Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
captainfirebunny chapter 53 . 8/19/2022
Really love this story! Highly recommend. There’s so rarely a good story from the perspective of the CIS.
G1 chapter 53 . 8/19/2022
Another delightful chapter!
Guest chapter 52 . 8/18/2022
Ambaire probably do the sex a lot
DaemonWhitefyre chapter 1 . 8/15/2022
Ambaire, if you can better, nothing stop yoi. Stop throwing insults
9149130189189 chapter 26 . 8/14/2022
What the fuck is this stupid story? Sparing Aspar, seriously? Worst garbage I've ever read.
9149130189189 chapter 25 . 8/14/2022
another shitty ass chapter. when is Esera going to win something? fuck you for this drivel
9149130189189 chapter 23 . 8/14/2022
Awesome chapter
9149130189189 chapter 18 . 8/14/2022
what a shitty ass chapter. great story until this point but this was just shitty
Guest chapter 52 . 8/8/2022
You said that you expected to release chapter 53 by the end of June but its now August. Is everything alright? Are you still continuing this story?
Guest chapter 48 . 8/4/2022
When will chapter 53 be up? It’s several months past due!
LezGo35 chapter 26 . 8/2/2022
I did not expect a Metal Gear reference in this lol
victor janus chapter 52 . 7/29/2022
And Esera continues the path of getting people to punch her in the face. She has people trying to help her at the docks and she just goes bitter and vile.

And she just handed the girl whose whole life she ruined over to the secret police... Yep, her arc has officially overstayed it's welcome. Put her in a retirement home, make her fall to the darkside, I don't care just get her out of the fucking narrative until she stops being part of the problem. She is now more a villain in my mind then even an anti-hero. She's had more than enough chances to realize her mistakes, and if stress is keeping her from acting on it she needs to take a vacation. I have had it with her shit.


Ok it looks like that interrogation wasn't as bad as it could have been, and that Esera will be sent to cool her jets. Hopefully it will bloody stick this time.

Anyway, I've reached the end of the currently available chapters and I've liked the story so far. Despite my complaints i think you have some real talent with writing, and I mean it too. Seriously I broke down into incoherent rage 3 times in the course of reading this story, and despite that I kept reading it. Usually, I leave a few paragraphs after the first time because I'm not the kind of person that enjoys being angry while reading. In other words, I have enough faith in you as an author that I could bare to keep reading because I knew it would get better. So, over all good job.
victor janus chapter 51 . 7/29/2022
Oh they are mistaking the tracker as battle damage? that's clever.

So far, we've seen droid ships really work out for them, but it makes sense that the CIS is really bad at keeping the human crew of a disposable ship alive in an emergency survival situation. Good job.

Oh so that's what happened to 70's racer disco planet. That sucks.

The jedi forgot the army has contingency orders to kill them didn't they. A big woops when they had two proper warnings this time instead of 1. Fool you thrice shame on you.
victor janus chapter 50 . 7/29/2022
Esera being amazed at the amount of people in the bubble compared to her hometown is weird considering she has lived on coruscant. You even mentioned her seeing some of it with her master IIRC so you can't even pull the never left the temple card.

Unfortunately for her sanity droids can in theory become force sensitive.

umm ignoring the politics of mandalore because they are insignificant? That sounds like it's going to bite you in the ass like saying "what could go wrong". Seriously girl you hate people who ignore the details in order to focus on the big picture.

Yeah I'm definitely scared of what they are teaching purity. At this rate they'll be teaching her to be either skynet, or to teach her infinite Zen and acceptance. One of those are more likely since even the Jedi aren't up to upholding their Buddhist origins.

Ok it seems like the ignoring politics was a shorthand for skimming over it. If that's the case it's a way of skipping that makes me want to punch Esera in the face.

I really hope Esera learns how to not make people want to punch her in the face. She's losing her ability to be a sympathetic protagonist by actively pursuing a path she knows to be self-destructive for absolutely no good reason. I'd trust Grievous to be a calmer and compassionate person at this rate. I know it's a part of her character arc, but either the mitigating factors have failed to keep her relatable in the face her flaws, or this part of her arc has overstayed it's welcome.

I wasn't all that shocked by Bo's death it was clear from the beginning there was no plot armor in this story. It didn't even occur to me to be upset about the destruction of the Mandalorians until you started mocking people in the comments. As usual your writing is enjoyable, but I think your ANs do active damage to any enjoyment your narratives. Even if that Disney copyright joke was funny.

I hope you don't take that as a flame and dismiss what I have to say. I took a couple hours to cool off so I could look at it from a calm point of view, and I think this is a legitimate critique. Your story would be more enjoyable if your readers weren't feeling insulted by insults that weren't even meant for them.
victor janus chapter 49 . 7/29/2022
Well I'm glad Esera mental breakdown is coming because while her being a porcupine ball of stress makes sense I'd prefer for her to be somewhat functional as a human being.

I'm worried about what these guys are teaching purity.

the pirates are morons, but the Nabooian princess appears to be too used to having soldiers who work for a salary instead of a share.

Grievous trying to find patriots to fund his army was a treat. He should look into getting a better financial system. Otherwise he's going to have to George Washington it. Which would suck, because unlike the British the republic is not in a treaty mood.
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