Reviews for A Single Decision (Take Two)
Celgress chapter 9 . 11/26/2016
Good to see new updates.
diabolo88000 chapter 9 . 11/26/2016
Great chapter! Good that you're back. Looking forward to reading more!
Math725e chapter 9 . 11/26/2016
tank you! for the update, this is stil an amazing story! are you going to make more of it?
just want to know, this is one of my favurits!

sorry that my english is shit...
OldWorldVulture chapter 9 . 11/26/2016
First of all welcome back!

I stumbled on your story a few weeks ago after noticing your comments on 'Stray saber'

This is fun, this is really fun.

As others have commented the pacing is good and prose is fluid

It's fun to see to see the characters move about and develop, whether it be Grievous fitful reemergence back into being someone with his own mind ('why are we at war with the Republic?'). It's fun to see Esera's crisis of conscience, that results in her grand misadventure halfway across the Galaxy. It's really fun to see someone consider the politics of the star wars universe in any depth greater than good people and bad people. Where the Jedi order faces a slowly growing internal crisis due to the challenges of the war, where the Senate is becoming polarised between pro and anti war factions and the confederacy to be an anarchic political coalition ranging from corporate oligarchs to blood and guts patriots to liberals stuck between a rock and a hard place to militant space communists. It just opens up so many opportunities for plot and it's something woefully under-utilised in star wars AU's.

There's so many ways this could go and all of them are interesting (though the notion of Supreme Chancellor Tarkin is deliciously evil) so thank you for choosing to continue writing and good luck!
The Plague Doctor chapter 9 . 11/25/2016
This is a great story! Well-written, good world building and progression. I'm glad I found it ;)
Patrick the observer chapter 9 . 11/25/2016
woot! new chapter. again this is pretty good. I do hope to see what Lirka is going to do now that she can never go home. how is she going to deal with the counsels betrayal, stuck in confederate territory. wish I that there was more Grievous but then again I sense were going to be seeing a lot of him next chapter. speaking of, can't wait for the next chapter. it is going to be so cool seeing Grievous enact a coupe.
Jaddot chapter 3 . 11/7/2016
(In response to recent profile update) Looks like this fic will be shut for a while again. I will miss it, but you can't force the will of writers I suppose. My imagination will have to fill the void.

I want to thank you for an improved re-adventure you gave me. Your writing has dramatically improved. :D
Guest chapter 8 . 10/19/2016
Please update soon
Jaddot chapter 2 . 9/24/2016
So, hows the progress of the next chapter going?
Just a fan chapter 8 . 8/16/2016
just found this amazing story! can you start update it again. it was the best star wars story i have ever read, such deabt and story! im like, wow, i hav now read it like 2 times, and am now going for the 3.

Arwsome story, plz start again whit your amazing an breath taking story.

(english is not my nativ langush?) sorry XD
Jaddot chapter 8 . 7/20/2016
Alright time for my 'overall review so far' thing.

This fanfic is definitely quite the improvement from the original. It's way more polished (no plot holes, very few spelling mistakes so far). The pacing and story feels incredibly natural, to the point where I'm content with the idea that the droid army being considered inefficient (since there was more depth in that element then in TCW where it's just an excuse to make the protagonists easily beat them/comic relief, plus the acknowledgement that there are some more smarter battalions of droids thanks to some admirals' modifications to policy/software). Already I've invested myself more in Grievous then all of his appearances in TCW and the movies, considering this fic made him bigger and with more varying personality, especially during his experiences in his new phase of life without some of his mind-altering chips in his brain.

This fic also managed to add more layers to the CIS and Republic then what I could of thought, let alone what TCW even bothered to consider. I always thought that the CIS were monstrous cheaters with good intentions (for most) while the Republic is corrupt but have standards when it comes to looking good, and how the Jedi just doesn't recognise long term morality and injustice due to them being brought up to Jedi-hood by birth, lacking proper education on morality. (Got that interpretation off myself plus OOM-9's Revenge). This fic added that the Republic is diving so brutal that some of the the younger generations of Jedi, who are more attached to short term morality, can't cope with means the Republic is taking. How there are elements in the CIS that respect a more cleaner warfare. And that war, is making both factions become the same. The Republic, losing their standards and short term morality. The CIS soon to lose some of their philosophy that founded them in the first place. The evolution of these factions are intensely intriguing.

Overall, so far. 10/10 IT"S A MUST READ, even if it's alternate universe.
Jaddot chapter 7 . 7/20/2016
You know, I've gotten so used to Battle Droids being dangerously competent in OOM-9's Revenge, it felt weird to go back to the realisation that, overall, the droid army isn't very effective (not to the level of being clownishly retarded as presented in TCW, just not effective).

To be fair, those Y-wings had turrets that counter the Vultures in any flanking direction their in. They are pretty fair and evasive against normal Republic fighters though.
Math725e chapter 8 . 7/18/2016
just found this story. it is really good! are you gona compleat this story?

Thanks for the storu hop you start it op again! XD
Jaddot chapter 1 . 7/17/2016
This old fic was still alive? YES!

I thought it was abandoned a long time ago. I'm quite surprised and excited. I'm gonna have a good time :D
Patrick the observer chapter 8 . 6/4/2016
Huh... this has been... rather interesting to be honest. I like that Grievous is starting to question things, once he has an ideal to stand for he will be a much better leader. Wonder just what are little rouge Jedi is going to do though, I'm trying to figure out what her place in the plot is supposed to be.

As for the announcement of Dooku's death I think Grievous may have just martyred the man in the eye's of the confederacy by showing him being disarmed and then killed by Anakin, don't know how the republic is going to react though when they see the video.

Any way hope that the next chapter comes out soon. Till next time I wish you luck in all your endeavors. :)
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