Reviews for A Tale of a Tail
fs.chel01 chapter 6 . 10/4
Missy chapter 3 . 9/13
Ok...I'm soooo in love with the concept of this story! I love smart Harry!
LadyGrimR chapter 6 . 9/9
What a journey. Thank you so very much for this. I quite like these types of stories and so I appreciate that you wrote it.
phoenix-rob chapter 6 . 8/23
thank you
kittyranma chapter 6 . 8/21
It was interesting enough to finish.
maiqsmail chapter 5 . 8/20
I like these moments that show good!Snape side with its reasons. Like, "he's addicted to casting Dark magic but cannot, so he's like a junkie in permanent withdrawal". Or "dark mark tied to his soul influenced him". Canon!Snape is complete fucking asshole and his canon "redemption arc" is a pile of bullshit. Like seriously, you're placing character redemption on opportunistic shedding of a cherry picked set of memories produced by a master occlumens and a seasoned double-spy to a complete layman of mind arts. How is this not a fucking set up? Canon!Harry is such a moron at times.
kase519 chapter 6 . 8/9
Yum crackers! Great fic.
kase519 chapter 5 . 8/9
I like that Hagrid sees it
kase519 chapter 4 . 8/9
Well written
kase519 chapter 3 . 8/9
Stubborn birds
kase519 chapter 2 . 8/9
A little luck goes a long way
kase519 chapter 1 . 8/9
Promising start
googlomen.234 chapter 6 . 8/7
This fanfic is really good! Exactly as much as needed and not a drop more. I'm having an orgasm mentally. Thank you for a pleasant hour of reading. Good luck and happiness to you.
AerynS chapter 6 . 7/4
loved it! thank you.
peggy77 chapter 6 . 6/28
Another story I enjoyed very much. :-)
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