Reviews for Romances of the Pokemon World
Guest chapter 36 . 11/13/2021
Eyoo let’s go!
GreenGorilla774 chapter 36 . 11/10/2021
Great chapter! I loved it! Also I can’t wait for the next chapter. I’m not sure if you saw my suggestion and that’s why your doing or someone else suggested it. But all that mattters is that it’s happening amd I am excited!
zack24 chapter 11 . 11/10/2021
Guest chapter 36 . 11/8/2021
I want a sequel to this. And also i think i know whos coming back next chapter based on the final text.
trex.dino442 chapter 36 . 11/8/2021
I want a sequel to this and also i think i know whos coming in next chapter based on the final text.
Look2021 chapter 36 . 11/7/2021
Good Story.
Hyrule'sKnight chapter 36 . 11/7/2021
I'm not crying! Someone's cutting onions! NO I'M NOT CRYING! but still...
hellion117 chapter 36 . 11/7/2021
Make them suffer
TinyBoxMew chapter 36 . 11/6/2021
You never cease to amaze. This is by far my most favorite chapter. Oh my how perfect it was~

Btw I still have my ancient mew card. Always have and always will
PLizWiz chapter 36 . 11/6/2021
Ngl the fourth wall break was the best thing on this chapter.
blackx57 chapter 36 . 11/6/2021
I’m crying. This story hits really close to home for me. Thank you.
Skywalker405 chapter 35 . 10/31/2021
Cuckold is real
CelfwrDderwydd chapter 35 . 10/31/2021
Well, this one was certainly a big surprise, and also a departure from the normal fare, but a very powerful one.

I won't admit, this made me tear up more than a little. You really made me invested in the characters, and to do so in so little a space is not an easy feat, I know. very well done.

I felt sorry for Bel, and for Tatsuya. You made a very compelling, emotional story for what most would consider a very offbeat story to say the least, and toy really did fantastic on drawing the Halloween Terror to it as well. Felt like a true horror story at all the right parts.

Overall, another fine chapter.
Patrickk130 chapter 35 . 10/31/2021
After 8 months the "Romances of the Pokemon World" series FINALLY gets another entry.
What took so long anyway?
WuffaWaffles chapter 35 . 10/30/2021
Glad to see this series back, and amazing as always!
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