Reviews for And so the Soviets Conquered
Guest chapter 20 . 2/2
God I hate spiders, and I hope the homonculus gang aside from Aranha find some measure of freedom
Goosewing79 chapter 20 . 1/21
I wonder if the Soviets will give a demonstration of nuclear weapons in Falmart? Maybe they have the power to possibly kill an Apostle like Rory or Charon.
major wallace chapter 20 . 1/13
Nice work
KinglyWisdom chapter 1 . 12/31/2024
Lmao it was a 50/50 nothing frightening or accurate about that.
Goosewing79 chapter 8 . 12/15/2024
Your production of Trump winning in 2024 is frighteningly accurate. When was this chapter written?
Colobopsis chapter 18 . 12/12/2024
The previous comment by Iris Laylah made me think about Soviet equipment.

I guess the name of "Mottled men" comes not from the tan soviet field uniform(it didn't change much since the WW2), but from beryozka camo worn by recontroops. I wonder if Falmartian climate is warm enough for the usage of panama hats. And of course it gives possibilities for Feliks to get his hands on GRU beloved "mabuta" suit.

Here is a whole article about various uniforms that our military used in 1968-91 ( /encyclopedia/polevaya-forma-i-snaryazhenie-sovetskoj-armii-1968-1991-gg/).

The fact that our cast are members of recon battalion of the 33rd Motorrifle Division (I guess it wasn't disbanded in 1960 like OTL), especially in the Special Region (BTW, I wonder what is the official designation of the Soviet territory in Falmart and how is it governed, as I would suggest a dual military-civilian administration) and military expenditures were increased give us a whole field for interesting AU scenarios.

Starting from the adoption of 1979-style uniform in 1969 (after analyzing Falmartian experience), more modern ammo pouches, accelerated development of ballistic helmets to the wider distribution of night-vision scopes, silencers for AKM (that were present by the late 1960s), research into under-barrel grenade launchers.
Maybe research and attempts into bodyarmor, from revising old steel vests to something more akin to flak vests. Oh, and, of course, much wider usage of camo, for example, giving the Border troops' camo to the Ground Forces of the Army.
It would show the dedication of the Union to secure, hold and develop their new territories and eventually rip the profits from their investments.

On the topic of vehicles we can include not only some prototypes that never got into production, but a fairly wide-spread vehicle like TO-55 and OT-54 - said tanks, but with coaxial flamethrowers. IIRC they were organized into separate flametank battalions under the divisional or army level command. It would be interesting for Aleksandrov might request a battalion of "dragon-tanks" for shock-assaults, increased short distance capabilities of his forces (though, the range of those flamers is around 200 meters) and intimidation effect (Saderans, mercs and bandits would just flee in horror and panic at the sight of ANY tank, as it is almost impossible to differentiate the regular T-55 and flametank).

And I'm ignoring the fact, that Soviet self-proplled artillery guns had at least 1 tactical nuke shell in their ammoracks (for divisional 152 mm arty like 2S3 Akatsiya), though I doubt they would ever be used in actual combat.
BUT. Some Japanese or American officer might revise history, find out about this and it would spur a nuclear detterrance race in Falmart, leading into more and more interesting interactions and eventual de-escalation with mutual removal of nuclear assets.

Do you have any plans for the map of Special Region of your fic? Its a little bit confusing to read about nations, cities and landmarks and do not have reference material. TBH its a shame such large and very well-written fic doesn't get what it deserves. Maps, quotes from the fic and maybe some commissioned arts posted on r/gate would have increased the popularity and attention.
Of course, its your piece of art and its up for you to decide.
Iris Laylah chapter 20 . 12/11/2024
Only 20 chapters? Feels like there were a lot more when I first read through it all. Quality over quantity, I suppose. I'm liking the fact that you aren't treating the Soviets like they're inherently evil or re-revolutionary, or any of the other inaccurate yet common interpretations used in media. Colobopsis in Chapter 19 covered most things I would have commented on. Although, I also think introducing more details like specific models when referring to and/or describing certain weapons or vehicles would also be nice.

I remember you listed the Su-24, which would have been just brought into serial production. Also, the Su-9, Su-15, Su-17 (and its advanced variants like the Su-20 and Su-22) would have taken up most of the collection of Sukhoi aircraft on base. The Su-15 doesn't have an autocannon by default, those were stored in pods that would take up one rail each with an inconsistent bullet count (sources range from 80 to 200), and would increase drag as well as wear on the vehicle. Su-17/20/22 were just an older and more maneuverable MiG-21, statistically speaking. While the MiG-21 technically had onboard guns, they were almost useless in practice since 3 30mm canons slowed it down too much and caused a lot of wear on internals. It also carried a gun pod. The MiG-21M of the late 60s/early 70s had one gun, but was easily expended in a few seconds (200 rounds at 3,400 rpm, GSh-23-2L). Later models also addressed the lack of an able canon with the MiG-21S, MiG-21SM, and the MiG-21bis (200 rounds at 3,400 rpm, GSh-23-2L). MiG-21bis was found most favorable among pilots (Flying Magazine, National Interest, Airvectors, and a friend).

Also, since this is an AU, I think it would be interesting to see if some failed experimental vehicles may be introduced, and succeed in this world. Prototype or failed designs like the SU-152 (Object 120), 2S14 Zhalo-S, Object 287, or the goofy 1K17 Szhatie might be viable contenders. But I'm not the writer here, so ignore me.

Have fun, live well.
chinahasbeengenerous chapter 2 . 12/3/2024
"But he held absolute power and couldn't be asked to leave?"

"Well, yes he did."

Not sure how different the soviet system is in that universe but that wasn't how the real USSR operated.
SpudyPotato chapter 20 . 11/30/2024
Two cool scenes! Hope we get to see more of the Warrior Bunnies, maybe even see then go up against the Empire? It would be good for the Soviets to have the local population see other natives fighting the Empire alongside the Soviets.
Interesting scene with Scylla. Her limited moral scope was cool to see.
Qrs-jg chapter 20 . 11/30/2024
Binged this story over the past few days and enjoyed every chapter! A very unique and rejuvenating take on GATE fiction.
AyeJimmy123 chapter 20 . 11/30/2024
nantono chapter 20 . 11/29/2024
Goosewing79 chapter 20 . 11/28/2024
Vengeful Soldier: Will the Falmartians get an introduction to Russian Dancing?
Goosewing79 chapter 20 . 11/28/2024
Will the Falmartians ever experience the talent of Leonid Kharitonov?
OBSERVER01 chapter 20 . 11/27/2024
Good stuff here in this update. I'll be honest I thought this had died what with the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war.
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