Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 8 . 9/4/2023
Esera is so far a very likeable and well rounded character. Noble of heart but not insufferable like many female main characters of our modern times. Her ackwardness and weakness make her very endearing.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 7 . 9/4/2023
This is the first fanfic in which I not only like Tarkin but he is one of my favourite characters. I just love how he doesn’t take anyone else’s shit and straight up says whatever needs to be said. He is very enjoyable.
Also the writing in this fanfic is on another level. There are so, so many good one liners, statements, etc…
"Fiat currency is an idea for university professors." Pors Tonith shook his head. "And universities are the only places where ideas that don't work can survive.“
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 6 . 9/4/2023
A-4D is hilarious, love him.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 5 . 9/4/2023
I like your interpretation of Wat Tambor a lot, he is already my favourite character on the separatist council.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 4 . 9/4/2023
I feel bad for the captain, honestly his whole monologue is very well written and poignant. I particularly like the following excerpt. With these words in mind, it is no wonder that Esera makes the decision that she does.

The old captain's expression softened. "It's not your fault, Jedi. There's too much bad blood between us, too many evil deeds. No one is guiltless in this war, not us, not them. When you favored one side over the other... I guarantee you that if you had aligned with us, they would have fought you just as hard as we are now. Peace was never an option after that choice, do not blame yourself for what others have done."
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 3 . 9/4/2023
The chronological dating stuff is too much work for me so I’ll take your word for it. I do really appreciate the effort though. It is always annoying and difficult to keep track of time when there isn’t any starting point or year of reference.
Also I think that the amount of detail your putting into everything is fine, it is not too much nor too little.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 2 . 9/4/2023
Really like this chapter and the next one. I think the two of them are what really sold this story to me. I really like Esera’s pov and I do agree with your perspective on the republic and how it didn’t turn into the empire in a single day. I mean there should have definelty been hints of the coming empire even before order 66 in the republics general conduct towards the war. But I like how you haven’t made the republic comically evil either. I mean the execution of war prisoners isn’t really the republics fault. Good chapter, I like Kronaak and Dofine.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 1 . 9/4/2023
There is a lot to be said about this chapter. First of all I do think that Anakin and Palpatine’s deaths are very essential to the type of story that you are writing. One of the flaws of Star Wars as I’ve always seen it has been the outsized focus put on the Skywalker lineage. To the point that everything becomes secondary to their stories. The prequels are about Anakin. The originals are about Luke and I’ve heard that George initially planned for the sequels to about Leia. I think that removing the Skywalkers as well as Palpatine opens up a lot of possibilities which are very creatively explored in this story.

This said the way that Anakin and Sheev go out is a bit tooo anticlimactic and pathetic. I can’t really think of a better way their deaths could have been handled but I think one reason this story is so underrated is because the events of this chapter are basically blasphemy to your average Star Wars and a huge turnoff. Nobody wants to see their favourite villain or hero go out so embarrassingly. That said this is probably my only major complaint regarding this entire story that I can think of at the top of my head. Decent first chapter overall.
PoofyOhio chapter 53 . 8/23/2023
A great story with some relatively minor flaws and nitpicks none that I care enough about to bring up in the review, but I’d gladly discuss them if the author cares enough to hear them and pm’s me. I desperately want more of this story, but I understand it could be awhile. I look forward to your return.
Guest chapter 53 . 8/22/2023
Well, it has been a year since we had an update for this incredible fanfiction. Hopefully we will see a new chapter soon, or at least an update on how the progress on future chapters is going.
PoofyOhio chapter 46 . 8/21/2023
I’m surprised Esera hasn’t requested some more droids like BX series for ground ops and anti boarding actions after what happened with the clone commandos
PoofyOhio chapter 41 . 8/21/2023
This is such a wildly different interpretation to the force than I’ve ever interpreted it, and it’s so much more interesting than anything I’ve ever read.
NamelessWanderer6 chapter 52 . 8/18/2023
As someone already stated we are now only a day away from the anniversary of when this story last updated. I hope that a new chapter is coming soon but if not at the very least I hope that this is not discontinued or abandoned entirely. This is one of the best Star Wars fanfics I have ever read with phenomenal worldbuilding and characterization. I’ve already reread this fanfic around 3 times and I hope to reread it once again only this time with reviews if only to point out all the things I like in each chapter to motivate you into coming back.
Also this review is supposed to under chapter 53 but I already reviewed that so whatever.
PoofyOhio chapter 18 . 8/18/2023
Not even twenty chapters in and this is already a phenomenal read
DaemonWhitefyre chapter 53 . 8/18/2023
Only one day left before an entire year without an udapte. So sad! But i can understand that life and work can get in the way. Hoping to see a new chapter soon!
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