Reviews for Sealkeeper: He Who Binds
ninjabeetle123 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016, so Kushina has quite a traumatized and spiteful Narito waiting for her doesn't she? Although with all characters he cares about being slowly removed will he probably leave the village soon? Plus there is the Sarutobi betrayal and Orochimaru contact that is put in as well, I love your story more please!
DragonPony022 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Damn talk about a way to end a chapter lol. I think the Hokage will know that he really and truly fucked up big time with Naruto. I mean if him forgetting to tell him about AMBU in the room caused him to lose point then something like this will REALLY hurt any form of relationship they have. I wonder what he will do to try to fix it, I know he will make some kind of attempt. He knows how powerful and important Naruto will be in the future just by what he sees from him now. I am really shocked by the Tatsuki thing tho. I mean Naruto seems to hold the idea of control to such a high degree for him to mess up like that is odd. But I get the feeling that Kyu might have had something to do with it. Seeing how BlueRedPurple lol. But I can't help but wonder to what aspect she effect. Did she do it to help kill off the only other person that could rival her for Naruto's attention? Or was she trying to stop him? But if she was trying to stop him so he wouldn't hurt Tatsuki then messing with the chains could only make it worse seeing how his training in control he wouldn't have made that mistake if he wasn't trying to cover compensate for the extra dense chakra in the chains causing him to put more force in them. As we said we really don't know much about Kyu's tensions or moral standing. So from a animal persective it isn't hard to believe that she would help organize the death of another female after the one she sees as a mate. Which this will have a huge impact on him tho. The village leader has lost his trust and really the only one left in the village he trust was now killed by his hands. Maybe this is what Kyu want knowing this will only push him deeper into her embrace?

Anyway great chapter, can't wait to see more
dreamer 7s chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Hmm...I wonder about how you are taking his path, as we are still in the beginning stages of this little story many things would be able to happen for his path. Another thing that piques my interest is this line from your description "but armed with Namikaze Minato's greatest sealing masterpiece" now when I see that my mind goes to the flying thunder god (I would use the Japanese translation but I am to lazy to look up the proper spelling) but it also goes to the shiki fujin as well, or is it something else entirely...maybe i'm just reading into it a little to much.
Yakomai95 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
With the betrayal of Hiruzen and Kushina, Mikoto's defection, and now with Tatsuki's death at his own chains. Naruto is going to lose the will to live until he makes the connection to his chains to Mito and will bind her with serrated chains, barbed bars and a silencing gag all so tightly that breathing removes small layers of skin and preventing her from falling asleep. The only option for Naruto I can see is isolation in the forest of death to either die in atonement or to become stronger to the point where he knows that he can protect those dear to him. Naruto could also look into creating a form of resurrection jutsu to bring Tatsuki back and falls deeper into darkness to the point where he questions his own humanity.
ABECADEO chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Why every 5, why not every 6, or purple
Dragonkeeper10 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
... The Fires of Hell are coming, and everyone is to blind to stop them. Perhaps the Clock of Armageddon is slowly ticking down and the true demons of hell are waiting for this burning madness to explode and they can turn humanity into their playthings.

Wow Kushina and Hiruzen came down with the stupids. Poor Naruto, losing one of his only friends like that. Perhaps he will get a dark mark and make the journey to rekindle the flames of life, or he will let them die out.

I'm weirdly making poems or sayings for this story. This confuses me. Perhaps it shows what a great author you are.
Deltablacknaruto chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
That was completely and utterly unnecessary. Yes, I am aware that you want to give him a reason to go to Orochimaru. Yes, I know that you want Kyuubi to be the evil bitch that controls him. But there was absolutely no damn reason for that last part to happen. I don't care how mature and intelligent you make him, Naruto is still a CHILD! Something like this will leave permanent psychological damage that WILL cripple him. You put so much emphasis into him having a 'pack' and now you choose to just crap all over it by not only having his family leave, making a friend only to have her need to leave immediately, but now you have him kill what is basically his only real friend? What in blood soaked buddhist hell possessed you to believe that was any semblance of a good idea? And anothet thing, you quite clearly made him notice that the chains were not obeying his commands as they should. Even if he couldn't see their color change to purple, there is only one thing that could have possibly influenced that, so if he just goes running to Kyuubi for comfort, which I am positive was the purpose of this horrible idea, so as to allow her to sink her claws in deeper, then the whole thing about him being so wise and then not realize something so blatantly obvious is complete bull. Not to mention if he was being watch, unlesd by some Deus ex Machina bull crap it was Kakashi that was his handler, he is going down for two counts of murder. Iam giving this story 2 chapter to get off of the angst-ridden road it is on before i call it quits, which sucks because it had contained just the right amount until just now. Dick move, man. Seriously, dick move.
Ulimit chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
My god that was amazing. I love it
Facebreaker17 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Love the chapter as I have the others can't wait for the next update and damn you hit me in the feels hard to kill tatsuki I thought at one point later they would get together but then bam he killed her fuck just hit me in the feels but i still love the story you are an amazing author
Aegorm chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
What the fuck... Really? Eugh, the konoha TI scene was good but did you really have to kill of tatsuki? I guess you want Naruto to be an angsty, mad, evil little shit... And those are stories I don't like. So yeah, I'll give this story 2 more chapters before I make a decision but if it keeps going down the angst route then I'll drop it
Wirespeed91 chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Honestly, Naruto can't catch a break, can he? Its really starting to wear on me as a reader too, especially if you're just doing these silly cliffhangers to jerk us around. *sigh*
Psudocode Samurai chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Rather sudden and arbitrary on both parts there, the interrogation and the sudden death...surprising.
Johnsmitish chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
You dick. In all honesty, even though I hate you for this chapter, it's still amazing.
te.nellis chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
Lol Naruto won that little confrontation. They now know it's Mikoto who is the one shinodi other than Itachi to escape but it doesn't matter since the most Revered Yamanaka only got images and he didn't help the civilians in some random plot against the Hokage. However, the Hokage has now further alienated Naruto pushing him more towards someone like Orochimaru or Danzo. I would be surprised if Danzo offered Naruto shelter, power, and a clan alliance. Danzo is always one to capitalize on the mistakes of other for his own gain. Looks like Anko might have to put her money where her mouth is lol. Anyway great chapter. Keep it up!
Bearmauls chapter 9 . 1/30/2016
WTF? What just happened?

Not cool... and mildly soul-crushing.
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