Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 35 . 9/8/2023
Good fights.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 34 . 9/8/2023
At first when I read this story, I thought you were too biased against Ahsoka but honestly when you look at canon she never really stops being a Jedi or living that sort of Jedi lifestyle. Even in the Ahsoka show which takes place a few years after the fall ROT and by which time she is around 45, she is still living like a Jedi, no lovers, no kids, just continuing to serve the republic. She doesn’t seem to have outgrown her Jedi past at all.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 33 . 9/8/2023
Ahsoka being a self righteous cunt honestly does not seem too out of character for me.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 32 . 9/8/2023
I hate zeltros and zeltrons. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. The very idea that such a depraving and hedonistic race could both survive and thrive is just disgusting. This not to say that I hated this chapter or anything, I just wanted to vent.
The chapter itself was good, I feel bad for Shaka ti. They hated her because she spoke the truth!
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 31 . 9/7/2023
How does Voyan has so much damn rizz, at this rate he will soon have a harem of alien babes.
Very based character.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 30 . 9/7/2023
I liked this chapter, yes it was long but it was also very cozy and the world building was very creative. It was just nice to see worlds with their own unique culture and customs, the only single comparable instance of this type of world building in Disney canon that I can think of is on Ferrix, from Andor. Also the reunion of Esera and her sister got me a bit emotional, lol. Finally it was nice to finally get to Shaka ti’s pov, it is easily one of my favourite povs in this entire story.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 29 . 9/7/2023
Honestly I could not think of a more satisfying conclusion for this arc. Hithlu’s warcrime was unfortunate in some ways, in universe and out. I generally liked him as a character so I am sad to just see him go but I suppose narratively his actions were necessary to set up Tarkin’s Ascendancy, which is something I am definitely looking forward to reread. Tarkin is an absolute delight to read about, he just has so much personality and charm, I love him even as I hate what he stands for.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 28 . 9/7/2023
Interesting chapter. It is always weird to think that master Yoda for all his supposed greatness is the person who presided over the Jedi as they made their biggest mistakes and met their downfall. Overall I like your characterization of Yoda very much, he has a good heart but unfortunately he is completely blinded by Jedi dogma and lack of self reflection.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 27 . 9/7/2023
So far I am really enjoying this whole Operation Striking Star Arc, the pacing is pretty consistent and the fights entertaining. Voyan and Esera have a very interesting dynamic. She is 17 and he is over 30 but when they were talking, Esera almost seemed motherly (?), I might be projecting here but whatever. Their friendship is very cool.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 26 . 9/7/2023
Murshida’s ramblings on the nature of the force was very touching and thought provoking. I have never seen the force described in such a beautiful manner. Anyhow, if I have any criticism of this chapter, it is Esera not capturing Aspar. I mean it is bad enough for her to leave him alive when she has killed people for a lot less but then to not arrest him or whatever, just seems kind of stupid. Murshida even says that he is going to come back for her and she already knows how far he has fallen and how he is completely willing to kill innocents. From a narrative standpoint, Aspar has a very important role to play but the way in which he was spared, imo, was just kinda stupid and maybe even a bit inconsistent with Esera’s moral framework.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 25 . 9/7/2023
The back to back duels of Grievious-Unduli and Esera-Aspar were very cool and entertaining. The power scaling so far is really good. No one is too weak or strong.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 24 . 9/7/2023
I’ve reread this story a few times and I think every time that the stakes for operation striking star are raised very well. Grievious’s speech in particular is just downright chilling. I don’t think there is a single Star Wars factions that I now love and support as much as the CIS.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 23 . 9/7/2023
Fascinating chapter, I didn’t understand the physics too much but it wasn’t too boring or anything and didn’t really take away from the story much.
It was also nice to see the more confident side of Voyan as well as Tarkin’s scheming, he is developing into a very entertaining villain. Much more compelling here than in canon. The pacing so far has also been pretty good even as I’m reading much more slowly this time around.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 22 . 9/6/2023
Good chapter, I honestly don’t have that much to say. Everything was wrapped up in a very satisfying way. Voyan is a bit of a weirdo but I like him anyway.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 21 . 9/6/2023
It wasn't his business, though, best not to think about it. Soon, his day would be over, and he'd be free to watch the latest episode of an embarrassingly trashy but oddly addictive Raxian holodrama.
How dare you make Nute Gunray of all people so cute and relatable.
Also at times like this I wish there was fanart for this story, Khan and many other characters all probably have very cool designs.
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