Reviews for Windless Air
Michelleium chapter 19 . 9/8/2003
I love your story so much! It's been awesome reading it! You are an excellent writer, and I hope to read all of your future stories!

Seto/Serenity stories RULE! Ha ha, you go girl!
Cristal Ball chapter 19 . 9/6/2003
Continue soon alright?
ChibiSerenity3 chapter 19 . 9/6/2003
Love the chapter...

Plz update soon!
hotpinkfleur chapter 19 . 9/6/2003
Wow, a new chapter so soon! Just kidding, I love your story and wait eagrly for the new chaps. Keep writing!
Dark-Illusion chapter 19 . 9/5/2003

Hagumi chapter 19 . 9/5/2003
Woah...Serenity Rose Friends? Never would've thought of it. And quite an interesting way you made them become one, too _~ lol anyways as always, great chapter! Er, and I hope Joey, I meant Friends - doesn't bother Kaiba Serenity's 'date'! *frowns disapprovingly at the boys* I mean, you better give 'em a nice date! IF it is going to be your last chapter...Ja!
VanillaMoose4132 chapter 11 . 9/5/2003
Serenity is one of the top ranked duelists who uses the Dark Magician Girl when she gets serious. Her brother doesn't like the fact that she's going out with Seto Kaiba, but she might be the one to melt Seto's heart. Serenitys eems to see the same side to Seto that Mokuba does. When her parents separated she stayed with her dad. Her dad doesn't want her around and likes it when she runs away. Joey means the world to her, but her little sister Serenity means the universe to her. She Wants to be the best of all duelist around. She has a rare edition of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that happens to be a girl. She is as smart as Seto, but she has her brother's street tough attitude. She finds ways to get out of jams even though there are some she can't get out of. Serenity has a strong tactic that involves re-enforcing her life points and powering up her monsters.

Just wanted u to know i found this. oh and if u can please review my stories, the lovers in nyc and love at first sight, it would be nie, thanks! Seto and Serenity forver!
VanillaMoose4132 chapter 1 . 9/5/2003
Ok Listen up closely! u want proof of them actually being 2gether? then i have got it! i found this Bio of Serenity. Here is what is says:

Serenity is one of the top ranked duelists who uses the Dark Magician Girl when she gets serious. Her brother doesn't like the fact that she's going out with Seto Kaiba, but she might be the one to melt Seto's heart. Serenity seems to see the same side to Seto that Mokuba does. When her parents separated she stayed with her dad. Her dad doesn't want her around and likes it when she runs away. Joey means the world to her, but her little sister Serenity means the universe to her. She Wants to be the best of all duelist around. She has a rare edition of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that happens to be a girl. She is as smart as Seto, but she has her brother's street tough attitude. She finds ways to get out of jams even though there are some she can't get out of. Serenity has a strong tactic that involves re-enforcing her life points and powering up her monsters.

so there ya go! oh and could u please review my stories, the lovers in nyc and love at first sight? thanks, and when i post up the next chapter, i'll include hopefully more info on hte 2 and give out the website. Also i found an even better picture, it's a picture of Seto protecting Serenity! now to only find it again...
DiNxii chapter 18 . 9/2/2003
You leave it as a cliffhanger! Man, what's your problem? If you make me wait three months for an update, I will not have the heart to continue reading your fanfic! So update! And make it soon!
Astassy Sukako chapter 18 . 9/2/2003
o.O Why that bitching Rose! Why dun we play a little game. If you can kill me, then you win, if I kill you, I WIN! * Punches and kills Rose in a second* Oh yeah, eheheh, I'm an authoress, so I can do whateva I want.

Cool chapter! Continue, onegai!
Cavalier Cavalier chapter 18 . 8/29/2003
C'mon hurry! I wanna see what Kaiba does to beat the shit outta Rose! (Mutters) That bitch... Update!

~Life's a bitch, and we have to deal with it...~

Lame comment, huh? Gomen...
edens chaos chapter 18 . 8/28/2003
this is a great story. i really hope you finish it.
Amy chapter 18 . 8/27/2003
This was the first Seto x Serenity fic I had read. I like it! Keep updating, and I've visited your website too! I am a MAJOR FAN OF Seto x Serenity aka Silentshipping! I've liked it ever since the day I first watched Yu-Gi-Oh and saw Kaiba, and noticed Joey thinking of Serenity. I thought to myself, 'Hey, that Kaiba guy would make a good couple with Joey's sister Serenity!' Your fanarts are really good, too! If I get my website online, I will make sure to link to you!
smcandy chapter 18 . 8/26/2003
Oh this is looking good but have the next chapter longer please. Man what a good chapter so far ()

hotpinkfleur chapter 18 . 8/26/2003
Finally! Stupid cliffhangers! WHY? I love this story, update more!
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