Reviews for Live, Die, Repeat
Reem519 chapter 8 . 7/25
"In case it rains." Lmfao! Indoor?
Scrumblenut chapter 2 . 7/18
Rereading this after a year, and this has to be my favourite chapter, just getting to see how Jaune goes through hell and begins to figure things out. It’s also got a good bit of dark humour that I love.
luisangelreyes122008 chapter 17 . 6/19
are you still alive, bro?
Crusada de Lata chapter 17 . 1/31
Goat Author, forgot thisbwas never completed but it was a good read nonetheless. This one will always have a place in my heart dude you did great while it lasted
Crusada de Lata chapter 13 . 1/31
Rereading this chapter and this whole fic for a while. I'm completely floored about how much emotion is drawn from these paragraphs. I feel like you tore out a part of my soul with this chapter man. You're amazing
Astra Starfield chapter 13 . 12/12/2023
Bro the emotion and struggle in this chapter was so real. I really felt jaune utter sorrow.
6Shigure6 chapter 2 . 11/12/2023
"The concept is simple," Ozpin concluded lightly, "If you can dodge a wrench... you can dodge a claw."

Jesus Saves chapter 1 . 10/5/2023
2 Peter 3:9
A'Bridge chapter 3 . 5/21/2023
they have manga!?
Guest chapter 17 . 5/6/2023
truly what and ending. really goes to show what an author you are doing it like this, just eye opening stuff.
Xyrothor chapter 17 . 4/6/2023
this is a surprisingly good story. pacing is good, jaune's semblance isn't overpowered in a normal sense and I really like how he still needs to work for his success. the scene in Ozpin's office after the docks was brilliant. Certainly will read once more and will wait for more.
Dave Rocky Buchanan chapter 4 . 3/31/2023
This story reminds me why I rarely read rwby these days. It's not your fault though, you're portraying them just like their cannon selves. I just don't like the characters, and not even Jaune can save rwby from well, team rwby's shit characters.
Lay Lord chapter 2 . 11/14/2022
I kind of wish the story was written with a more serious tone.
TheShob chapter 14 . 11/10/2022
You need to update this man, so criminal to leave this one hanging
WwEpsilonwW chapter 17 . 8/18/2022
Bro, You do not know how quick I was from chucking this story out of a five story window when Neo was about to rape him. I thought he would go full on submissive mode and sensitive like some stories do when the Male main character gets scarred for life in that way.

But you phenomenally surpassed my expectations.

Also, your tripping if you think this deserves to be in the K-T rating. Lol.

This story is amazing, and a marginally different way from the manga/anime/light novel Re: Zero and the manwha SSS Rank Suicide Hunter. Well done. And you made me like Jaune's character!? That's a feat no mere man can accomplish.
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