Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two) |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 48 . 9/10/2023 I like your interpretation of Mandalore and it’s people, no complaints there. It was nice to Sanya being useful, I just didn’t expect it very much. Ahsoka and Esera becoming less antagonistic is nice. Shadday Potkins is an arrogant buffoon, indeed. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 47 . 9/10/2023 Catboys, my weakness! Shau, I think will make a good addition to the crew but I wonder if he is going to play a larger role in the coming chapters or not, he should given how much time was invested in getting him involved. As Grievous said, Angry Komara is best Komara. The Jedi are obtuse and short sighted as ever, no surprise there but still somehow they manage to dissapoint. Like what the hell are Mace and Mundi even thinking, the republic is collapsing before their eyes and they just want to keep the status quo. Tarkin has control over all three branches of government, the banks and now he has an ever growing army of Jedi defectors. He has also shown very open contempt for the Jedi and has no problem relieving them of command. Finally he is now openly spying on them. What the fuck does the Jedi council short of Shaak Ti think they can do now. Even if they wanted to stop him now, it is too late. They are walking towards their destruction and completely unwilling to do anything about it. This all of course is evident in canon but even more so here. At this point, I am praying for Tarkin to completely wipe out the Jedi, they are too stupid too exist. I have so much sympathy for Shaak ti right now. Esera’s heatstroke was dumb, a little out of character, she could have just made some excuse about going back to the ship to check on things and narrowly avoided the whole thing. A bit contrived but not too big of a problem or anything. I really like the Ciutricenes. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 46 . 9/10/2023 I think Maul’s character is fine, no glaring inaccuracies with his portrayal. Purity Alpha seems cool. Right now I’m wondering why Whirlwind has sentience and if Purity my also become sentient as well in the future, as in develop a force presence. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 45 . 9/9/2023 Emberlene was interesting. I wonder where there force sensitivity eugenics program will go in the future. For some reason the first or second time, I read this arc I assumed Emberlene to be an icy cold planet. Idk why but in my mind it works better for it to be cold than hot. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 44 . 9/9/2023 Feel bad for Esera and Voyan. At least Buna is a good captain. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 43 . 9/9/2023 Good chapter, emberlene seems like a truly wretched place to live in unless your an Alpha woman. Right now I am more invested in the schism plot line than anything else. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 42 . 9/9/2023 Based Buna, Enlightened Shaak Ti, and Adorable Esera. Her Anger and Jealousy instead of being annoying are instead endearing. I like all the new crew members more or less. The idea of a Jedi Schism is probably my favourite concept from this story. It is very original and executed in a believable manner. I've reread this story atleast once just for the build up towards the Jedi Schism and specifically Tarkin and Aspar's speeches. Mace's line at the end almost always gives me chills, it is pardon the term, pure Kino. I think it is in that scene that the Jedi truly realize how far they've fucked up things and just failed at everything. I can't say they didn't have the schism coming, though. Another great chapter. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 41 . 9/9/2023 This honestly might my favorite chapter in this entire story. Where does one even start. I think I'll just start from the beginning. The scene in which Esera explains her findings about the identity of Darth Sidious is just done super well. You can just feel the stress and pressure that Esera is feeling as with the knowledge that the entire clone wars was fabricated by Palpatine. In regards to Esera and Grievous's decision to keep their new found knowledge secret, I think that is the correct and logical choice. At the same time I do hope that one way or another the Jedi council are also allowed to find out the truth. Their reactions to finding out the depths of their own ignorance would be extremely satisfying. Or a few years after the war ends, I hope that the Sith's manipulations are revealed to the wider galaxy, the people deserve to know the truth no matter how heart breaking it might be. I also feel like during their whole conversation, Grievous and Esera hit a new milestone in their relationship. They both so obviously care for each other now and their whole father-daughter dynamic is very sweet. The cyborg looked off into the distance, as if he were listening to something only he could hear. In the Force, his presence became energized, a whirling torrent of emotions she couldn't get a read on, but his voice came low and contemplative: "Ah, I see it now... It is said that victory is Heaven's promise to the righteous. You will be righteous where I cannot be. I will tear this Sith plot out from the Galaxy by its roots. And you will heal the wounds left behind. You will discover your foundations are firmer than you think." This is honestly some of the best character development I've ever seen. Aspar's interrogation by the council made me sigh in relief, I'd been waiting for that conversations to happen for a very long time and it was extremely satisfying for the council to realize how out of touch with their rank and file members they had become. The jedi's reckoning has been extremely long coming and now it has finally come. Particularly, this moment had be grinning like a psycho: "You can't even find the Sith lord you're looking for," Aspar told them, disdain in his eyes. "I could tell you the sky is green and you wouldn't sense my deception. The sky is green, masters." Yoda frowned, Mace Windu looked like he'd seen something disgusting on the floor. But none of them could sense any lie from Aspar, who was lying to their face right now. SOOOOOO satisfying. Finally Dooku's take on the path of a true jedi is my favorite interpretation of what a Jedi should be like. I like how you repudiated the concept of Grey Jedi, I've always had problems with that path. It basically exists so that goody guy characters can commit morally dubious acts and get away with it. The only thing I have to add is that I think that different interpretations of the force can exist simultaneously and not contradict each other too much. Like the Dark Side might be destructive but it can exist in different shades or how else would the original Sith species have formed a civilization if the dark side could only consume and destroy. On a more general level, I like how you acknowledged the complexity of the force instead of just simplifying it and giving us one easy answer. Something I've seen some other fanfiction do that I hate is personify the force and turn it into a single person. It always makes me cringe because of lazy it is and also just the idea that something as vast as the force can be personified is frankly blasphemous. Anyhow that is all, 10/10 chapter, Aspar's upcoming scenes are something, I am really looking forward too. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 40 . 9/8/2023 Grievous’s trials for Sanya were a bit comical in a good way. The scene with Nute Gunray made me lol. Esera finding out that Sanya was merger really her friend was just plain sad, Esera deserves better. Speaking of Sanya, I have mixed feelings. I am fine with her character as a concept, I like her background as an Agri corps member. At the same time, I already hate her gutter mindedness though this is more due to my own cultural upbringing than anything else. I don’t think it takes away from her overall character at all. Overall, nice, cosy chapter. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 39 . 9/8/2023 Obi-wan was left with a feeling as bleak as the devastated landscape of this ruined world. Good, Kenobi always had it too easy in the clone wars anyway. Caraam’s dystopian nature was very disturbing but cool. I really feel bad for the Agmarians. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 38 . 9/8/2023 Very exhilarating battle, I liked the focus on Grievous and the other military leaders of the CIS. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 37 . 9/8/2023 I think that Tarkin’s blunt and threatening way of speaking to his subordinates is going to make interesting points of friction within the Republic’s establishment. He is no emperor yet so alienating so many people so quickly is probably not a good idea. At the same time it drives the home idea that at the end of the day, Tarkin is not the exact same as Palpatine. Sheev was willing to put considerable effort into maintaining an image of harmlessness that Tarkin has no time or will for. Anyhow the coming battle seems to be incredibly tough for both sides. What the confederate come with is bound to be clunky but efficient. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 36 . 9/8/2023 It was nice for Voyan to reconcile with his past somewhat. The air battle between the Encounter and Vigilance was also done pretty well I think. I don’t think I had too much trouble following the battle, although some subtleties I think were lost. Overall, a good end to this arc. Also, Tarkin is coming along as a competent and threatening villain already. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 35 . 9/8/2023 Good fights. |
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 34 . 9/8/2023 At first when I read this story, I thought you were too biased against Ahsoka but honestly when you look at canon she never really stops being a Jedi or living that sort of Jedi lifestyle. Even in the Ahsoka show which takes place a few years after the fall ROT and by which time she is around 45, she is still living like a Jedi, no lovers, no kids, just continuing to serve the republic. She doesn’t seem to have outgrown her Jedi past at all. |