Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
ValidinOpress chapter 14 . 12/31/2018
Happy New Year! Loved the the new chapter and can't wait for the next
Celgress chapter 14 . 12/31/2018
Happy New Year. Thanks for the update.
ZakoBattledroid chapter 14 . 12/31/2018
Grievous painting his emblem with a rag. That’s rather clever. I’m seeing in this story that Grievous ends up doing practical clever things that you never really see him typically do in official Star Wars stories. But considering he’s such a great warrior, this kind of thing should be expected. The big difference you show it rather than just say how dangerous or clever Grievous can be.

Esera reading Grievous’ mind is an interesting way to go. I wonder if Esera’s powers are slowly starting to grow because she’s finally been kicked out of the safety nest that is the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, or Grievous is just telecasting his thoughts that loudly. Or maybe both. Always fun to hear a conversation where one individual can read the other’s mind.

A mom-speeder? Ha. Esera kills me. I like that term. Backseat driver Esera and Grievous. Perfect. At least Esera doesn’t have to ride in the wheel bike with him.

You remembered Grievous actually has an embedded grabbling hook and cable. So many people forget about that. And Grievous swinging over with Esera makes me think of Luke and Leia from A New Hope. Grievous doesn’t get a kiss for luck?

The General is started to get more and more of his old life back. I’m sure he’ll be back to slaying the Huk in no time. Or trying to visit his family. I’m certain Esera will be the one to push him towards the latter option to calm him down.

It was a nice little surprise that the droids didn’t instantly turn back on. You made that part a bit more exciting than I was expecting.

Poor demoted Oro Dassyne. But demoted is a lot better than being dead. Thumbs up for Dassyne’s reasoning for going through with the coup being believable. Also good that he surrendered and didn’t throw his life away in a fight that he very obviously couldn’t win. Makes him feel like a much more believable character, even if he is but a very minor one.

And Esera’s mindreading from the start of the chapter has a payoff at the end. Well done.

“You lose, General Kenobi—, er, Shu Mai!”

I’m sure I saw a few other quotes sprinkled in there or it could just be my mind making connections that aren’t there.

Nice to see Gunray being an active participant rather than a static character that just has things happen to him. And the entire thing plays out exactly how one might reasonably expect for someone of Nute’s ability and skill set.

Esera is just digging herself into a deeper hole with the Separatists. I’m sure this is going to come back to bite her one day when the other Jedi catch up to her. Hopefully she’ll have at least a few new friends by then to help her out.

Overall, good chapter with some great interactions between Esera and Grievous and a few challenges that have brought the General to consider Esera to be his least-hated Jedi. High praise indeed.
Gennai's Acolyte chapter 14 . 12/31/2018
Not much for me to comment on, but I'm glad to see this being updated! It's definitely one of the most fun stories that I'm currently following, and I'm always excited for new content to arrive. Keep up the good work!
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 13 . 12/16/2018
Cant wait for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2018
The war’ll be over by Christmas- I mean, the next chapter will be out by Christmas. All jokes aside, this is a great read and I hope you update it soon, bro.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/6/2018
Please update soon
Angery Katte chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
My guy, this isn't the first time that Anakin had gone against a seemingly overwhelming force of droids. He won other times, why wouldn't he win this time?
Marczeg Szar chapter 13 . 8/21/2018
Great story!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/11/2018
Excellent! I can't wait for more!
Fourhand chapter 13 . 4/7/2018
Ahhh it feels good read this again. Absolutely adore Esera's habits, and stinking Jedi ways.
There being SOME awesome Nemoidians, including swordsmen, makes so much sense. Regardless, Grievous is getting so humbled out here, I love it. These cops will be getting medals forged from Grievous' damaged breastplace once he gets a replacement. And they'll deserve it. Curious what'll he do with the survivors, he isn't in a position to be taking prisoners, but he hasn't thoroughly violated the laws of war before, doubt he'd start once a Jedi has his ear. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/6/2018
Very good hope to see more
maadoorii chapter 13 . 4/5/2018
Badass police am I right?
C197 chapter 13 . 4/5/2018
Glad your back!
Also the first police officer said there was only a dozen officers from the station, then later at the space port it became 3 dozen?
Celgress chapter 13 . 4/4/2018
Nice to see another chapter. Also nice to see the New Leadership of the Republic.
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