Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
Mercury chapter 53 . 4/9/2024
I have to say, after binging this over the last couple days, off all the places for it to come to a hiatus of however king this really isn't that bad a choice.
LegioStultus chapter 53 . 3/31/2024
Here we are, another reread done This story has always been one of my favorites. While I prefer the battles and politics of Sublight Drive, ASD was here frst and I've come to love the characters over the years. I hope that, some day, Timewatch returns to finish this storyto continue Esera's tale to whatever end that may be. Yet, as the months stretch by it seems less likely. What is the point of one more chapter if the man writing it lost his love for the universe it is set in? I wsh Timewatch luck where ever his muse brings him next, and if someday his passion for Star Wars returns I will be waiting right here with bated breath for the next step of this adventure.

On a less sappy side note: ffffuck Aclinde and his entire agency. I don't care what lore contradicts itthat bastard is on Tarkin's payroll and a traitor. I will die on this hill!
Mirabilia Mundi chapter 2 . 3/31/2024
Eastern Roman Magister Militum Flavius Ardabur Aspar name reference!
Guest chapter 53 . 3/9/2024
If the author no longer wants to continue this story, can he at least let the followers of this story know that.
local doc chapter 53 . 2/22/2024
Greetings to the author! All the cookies and cake to you, I hope that you haven't abandoned the story after all this time! :D
Guest chapter 53 . 2/19/2024
I hope that the author has not abandoned this story. It is one of the best Star Wars fanfics out there.
Frostbeard chapter 53 . 2/8/2024
I am perhaps too tolerant of errors, as growing up I read immense quantities of stories on the internet. However, I have greatly enjoyed reading this story over the past week. There rarely are any stories focused on the Confederacy in Star Wars, so it was fertile ground for you to plant in.
This story touched on many topics that were quite interesting, although my favourite character, Creamy Sheev, was sadly unable to make much of an appearance due to the nature of the story.
One thing about the author's notes: I enjoy them. Perhaps I just like grumpy old men, but the notes have a particular tone to them that is appreciated. Perhaps it is a hint of misanthropy combined with what internet persona jokingly call autism, but more accurately could be called severe attention to detail, but it has an edge to it that cuts through typical author's notes.
You mentioned working on original fiction in one of the author's notes, and while I recognise you may not want this account associated with your real name, I would appreciate if you would let me know when you are writing that.
You could perhaps go to Royalroads if you want to post it serially as you are writing.
Best regards,
Guest chapter 22 . 12/20/2023
Was Tahnat supposed to be inspired by Megatron from the IDW transformers comics? Because he reminded me a LOT of Megatron.
Guest chapter 42 . 12/20/2023
It would be cool if esera fought Maul in his old ship
Guest chapter 53 . 12/17/2023
Following the cannon is not necessary. If you feel it to be too restrictive there is nothing wrong with writing outside of it for the sake of the story quite the opposite actually. Especially lately with the Disney meddling.
The Guarding Dark chapter 1 . 10/31/2023
I’m just going to assume you died. Damn shame.
Haldir639 chapter 53 . 10/30/2023
One of the best SW stories out there, only wish Esera was a bit more keen on defending herself verbally. Poor girl's been through it lol
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 51 . 9/14/2023
The following review is for the contents of this chapter as well chapters 52 and 53. Might be my longest review ever.
Esera’s anger towards Voyan honestly just seems completely unjustified. Encounter has gone through incredibly shitty odds before. Beside as Voyan said, she could not have completed her mission had he left and he couldn’t have ordered the Base Delta Zero beforehand without her permission. I am split on Sanya calling Esera on it though. On 1 hand, I think according to my morals if I was in her situation, serving as a military officer, I wouldn’t feel too bad but she is also supposed to be a True Jedi and that entails following a very strict moral code which she probably just violated. I will get to whether I think she is a hypocrite or not later.
In regards to the Death Star, I think that the CIS should know a lot more about it than it currently seems too. Druckenwell had a population of billions before the War, there is no way that the Republic should have been able to resettle every single one of its inhabitants too Humbarine, the same applies to some other CIS worlds as well. There should be some who managed to hide. And now that the republic is no longer occupying those systems, at least some knowledge should come to the CIS in regards to what happened. The same applies to Geonosis.
The comms laser being on and transmitting was pretty funny. Oceana coming in for the rescue didn’t feel too contrived or anything.
As usual, the sheer arrogance of the Jedi is breathtaking, more on this later.

On to chapter 52 now, Esera being close to a mental breakdown is honestly that surprising at all. She is committed to following the path of a True Jedi which is difficult even at the best of times and in war time especially in her position a Herculean task. It’s no wonder that she is falling apart. In regards to whether Esera just has good luck or not, I will only say that the force bends reality to the will of all its users. I mean just like Sidious in canon, nearly everything goes right for him while anything that could impede him in any way just doesn’t. I think that this is just a side effect of being a trained force sensitive, it doesn’t make Esera special.
Aclinde is now even more intriguing, on 1 hand he has a very obvious sadistic and cruel streak but he still seems capable of sympathy after all. His concern for Esera’s mental health is honestly pretty surprising, my opinion on him has gone up, I hope we eventually get his point of view although that might be difficult to write or fit in with everything else going on.
I agree with your take that the clone wars were huge, if it was just a border conflict, then it would have been far more difficult for Palpatine to justify the acquisition of more power. At the same time though, in regards to the clone units figure I do think a unit refers to a single individual. Realistically it should not but Star Wars writers, even George Lucas are terrible with numbers. The Death Star with a meagre population of 1 million, could and should have had a population in the 10s of millions. I think the writers intended for the number of clones to be in the few millions. Even in terms of cloning facilities, we are never shown anything to indicate the Kaminoans cloning in the scale of 100s of millions or billions. Due to the natural landscape of Kamino, I think cloning on that scale would be incredibly difficult, in terms of shelter, food and training for the clones among other provisions. But all this I think is a result of shitty writing more than anything, I am not against you changing this crappy world building, it just bothers me when people try to undeservingly defend bad world building. Like a lot of people practically try to Justify every single one of George Lucas’s decisions, however stupid but now I am getting ahead of myself so I’ll just shut up.
I am enjoying all the OCs and I do not have a single complaint about them at all. I have read stories with boring and crappy OCs and this is not one of them. In fact this story has some of the best OCs I’ve ever read. That is all.

On to chapter 3 now, I don’t mind Esera and Sanya reconciling at all. I like how different the 2 of them are, although I relate to Esera far more. I am a bit sad to see the Encounter go but I am also excited to see its crew's new ship.
I hope Bondo and Meecha don’t show up again, I just don’t like them at all and wish them to be tortured to death, preferably by Clothar Aclinde. But seriously they are boring and I hope they don’t have a bigger role in the story. The Jedis plan is going to go terribly wrong but more on that later as well.

In regards to whether or not Esera is a hypocrite, I don’t think she is one. Critics will bring up all the times she killed someone but in almost every case, either her own life was in danger or she tried to seek a peaceful resolution first. When she killed the Natualon drug lord she gave him and his men, a way out numerous times. That is just one case but there are many more like this scattered throughout the story.
Even her base delta zero order on mandalore while walking the line between morally acceptable or not, is nothing compared to what Aspar order on Shumavar. There is a difference between targeting a militarily significant mine where workers know that they are a potential target and indiscriminately bombarding a city filled with civilians. I do think that Esera’s actions are becoming more morally dubious as time goes on and that her actions on Mandalore represent a significant and unfortunate milestone but I think this character transformation that she is undergoing is unavoidable given her position in the confederacy military. Personally I think her inner conflict and struggle between sticking to the path of a True Jedi versus fulfilling her duty to the confederacy is very interesting and I am all here for it regardless of where it goes.

In regards to the Jedi and their upcoming coup attempt I think it is going to disastrously and for the Jedi to think otherwise is insanity. They just don’t have the numbers on their side at all. First of all they’ve lost a significant number of members through out the clone wars. Second most of the Jedi still active in the war are stuck in the Outer rim under surveillance or third, are part of the Knights of the Republic. They number of Jedi capable of participating in their upcoming plans is extremely low. Also even if they somehow miraculously manage to catch Tarkin off guard or capture him, it could possibly start a civil war. Perhaps the peace and anti centralist factions in the senate would side with the Jedi but the other would most likely continue to support Tarkin. Not only would the political establishment be divided but also the military, I highly doubt most of the Republic’s military elite would easily roll over to a Jedi coup. Personally I think their plan will fail miserably and they will be purged even without the clones.
Anyhow this review is waaaay to long now, I planned on posting it 3 days ago but than I got busy. Might as well as post it as, excited for future chapters whenever they come out.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 50 . 9/11/2023
I think I will just review this chapter chronologically. The Sith alchemy at the beginning is cool, it’s nice to see actual evidence of Sidious delving into the esoteric.
The camaraderie between Maul and Aspar is also kind of funny, I like to think they are genuinely friends however unlikely. I like Tarkin’s general stoic attitude to everything supernatural it fits his self assured and domineering personality. He is very characterized throughout the entire story.
Voyan is great therapist and listener.
It is seriously a great shame that the mandalorian meeting didn’t turn out well. They were at their lowest point and on the cusp of Reunification and then it all went to hell. Now, they are somehow even weaker than before. Honestly not too different from canon at all, right down to Gar Saxon taking control under the republic or empire.
Trapper’s plot armor is honestly insane.
I didn’t mind Potkin beating the crap of the Encounters crew, some might say that Esera should have called Whirlwind immediately but I don’t blame Esera for underestimating her. Poor Murshida. I don’t understand why Esera was so mad at Voyan though.
The Rakatan lore was cool. I hope that Aspar is stronger now because of the memory transfer. And finally the Seed… very excited to see it in action down the line.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 49 . 9/10/2023
Samé really had that coming. What comes next is going to be even more deserving for but definitely not for everyone else. I like how the pirates are recognized for the greedy, self serving scum that they are.
I wonder though what specifically has Esera so worked up to the point of awakening dark side influenced homicidal tendencies. There is the fact that people constantly refuse to take Esera seriously, the Sith manipulated nature of the war that no one else can know, her heat stroke and maybe some loneliness. The crew of the Encounter are her subordinates after all creating some distance between her and them. Although she has a good relationship with grievous, he is her boss and not very approachable. I think what she needs is a friend close to her age, force sensitive and similar in rank. It can’t be Sanya or Xule for obvious reasons. And Voyan, as good as a confidante he is, is also significantly older, not force sensitive, not raised as a Jedi and generally introverted. I think she needs an older sibling type figure, a best friend or a boyfriend. Although story wise, I don’t think any of this is possible.

I also have a question regarding the convertibility rate between a USD and a republic credit. In Canon, they are somehow supposed to be equal but here a credit seems significantly higher valued.
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