Reviews for The Secret Rune
Vex Florez chapter 30 . 2/6
A unique triwizard tournament. Gotta say, I'm quite happy.
Halloween Spirit chapter 35 . 12/26/2024
Have to say I have found this book very entertaining seeing as I binged read this in two days. Love the changes to the Tirals look forward to seeing this mystery unravel.
Ghost chapter 35 . 12/23/2024
Dumbledore is such a git, but it does fit him. Moving his chess pieces and never acting himself for the most part.

I wonder if he's behind the core siphon to make his saviour stronger and weaken the dark twin? Only to not realize that he's wrong.

Not to mention the rigged scores...
Ghost chapter 34 . 12/23/2024
nice story! I binged it, but i m pretty sure the Remus magical core light/grey/dark alignment happened before already. Also when he asked here where she got it from.
Kaia chapter 35 . 12/10/2024
Awesome chapter! I like how you gave us a little insight to Flint’s actions regarding Violet. I’m wondering, which twin will be used for Voldemort’s ritual if you use the ritual in the book?

Keep up the awesome work! Try listening to sound healing frequencies to help relieve stress or heal your body. It helps
Guest chapter 35 . 12/10/2024
WELL WORTH THE WAIT! Awesome chapter! I’m hoping more people will throw a fit over how unfair everything is for Violet.
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Rest up, don’t force yourself to write; I recommend reiki videos to help with stress
death390 chapter 35 . 12/6/2024
So good first, you have progressed as a writer as a whole year 4 has had been quite a lot better than the early years. The bad, you still have a major issue with telling rather than showing. With the better year 4 so far I'll bump the reading up to a 6/10 from the 5 i thought it was with my first review. No one gets 10 as it's literally perfect, and 7 has a minimum rereadability threshold which the first 3 years currently prevent. 6 is the minimum threshold for following and seeing if the story gets better and or has a decent ending.

Your story has great bones, and with the first 3 years fixed up could be a solid 7 Currently.
death390 chapter 24 . 12/5/2024
Ch24 is really good, even though it's telling it reads more like Sirius reminiscing and stewing.
death390 chapter 15 . 12/4/2024
Wtf is this shit, I just left a review and next chapter we get blindsided with, oh yeah violet was abused at the orphanage the whole time and we didn't mention it. We only knew the matron "was the opposite" of the kind assistant, nothing about malnutrition, or locking her up in a cupboard! We knew nothing of the specifics of the orphanage just that it wasn't a great place to live, not actively hostile. When you started she was punished in ch 2 I thought some chirped punishment at worst, maybe a couple missed meals, extra chores.

This is one of those things that often define a character, it informs their actions and health.
death390 chapter 14 . 12/4/2024
Telling the audience what is happening is often a good way to skim past things we already know like what is in cannon. But showing is better for overall cohesion of the story and explaining to anyone who doesn't know the baseline.

You have a horrible habit of telling us what should be shown, particularly because it isn't in cannon. If you want us to see a possible Romance between Tom and violet it needs to be shown more than told. This chapter in particular has the worst "should have been shown" issues. Violet v basilisk, Tom and violets conversation after, and how exactly violet gets away with lying to Dumbledore.

Violet v basilisk is a big climax scene just telling us yeah she wins after a bit feels wrong. How difficult was it, was it close call, did she win through trickery or deceit did she just recreate the exact thing harry did, how did she avoid being hien etc.

Tom & Violet, telling is leaves no chemistry, was Tom conflicted, did he let anything slip, was there something she said to trigger him to allow past of his IMMORTALITY to end, what could have been done or send to allow even a treatment of himself to commit suicide, etc

And Violet v Dumbledore we know she avoided looking him in the eyes, and mostly let others do the talking. But what exactly happened? So much rides on her wis potentially revealing information if not now then down the road that not knowing the exact wording leaves it close to just Mary Sue just wins.

I'll keto trading but I hope this is going to actually be a story rather than an outline. I do enjoy what you do actually write out just you're you don't let your hate destroy your story.
Unburntkhaleesi chapter 35 . 11/12/2024
This is so good. I am so happy that you are back! And I can't wait to read Sev's pov of this. She probably did him very proud. I also can't wait to see him make a full of Rose for not knowing certain potion ingredients that make said potions that Violet knew by scent, even after missing class because of how the first task went.
FlowerChild23 chapter 35 . 11/11/2024
lol. wow. I bet Dumbledore gets flack for this. I wonder what the students will say when Violet and the other champions have a difficult task and Rose has a simple task that a first year could have figured out.
Stephanie MRV chapter 35 . 11/10/2024
I would have bad mouthed the ministry after finding out that we were being overheard.
I would have brought up the flagrant cheating and rigging that was happening. I would have made it worse.
Is the ministry making it easy on rose because they think she's slow? Crippling slow? Do they have a deal? Cheating? 8s she providing them with favors? All kinds of speculation out loud for everyone to hear and Theo would run with it.

Then I would sue the fucking ministry. And now that she will be affected for life she should be compensated as such and everyone involved should be punished.

You could be sowing so much more chaos here. Let violet show some violence.

Shapes pov was a great touch.
The man should hopefully be locking up his rooms better.

I hope Marcus keeps being protective
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 35 . 11/9/2024
Wow! What an exciting and intense chapter in its own right! Well done on this! A very enjoyable read and I was getting major thriller vibes at the end here along with that close call with the cutting curse! Geez. Brutal.
TimeTraveller-1900 chapter 35 . 11/9/2024
One thing that bothers me the most about this story is how callously Dumbledore has treated Violet and how it turns out he actually had the cruel nerve to take Rose to see where her sister was. What was the point? It's too obvious that the twins will never have a relationship. Rose doesn't care for her twin, and Violet also seems indifferent. But what's going to happen?
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