Reviews for Naruto: Trapped Under Ice
Ghost Strench 04 chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
Genial, lo esperaré y gracias por no abandonar esta historia.
Guest223 chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
That's understandable. Thank you for informing us about the revisions before hand.
Ditah chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
Yeaaaaaaaas i'm already in the process of rereading magik and now trapped under ice will have an update too? The gods are good!
I'll probably have to reread this one too, i never watched akame ga kiru so i get lost with all these new characters and places etc
Elchabon chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
Great news. A very good one to start the first day, of the first week, of the first month of the new year.
Wrandral chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
Wow, well considering how long it has been i likely will reread it anyway, good to see you coming back on it
aqwseed chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
yes keep up the good work love the way you write
Max The Demon Wolf chapter 22 . 1/2/2023
My only complaint your having Naruto a guy that when in kurruma mode or he’ll sage mode could walk through that sacrificing cult Naruto was out of character in not securing the princess her death was stupid you made like oh we have time let’s wait when Naruto could solo rescue that is my only major complaint please explain?
Oniele chapter 24 . 1/2/2023
Rebmul chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
fan boy squee
Animortal28 chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
Great to have you back!
surya25addanki chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
Yess, I'm thankful that you are revising and continuing the story
Rodneysao chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
Blue, I love you, you magnificent beast! I will wait patiently for the update. Ty
Crimson Hawk Wolf chapter 5 . 1/1/2023
Why the hell not indeed with this chapter alone. Geez.

I was wondering if the things I tend to find funny was something you meant to happen or just A coincidence or just my messed up mind thinking somethings funny when it mig hurt not meant to be. I believe it’s all the above but what the hell do I know anymore lol
Kai Diyin chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
OSR fanatic chapter 24 . 1/1/2023
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