Reviews for Stones Thrown Before the Tide
Rev II chapter 12 . 11/25/2023
I still don't know that Christianity would have all that big a reaction to aliens. I just don't see the religious panic happening.

While there might be some hardliners who refuse to let go of the "God created Man unto His own image" verse, we *already* look at it as being somewhat metaphorical. It wouldn't be that hard to turn it into being *entirely* metaphorical.

It's not like we'd be running into a race of red-skinned, horned, goat-hoofed beings at war with a group of winged beings with golden halos.
THAT would cause a religious panic.
Revliledpembroke chapter 18 . 11/26/2023
Man, you must really hate the Quarians. 17,000,000 Quarians existed in the Migrant Fleet in Tali's time. Only 9 million on Haratar Station - and then you reduced their numbers again!
Foxy-Floof chapter 25 . 7/17/2023
Yeeessssss... Hannah was always a low-key badass. You see where Jane/John gets it honestly.

That spine of solid steel, core of iron.

And yes! Drack was cool if misguided in canon, and I'm super-thrilled to see him on the hunt for Jane. She'll be in good hands for sure.
dmccoy16 chapter 25 . 5/24/2023
Very interesting story, do continue!
nantono chapter 2 . 7/25/2022
nantono chapter 1 . 7/25/2022
wow wtf what happen?
Blue Glass Spear chapter 22 . 10/5/2021
Trigger warnings are dumb. This isn't Tumblr.
qalthrowaway chapter 19 . 8/14/2021
A lot of people have headcanon about humanity hiding away for the next cycle, but it's not at all clear that this would have worked.

We know from Javik that the reapers stay around for centuries after taking the Citadel to confirm their reaping and destroy most/all signs of their existence (at least if there is still resistance).

There are also suggestions that they monitor civilization levels, and given the alternative usages of the Citadel, it's very possible that they have ways to assess humanity's tech/societal readiness through the Mass Relays (the probability of this rather high given the implied number of cycles).

Once Jack Harper dies, it's only a matter of time before the Prothean Ruins are discovered on Mars, and if that happens in the centuries before the Reapers leave, then First Contact will extinction.

So those are good reason for Jack to not just wait around and hope for the best, supporting your AU.
OhLookIt'sAGingy chapter 25 . 8/4/2021
Second it this time reading through this. Still missing this story a lot; I realize we’ll probably never get more updates, but it can’t hurt to wish. This story shows do much growth and promise and I just want to see the rest of the crew catch up with Wrex, Jack and Jane.
Fictional Liberator chapter 4 . 7/26/2021
My interest plummeted down, I came here for Wrex.
I hope you don't add any more time travelers.
I'll read and see...
the grey mage chapter 25 . 11/2/2020
Well it's too bad this is dead, I never thought to look at wrex centric stories and I must say this is much better then most other ME on this site.

If it ever comes back, I'll be waiting
ToysRUsIsGone chapter 25 . 10/28/2020
So, are you ever going to revisit this one, or are you too busy writing porn instead of good plots?

You haven't lost your talent for plot entirely, have you? Too much time spent writing Turians being every possible version of sexy or humans being railed by Krogan (somehow) probably withered it.
Gerhman Remington chapter 25 . 10/11/2020
hope this updates
PoofyOhio chapter 10 . 6/20/2020
Was never a fan of Samara, she kinda bored me, so these chapters with her involvement also kinda bore me.
KyliaQuilor chapter 25 . 3/10/2020
An amazing fic
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