Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 22 . 9/6/2023
Good chapter, I honestly don’t have that much to say. Everything was wrapped up in a very satisfying way. Voyan is a bit of a weirdo but I like him anyway.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 21 . 9/6/2023
It wasn't his business, though, best not to think about it. Soon, his day would be over, and he'd be free to watch the latest episode of an embarrassingly trashy but oddly addictive Raxian holodrama.
How dare you make Nute Gunray of all people so cute and relatable.
Also at times like this I wish there was fanart for this story, Khan and many other characters all probably have very cool designs.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 20 . 9/6/2023
Voyan, Khan and Esera make a delightful trio. Clothar Aclinde, I like him. I also like your interpretation of Zygerrian society, it is nice to see some nuance. Often times in Star Wars, we are told about how scheming and devious certain alien races and yet we are also expected to believe that Human supremacy is bad. While both ideas can be true at the same time, sometimes it is difficult to reconcile them.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 19 . 9/6/2023
Both young Eemon and Director Orlok are funny, I like them, good chapter.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 18 . 9/6/2023
I both love and hate Punished Esera but seriously I don’t think that conversation could have gone any worse for her, very unfortunate. With just how completely blind the Jedi are, when order 66 comes around or it’s equivalent in this universe, I’m not even going to feel bad.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 17 . 9/5/2023
I am loving all the references to the 4chan, they are hilarious but do not seem to be out of place at all. I remember the first time I read this chapter I was just in shock, I felt personally called out but in a good way, lol.

If you see this post, you have been visited by the KHAGAN ZHARAJAYN, chosen by the gods, master of kettles, commander of the kolkpraviin, and cook of huks! Brilliant encirclements, high protein fried huk, and dead jedi will come to you, but only if you reply with "Zharajayn, kettle!" to this post.
Chef's kiss.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 16 . 9/5/2023
The conversation between GG and Esera is just fantastic. Its almost impossible to not sympathize with her.
A moment of quiet passed, and Grievous said nothing. He figured that if he just let her talk, he'd learn everything he wanted to know. And on she went: "At first, it was just killing droids- easy. They're not real people, they're don't actually matter, right? Our enemies were cowards hiding behind a bunch of mass-produced robots, like our Senate was hiding behind a bunch of mass-produced clones. But then, we started killing actual people. Alright, I could handle that. If someone starts shooting at me, I'll defend myself. I always gave them a chance to surrender. And then, finally, Palpatine's commanders started bypassing the Jedi Council. They didn't have our morality, they didn't have our reservations. I've never killed an innocent, and I wasn't about to start now. In fact, as a Jedi, it was my duty to protect the innocent! Right? So what do they do, when I follow our teachings, and do not sit idly by when evil shows itself? They exile me! They declare me a traitor! We have reached a point where the Jedi Order is so consumed by this war that they would rather blindly serve the political entity they favor than do the right thing! And if anyone so much as speaks out against it, they get discarded like trash!"

The girl had worked herself up, and was now so flustered that her clenched fists were shaking. "This dogmatism, this arrogance-! How could I owe loyalty such an institution, that clearly had no such loyalty to me? They turned their back on me, I turned my back on them! At least I can say I'm not a pawn of a parasitic band of interstellar robber-barons! I did what was right when no one else would, and who took me in? You, the Separatists! Who showed me mercy after my own people tried to kill me? You, Grievous!" She exhaled, and closed her eyes. "I don't know how- I don't know why this happened," she finally spoke, now quiet. "But here I am, with a clean conscience. That's more then I had before. And as to why I'm here, standing in front of you? I've got literally nothing left, General. No one to go to, nowhere to stay, nothing to do. I saw a chance to change things for the better, I took it."
Just amazing. The story that Esera shares with the crew just made me shake my head. She is too good hearted for this world. Knowing some of the actions she commits in the future, I am very eager to follow her character development closely.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 15 . 9/5/2023
I love little moments like this so much. They endear Tarkin to me a lot.
Salima looked like she wanted to say something very uncouth. Orlok offered her a deathstick, but she declined. This is a no-smoking facility, Tarkin had half a mind to tell him.
for a Givin. He snuck in three convoys to Umbara before we secured high orbit." Sneaked in, Tarkin wanted to correct him.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 14 . 9/5/2023
The coup arc was pretty good. I enjoyed introspective Grievous and his interactions with Esera. They just have great chemistry.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 13 . 9/5/2023
Making your characters suffer and be in painful situations emotional and physical is a sure-fire way of making them more likeable. The more adversity a character overcomes the more respectable they are, and the more I am willing to root for them.
I like how everyone in this chapter is just so ‘human’, as in everyone has so much agency and reactiveness. Like on the side of the republic, everyone feels that the coup attempt should be taken advantage of one way or another. And then even the ordinary coup soldiers are all showing so much bravery and competence.
It’s just nice to see everyone, not just the main cast, behave like actual people with their own ideas and ambitions.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 12 . 9/5/2023
The conversation between Esera and Greivious is very well written. Grievous doesn’t feel too out of character. Also I can’t believe that I’m feeling sympathetic to Nute Gunray of all people, I’ve always hated him. Good job.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 11 . 9/5/2023
Very cool chapter. I think one thing I have noticed while rereading this which I hadn’t before is how many characters are aliens. I like it.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 10 . 9/4/2023
How can a single man be this based! I am talking of course about Horthy. Honestly all the Confederate politicians are pretty cool so far. Good chapter.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 9 . 9/4/2023
I think the Sephi sisters and the Shadowfeed broadcast add a very unique and interesting perspective to the story. Also representative Horthy is hilarious!
"Me? I think we're gonna win! Put the General in power, I say, let him loose! We'll crush them all!" the man boasted. "The tree of liberty's gotta be littered with the blood of patriots! Chancellor Palpatine was not my Chancellor, he was a dictator and probably planning on ruling for life. The Senate is corrupt and we were taxed without representation.
This made me lol. Honestly you have a real talent for making OCs seem very alive and sentient as well as generally likeable.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 8 . 9/4/2023
Esera is so far a very likeable and well rounded character. Noble of heart but not insufferable like many female main characters of our modern times. Her ackwardness and weakness make her very endearing.
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