Reviews for Windless Air
Jenely Lugo chapter 20 . 7/8/2004
the story was great hope to see more
Eve-Of-Misery chapter 20 . 6/19/2004
It was great. I loved it so much, I can't believe that Kaiba was such a great guy.
Eve-Of-Misery chapter 7 . 6/19/2004
You are so mean, I hate you. No I don't you're a great writer I love your story!
HazelFlynn chapter 1 . 6/18/2004
Hi it's me again!I hope you don't mind me reviewing a second time.I just doing this so I can add your stoy to my favourit stories list!
XxScorpio-MoonxX chapter 10 . 6/15/2004
Hey Hey! Anyways, gotta say that i love this fic. Keep up the good work!
XxScorpio-MoonxX chapter 5 . 6/11/2004
Hey there! I really like this fic. IT's very interesting seeing as the idea is very original as far as i know. I usually review every five chapters, so you'll be seeing more of me. Anyways, keep up the good work!
Divine Dragoon 325 chapter 20 . 5/30/2004
Um, Ahem, Kaiba is his LAST name. If they are supposed to be dating, shouldn't she call him Seto?

It is a great story otherwise.
SetoxSerenity4ever chapter 1 . 5/29/2004
great story! i love it. i'll add you 2 my favorite list.
Kyatto chapter 20 . 5/27/2004
Awe! _ This fanfic is so sweet! Seto and Serenity make a cute couple. They both would do anything for each other... that's what makes this story so awesome! I love it! I hope you make a sequel!
frankenwolf chapter 10 . 4/23/2004
new reader, aweesome more!
Inufan123 chapter 20 . 4/21/2004
Hey I loved it! Girl/boy this fanfic is pure genius! Please e-mail me when you have finshed createing another Seto*Serenity fanfic...CHOW!
HazelFlynn chapter 20 . 4/17/2004
Good story!:)
cyjj chapter 20 . 4/14/2004 sweet
Inspirationwriter chapter 20 . 4/7/2004
DarkYing chapter 20 . 4/5/2004
*sigh* how romantic
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