Reviews for Decisions, Decisions
renowned-warrior chapter 69 . 2/20/2024
Year 2. Once again I felt like it was to simular to the original story. Sure there was some small changes, but the weren't big and in the end it felt more like reading a summary of the original story but with a female Harry.

Year 3. Over all it again felt to simular although this time mixed with some different kind of teenage angst. However the ending was different and sets the rest of the story to the potential of becoming different than the original story. I hope that you are going to grab that chance, mostly because otherwise this is getting boring.
renowned-warrior chapter 19 . 2/19/2024
First year: So far, I like the premise of the story, but I don't like the excursion. It simply reminds me to much of a copy of the original book. Are there differences? Yes, but in my opinion not truly enough. Hopefully it will be better.
I also sort of feel like the story doesn't match the description text. But hey that's the least.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 11 . 9/30/2022
I’m hoping this story deviates from canon soon, because right now it just feel like I’m rereading the books with only the slight twist of a fem!Harry with the exact same events.
orangepumpkins chapter 124 . 4/18/2022
oh this fic was absolutely delightful! George x fem!Harry is something that I have the biggest soft spot for and you did it in an amazing way! I really liked your own twists and turns, such as the switching spell and Sirius being able to live freely or Harry's skills as an empathy and in arithmancy. I also have a giant soft spot for hedrick and can't help but feel bad for Cedric lol. imagine trying to be all honourable for the girl that you like, only to have your forfeiting the tournament meaning that she was sent to her sworn enemy's revival alone (although very much glad he did not die in this fic as well). and Eugene was a cool addition to the lore of your world as well! Thank you for writing and sharing!
MarilynT chapter 124 . 1/23/2022
Great story. Just finished reading
godess bubbles chapter 99 . 1/9/2022
I always wait until the last chapter to leave a comment, but I just had to say that this chapter had me crying like a baby. Well done.
dhamann7878 chapter 50 . 3/18/2021
Just wondering if the escaped criminal being Pettigrew was a mistake
Guest chapter 53 . 3/5/2021
Sirius Black?
Guest chapter 16 . 3/5/2021
It was Quirell! Dun Dun Dun
Wellone chapter 124 . 11/14/2020
I can't whith the story. I keep reading because I love the paring but there isn't much about them. It just Harry Potter but whith a female harry who marry a Weasley like in the canon. Nothing about the plot change, juste some people who you keep alive.
era-romance chapter 124 . 4/9/2020
k. I'll say it frankly: while I didnt like it I am sure that there are readers who will adore this fic.

I realize it's been a long minute since you wrote this fic and have likely improved your writing since then.

I wish you all the best. stay safe during these perilous times.
era-romance chapter 68 . 4/9/2020
k. really dont get thiswhy would Sirius, in his natural form, need to hide away, pretend that he's muggle, etc? everyone knows that PETTIGREW was at fault so Sirius isn't even a suspect here. all he needs to say is he had amnesia until recently or that pettigrew had a partner that held him hostage or, or, or and he's a free man, no hiding required

I hate it when authors throw giant inconsistencies like this in their writing. it makes the story confusing and less than pleasurable to read
era-romance chapter 36 . 4/8/2020
it's been pretty much canon for the last 36 chapters. at first it was okay but now it's just a little annoying. if I wanted to read the canical version w a female harry I'd have just read Rowling's version while substituting Harry With a female name and Ginny with a male name (have nothing against homosexual pairings, but being heterosexual myself I do prefer reading heterosexual romances)

I'll keep reading to see if it gets any better once harry and George start dating but, as I said earlier, am a little annoyed at how close you stuck to canon.
skylerwyler02 chapter 124 . 2/10/2020
I love this so much I haven't stopped reading it for 3 days I'm sad to see it end but I'm happy it ended the way it did
D47 chapter 50 . 1/1/2020
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