Reviews for Sealkeeper: He Who Binds
Bearmauls chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
I have no idea where this story is going... and that's awesome! Can't wait for more :)
Bearmauls chapter 6 . 1/16/2016
Ok, did not see that coming. Creepy much?
Bearmauls chapter 5 . 1/16/2016
Tsunade is a terrible godmother. Her godson doesn't even know that he has a godmother? Unimpressive to the max.
Bearmauls chapter 4 . 1/16/2016
Hmm... so it seems like most of Naruto's isolation is self-inflicted. Wonder what event(s) in his past made him so isolated from others?

Also nice to know that there was a plan of Kushina's, that she didn't just forget she had a son... presumably.
Bearmauls chapter 3 . 1/16/2016
Really enjoying this story. Your writing is solid and I'm enjoying the oddly twisted take on the Narutoverse.

I'd say the only thing I'm finding myself confused about is how hands-off people seem to be about Naruto being homeless. The Uzumaki (since there are 3 of them alive) should be a fairly big deal in the village, unless you've changed the background a lot. Either they're disliked (which doesn't seem supported by Kushina's thoughts) or everybody is really standoffish. I get Naruto not looking for help, but I'm shocked that none of the other adults who would have had contact with him are getting involved (other clan adults, co-workers of Kushina, old man Ichiraku, etc.) I'm fine with the backstory being slow to get fleshed out, but I'm not sold on how easily Naruto seems to have been dropped by the wayside as soon as Kushina left the village.

But yes, enjoying the story and will certainly keep reading :)
WindyCitySlayer1 chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
Glad mikoto was in this chapter
Glad we finally see her
Suck that the uchiha see to be gone now
Well if she leaves then I hope see finds kushina and they stay together until kushina return
But I would also like mikoto to stay with naruto
Please continue
Can't wait for more
Yay happy that inu is looking out for naruto
Impstar chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
Naruto's 9 or 10 right? Okay, Mikoto must be even more messed up than implied if she's going to a homeless 10 year old for comfort.

Kurenai and Tsunade... they're trying I guess, but they're really being held back by their own doubts and guilt. Ugh.

Well it looks like Naruto is going to be closer to a true shinobi than the combat samurai-wizards that most turn out as.
Finalking chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
As awesome as this story is and it is pure gold..
Will you ever restart your bleach story Awaken Noblesse ?
AlphaScribe chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
Great just Great. That is all.
ncpfan chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
And another excellent chapter, my friend! As always, I was very glad to be of help to you, and I love the way you've interpreted the characters of the story.
te.nellis chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
Well now I can actually see Naruto abandoning Leaf. An allies clan was wiped out by the Village. I could also see Naruto with Mikoto romantically. So much food for thought. Great chapter! Keep it up!
OmegaDelta chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
So mikoto is now with naruto and both of them are alone in konoha because of the actions of another. Wonder if you will ever have naruto interact with Kurenai before canon and will he ever give her a chance to explain her self to him in anyway soon keep up the good work.
DragonPony022 chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
Well this was a great chapter to say the least. I didn't see this Mikoto centered chapter coming but it was enjoyable to read. It will be interesting to see how they interact together from here. I wonder will she see just how much like a child yet so SO much like a adult he is. Which he also even tho he might not admit it is attracted to older women lol. I wonder will she join up with Madara/Obito? Which would be bad since I can only see him wanting to save her to keep the Uchiha pure blood line going and he might be related to Mikoto in some way like her nephew or something as well. There is also the snake creeping around keeping a eye on Naruto. Kushina I have to give her SOME points this chapter, even tho she is still a passive waste (i know harsh but until she does something to show she isn't a woman controlled by her fears I can't think more of her) due to her TRYING to find Naruto. Even tho she waited after coming up with her idea. That is more then I can say for Tsunade. Which even she doesn't seems like she can wait too much longer, which she might go to her sensei to get him to tell her where he is since she know he wouldn't let Naruto out of his sights really. I do love how Naruto had his chain like a tail. Which I think is very fitting he would learn to fight and use his chains like tails from Mito to fight like a fox on top of what Mito picked up from her years alive.

Anyway great chapter, can't wait to see more
SHADOWNINJAMASTER chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
Awesome keep it up
toile grant chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
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