Reviews for Sealkeeper: He Who Binds
Guest chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
Well this is an interesting chapter keep up the good work.
SHADOWNINJAMASTER chapter 2 . 12/13/2015
Awesome keep it up
thor94 chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
poor naruto
kushina and naruko are fuckin bitch.
i seriously hope you don't people any sort of forgiveness.
If they return, i hope you plan naruto tell them, i don't know you, i don't want to see you not now, neither ever, get away and don't come to me again, red bitches.
Shadow of God chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
I see. A bit more has been explained. It only just occurred to me that pretty much all of the first chapter was in his perspective. Now I understand your version of kurenai and hiruzen. I still don't understand kushina or naruko and why they left in the first place. I won't trust the way the sandaime described her actions because you showed in this chapter that unless it's in third person a scene may not be accurate. She could actually be a bad person. In fact I am slightly leaning towards that. I don't believe for a second that anything that has happened is a mistake on her part. Naruko may or may not be in on it. What I believe is that naruto held some use to her for a while and so she played on his affection to gain something. Now that's she is done with him she bailed. For all I know the'affection' naruto holds for them might be something that was brainwashed into him to make him more pliable. I know I am painting kushina to be a really sinister character but since this fic appears to be a serious one I knocked off the cliche neglect theory that only exists for bashing. Unless there is some as of yet Unintroduced third party she is the most suspicious person right now. My belief in that theory comes from naruto's relation to them leaving. It's a bit unnatural. Like she didn't raise him normally. It's more like a servant abandoned by his masters. The people his life existed for. Maybe I am reading too much into it but I just can't shake off the feeling of how sketchy kushina appears to be. In fact kurenai seems less confused about how she left and said she would 'explain' the situation to naruto. Perhaps hiruzen really doesn't know kushina as well as he thinks. I'd like to hear what you think about this and how far or close I am to the mark. It only been two pages but I am already invested in the plot. Great job. I patiently await the next chapter. I would imagine crafting something like this takes time.
Siolar chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
Damn man this is really good so far and i cant wait for more ive got a few friends who will like this too good work
LordGhostStriker chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
hold on a sec. wtf just happened? is she tripping out?
DragonPony022 chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
Well this was interesting to say the least. Man I really don't like Kuernai and Kushina even more so now. I mean how stupid did she have to be to do that to her son. To not even tell him anything before up and leaving, to seal up the house so he can't even get home and get to any of his stuff he IF Kuernai did take care of him. She is a fool and that foolishness has cost her a son. Kuernai have lost all respect for to be honest. She is such a weak willed person she let a child due to just how he makes her feel dictate how she interact with him, and even with all this supposed care and feelings she has for him she almost kills him every time she is around him. She is a woman so controlled by her fears and insecurities that she can't even function. She is willing to let the boy that should be her brother figure die out in the cold and alone or even worse because she is too scared to face him. How does she even function as a ninja with such levels of fear self doubt control her actions. It explains why she is so weak for a jounin compared to her peers, it explains why she can't have a functioning relationship, she is so weighed down by her fears that she can't act or progress as a person. Knowing Kushina she will try to blame Kurenai for all of this when she is just as much to blame if not more so for not TELLING him or even telling her to go and meet him to inform him of everything. Her neglect started this chain reaction.

A great chapter, can't wait to see more
hellfire45 chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
Good make more chapters and i really hope Naruto does not forgive kushina or Naruko
Mas2009 chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
confusing as hell bye
ncpfan chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
This certainly does shed a little more light on the characters and gives us a much better idea of who they are. Kushina's extremely irresponsible, Sarutobi seems to do the best he can with what he has, and Kurenai's rather sick, especially if she deems an eight-year-old a threat.

But what Kushina did hits me worst of all - to expect an eight-year-old to know what to do when she leaves him to his own devices without even any kind of explanation, and to knowingly LIE to him the way she did when she promised to pick him up from the Academy that day at school, and then to be EXCITED about her trip - the trip she's taking WITHOUT her son for God only knows how long - as opposed to being torn up over the fact that he's not there with her, that does seem heartless and cruel, regardless of the reason.

I look forward to learning what her reasons are, and especially to what will happen between Naruto, Kushina, Kurenai and Naruko upon Kushina and Naruko's return to Konoha whenever that is.
vahik chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
Keep up the good work.
definitely on my follow and favs.
insanemaelstorm chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
Amazing chapter. I loved how you gave us the perspective of the the different characters. I also liked all the three points of view( kurama's, hiruzen's and especially kurenai's). The seal, I think, is divided into two parts, the actual seal inside naruto and the lock on naruto's arm. I liked kurama's POV, especially in the end, how she decides to be his mother. I also liked hiruzen's POV, how he regrets not being so close to naruto and wishes that no 8 year old loses his childhood and become a man. This was one of the best POV of hiruzen I have ever read. It truly gave me an image of a loving grandfather regretting how he is not as close as he wanted to his grandson because of his own work. Finally kurenai's POV was the best. Her fears, her love for naruto and her inability to express it due to her own training and how much helpless she feels in this was portrayed outstandingly. That nightmare of her was also amazing. Really loved the chapter. Eagerly waiting for more
JAKdaRIPPER chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
I had to reread the last bit because for some reason I skipped over it being her imagination betraying her. Anyway I look forward to chapter 3 keep up the good work.
M.D. Hurricane chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
...ah...wait a minute. Did Naruto just commit suicide or was that all in Kurenai's head? Though what I really wanna know is what Kushina's excuse will be for leaving one of her kids while taking the other, going off to who knows where doing fuck knows what. I look forward to that can of worms.
blazenite104 chapter 2 . 12/11/2015
this is getting interesting. so he is like the key to the seal as well as something else entirely? are we going to see some perspective from kushina or naruko at all or are we waiting for them to return at some point?
It is still very interesting, unlike a lot of other stories this one has me really think. other stories it's like why don't they just do this to fix the problem. this however seems complicated that no easy solution is present. clearly something about him is too painful for kushina because it's clearly not some kind of simple neglect for a sibling and kurenai's is also somewhat reasonable. I guess scared of attachment kind of thing. too easy to get attached to and then end up dropping your guard when it is most needed sort of thing.
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