Reviews for Try to remember
Vinay-kox01 chapter 1 . 2/6
I came across your work "Try to remember" and love the depth and diversity of the characters and world I believe it would make a fantastic comic and I’d love to help bring it to life

I’m an experienced commission artist specializing in adapting stories into comics If you're interested we can discuss the details, pricing and payment methods in a straightforward and professional manner

Discord: graphic_gold
Twitter: VKox139175
Instagram: vinaykox1

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Andrewnot chapter 2 . 2/5
how the bat family wasn't at all bothered by the fact that he brutally beat a little girl at school
Mariegrey90 chapter 29 . 2/4
Hi there! Your story completely captivated me, and I couldn’t help but think about how amazing it would look in comic form.

I’m a digital artist available for commissions, and I specialize in collaborating with authors to adapt their stories into stunning comics. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’d be happy to discuss the details and bring your story to life!

You can contact me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( Mariegrey90) to chat further. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Curiousman123 chapter 29 . 1/21
What if it turned out that all the kids in south park had their canon powers but didn't do anything and just lived normal lives thinking it was all just a kids game they made up. That would be sick! And it would scare the living shit out of the justice league and the team thinking there are hundreds of kids with superpowers, Some on supermans level just chilling in south park.

I hope you come back to this was really interesting to read!
guest chapter 25 . 1/5
this is hilarious fkn butters! hahahahaha
blinky72 chapter 5 . 12/2/2024
"aftu'a" as in HAWK TUAH?

sorry sorry, this is dumb
Quote chapter 29 . 11/17/2024
Karen had some sort of club meet with her friends. Come to think on it, he didn't actually know what it was. Something gymnastic, but he'd not kept up with her school life so much recently. Part of him thought it was good to let her spread her own wings, take off from under the watchful eye of her guardian angel.
thegamingyusuf chapter 29 . 11/12/2024
Yes I'm so glad this fic got updated. Like usual Kenny is the best.
UnknownReader00 chapter 29 . 10/24/2024
I have read many fanfiction and this is still my favourite.
long time reader chapter 29 . 9/24/2024
hi! just wanted to let you know i really like this piece of work. I bookmarked this on my laptop a while ago, and then promptly broke the laptop, i recently got a new laptop and reactivated my google account and low and behold, there are so many new chapters. this will be the only fic ive read on ffn in literal years and its literally perfect, diving into kennys eldritch background in ways most fics dont (despite the fact its so interesting!) I just wanted to say thanks for writing (and continuously writing) and you have a fan in me! i dont have a ffn account but i will be checking this fic for updates! love this so much!
PsychicTitan chapter 29 . 9/14/2024
So good to see this again. Spaced out chapters or not, this is my absolute favourite fic. Even if it does take a while, I’ll be eagerly looking foreword to every new chapter.
Love seeing a more grounded chapter after the last few turbulent ones. Also really fun seeing Loretta again. Kenny’s got a lot of shit on his plate, and a lot of questions to ponder, but hopefully he can get a bit of normalcy to work through it.
Ewww chapter 29 . 8/31/2024
yayy a update
Reads-by-Lamplight chapter 29 . 8/31/2024
this is a pretty unique and interesting story and I hope you decide to continue it.
Wicked.A chapter 29 . 8/30/2024
Nice chapter
LordNoobReview chapter 29 . 8/25/2024
Love this story. This decompressing chapter was nice. But got to say you're hinting at the fact that the DC universe was turned into reality after the episode “Coon vs. Coon and friends had me laughing like a maniac who belongs in Arkham. I applaud you for creating an origin story allowing for every episode before that one to be 100 percent cannon without any alterations due to the DC existing before that point. (also the fact that Kenny used what I guess is the Blind Idiot God to turn the world into one full of superheroes and villains in tights, weird aliens, New gods, meta humans, the residents of Arkham asylum and more from a superhero comic book company to life in his world and that still makes it a much saner world then what existed before would love to see DC characters reactions to what the South Park world was like when they were just fictional characters in it). I also love how it gives the HP Lovecraft monstrosities their proper due it shows how they truly are cosmic horrors beyond what humans and their heroes or villains can truly stand against and are things beyond Darkside, beyond Brainiac, Trigon, the speed-force or even the anti life equation itself because they are all just dreams made by the feeble minds of humans for fiction and turned real by the dreams of outer gods beyond those very humans understanding. Especially for the one who granted Kenny’s wish for if I’m right on who it is then tell me writer what dream what idea can ever truly threaten its creator sure it might become a nightmare but even those can only do so much for things like strength, speed, intellect, innovation, magic and any form of power we can imagine is just the made up concepts dreamt up by the “lord of all things” the “Daemon-Sultan” Azathoth (I will look forward to the chapter that the heroes/Villains and even the normal everyday background characters or people of metropolis, Gotham, other DC fictional cities like say Loretta realize they are just nameless background characters in a show created for entertainment looking forward realization of any DC character to that fact especially those more powerful and “cosmic ones like say Trigun, Vandal savage or Darkside”. But until then just keep up the great work and look forward to your next chapter whenever that may be.
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