Reviews for Wrapped In Red
ColaForTita chapter 8 . 9/22/2024
Tell me why I’m reading this for like the billionth time, coming back to it at least once a year, and I’m utterly wrecked at the moment he takes the ring off her finger. Tears, real tears. Goodness gravy that was so beautifully, tragically poetic.
Luzula-spicata chapter 10 . 3/23/2024
Merci beaucoup pour cette merveilleuse histoire
Kazoo5480 chapter 11 . 3/9/2024
this is still one of the best stories ever written .
Guest chapter 11 . 9/15/2023
cathn chapter 11 . 7/7/2023
Oooooooh! So sweet! So lovely! This was wonderfully written. Love, love, LOVE! I especially enjoyed the description of the epic snowball fight but the whole plot arc was to die for. Thanks so much for sharing :)
ChosenInWinter chapter 11 . 6/24/2023
This is so good I think this is maybe my favorite one of your stories. I love how early in the story he gave her that promise ring it’s incredible to believe that he could’ve had such strong feelings for her, even then.
Van Rae chapter 11 . 6/17/2023
Holyshiit this story made my heart flutter like crazy at the last line! This story is amazing thank you for sharing your brilliant talent!
pwrmom2 chapter 11 . 2/19/2023
Absolutely loved this.
CrinsomDragon chapter 11 . 12/15/2022
Awe that last part gets me in the feels. Great story and now one of my holiday go to re reads .
Daegr14 chapter 11 . 11/19/2022
Oh. ️
Guest chapter 11 . 9/3/2022
this is honestly one of the best dramione fanfics ive ever read. its not disgustingly cheezy and they all stayed in character. im impressed. this was very sweet, keep up the good work! and draco's a sweetheart in this.
nicenice chapter 3 . 9/3/2022
wow. the end of chapter 3 is so hot
WiseFly chapter 11 . 8/12/2022
loved even more the second time!
Erikaahhh chapter 11 . 7/28/2022
omg I wanted this to continue! such the ending! you can't just stop there!
musicnlyrics chapter 11 . 7/12/2022
I absolutely love this!

So much romance without being romantic or sappy—it’s exactly the perfect mix of light-hearted while still dealing with the seriousness of the war and what happened during those months.

The character arc you’ve built is incredible, and I’m glad I stumbled upon it. Thank you for sharing!
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