly trying to sell it. In short, if you have people acting consistently with how they actually did in this storyline, with slightly different motivations and a different eventual ending, then this could be a pretty good story. Or, you can have them act consistently with how they behave in fanon, and I'm sure that will make all the Akane bashers and Ranma/Nabiki shippers happy. Either way, you'll get lots of reviews. |
![]() ![]() ![]() An interesting start, hope to see more. While others have attempted to start stories based on your premise, they often made the mistake of utilizing the Nabiki persona from the end of the series (i.e. amoral, sociopathic, and obsessed with acquiring wealth to the exclusion of all else) or utilized a Ranma persona that was obsessed with Akane and no other. Both of which doomed their stories from the outset, and pretty much indicated that the writer had never actually intended to try and get Ranma and Nabiki together in a relationship...merely create an interlude in the relationship between Ranma and Akane. I hope this is not what you're planning, and actually intend to try and make a relationship develop and work between Ranma and Nabiki. One of the major issues I see in the Ranma/Akane relationship, which remains prevalent in nearly all fanfiction, is Akane's obsession to "get rid of" all the other girls chasing Ranma, regardless of any consequences they may face if they don't get Ranma for themselves, and keep him exclusively for herself. And this has also usually been done in any story wherein Nabiki tries to establish a relationship with Ranma...eliminate the competition. There was one story I read, wish I could read it again, that I can't remember the title of, wherein Ranma ended up in a relationship with Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi. It was hilarious, and actually may have worked out if not for Ranma being the victim of mental tampering by Shampoo to forget Akane. While Shampoo had, of course, attempted to obtain Ranma for herself, things unexpectedly developed to bring Ukyo and Kodachi into her relationship with Ranma and...things seemed to be looking up all around for the quartet. It would be something for you to consider. Rather than having Nabiki, like Akane (and all the other girls), attempting to rid themselves of competition for Ranma's attentions...looked instead for a means of working with her new rivals for Ranma's attentions to the betterment of all involved. Shampoo is nearly as skilled as Ranma in the Art, Kodachi has all that money, and Ukyo is an accomplished businesswoman. If Nabiki can somehow get them all cooperating and working together...she'd be set for life. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yeaahhh no. Nabiki's completely out of character here. She's never once expressed any interest in Ranma beyond "Source of amusement/spending money." We see, in canon, exactly how it would go if Nabiki was engaged to Ranma. She'd constantly take advantage of him and make him miserable. The observations about Akane spoken in the story are completely wrong as well. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is pretty good idea, i like it, I'm pretty open minded on which girl Ranma gets in the story. Thou only of the said girl was redeeming herself a little or alot in the effort to be with Ranma. Nabiki raised some valid points and seems she doing it for the right reasons and to find happiness as well. Do hope to read more chapters, keep up the good work. |