Reviews for Enduring the Flames of War
websplorer chapter 51 . 9/2
Oh, hell, no! *load M90 shotgun*
Having the Geth quarantining a Flood outbreak would be great idea in theory, because synthetics can't get infected... if it wasn't for the Logic Plague.
In a direct confrontation between the Flood and the Reaper, I'd say that the former would win, solely because Precursor technology is ridiculously advanced and they could literally infect the laws of reality.
taintedahab chapter 51 . 9/2
“You have got to be fucking kidding” Reegar Breathed

Absolutely fucking classic line bro, I can totally see it in my head, but in McReadys voice
Qrs-jg chapter 51 . 9/1
Still sticking around!
So glad to see this being updated
Forsoothandconquest chapter 13 . 9/1
I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU UPLOADED! I’m rereading the whole thing!
PanzerJ chapter 51 . 9/1
Did not expect an update to this today, or yesterday, cant really remember but its a welcome surprise. Thanks for the chapter!
Panzercrush chapter 51 . 9/1
It ends before the action! Glad to hear back from you, this is one of my favorite Halo/ME crossovers and i was already thinking you had abandoned it! Hope you're doing ok, can't wait for more chapters.
Chronus1326 chapter 51 . 9/1
Great chapter, thank you! I'm surprised that neither Chief nor Cortana figured it out yet.
ArashiNokitsune chapter 51 . 9/1
the flood... well that is going to become an apocalyptic situation and theres technically already one happening
jekkel.r chapter 51 . 9/1
Amazing Update. Stay healthy .
Bandog chapter 51 . 9/1
Welcome back! Hope you're doing well, and thanks for the update. Rest in peace Jacob. He certainly met a grizzly end, and I worry for Shepard's state of mind now more than ever. Loss after loss must be weighing heavy on her - and she hasn't even met the Flood yet. Hopefully Miranda is still ok and Shepard is able to spare someone to retrieve Jack and the kids from Grissom. These Asari witches have no idea the monster they've unleashed. We've seen Shepard angry in combat before and it never ended well for the bad guys, and now Three has been let off his leash. Looking forward to seeing what a hyper-lethal assassin can do to an army of biotic Asari.
XBandidoX7.7Z chapter 51 . 8/31
happy that your back :D
Guest chapter 51 . 8/31
First Ash, now Jacob? And Reegar is DEFINITELY dead! Dammit, Gerral just allowed the Flood to break free from the Free Geth’s blockade!
Anonymous chapter 51 . 8/31
Scarease chapter 51 . 8/31
I am guess possible Flood out break on world .
Zerephel chapter 51 . 8/31
Glad to see this updated. Been following it for years and will continue to do so.
Here comes the Flood, another thing to stack on the "Known universe ending event" pile
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