Reviews for Into the Devil's Eye
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 1/2
Hey there! I hope you're doing great!

I just finished reading your story Into the Devil's Eye, and I absolutely loved it! I'd be thrilled to adapt it into my comic style or even animation. I'd work on it as a commission, and I think you'd really enjoy the final result something you might even want to share!

I'm a digital artist open for commissions and have a few spots available. I work on various types of artwork, my rates are reasonable, and I always deliver high-quality pieces. If you're interested, let’s discuss it further!

You can reach me here:
- Discord: baran59354
- DeviantArt: baran59354
- Twitter: ZoyeZest
- Instagram: baran59354

Looking forward to hearing from you!
TichePotato chapter 34 . 11/24/2024
Bah, modern lore. Cawl? Primaris? Never happened.

Stay safe, and keep kitty safe.
bigwoof chapter 34 . 7/14/2024
a new episode! awesome! nice twist! will go read up on regular eldars now.. not really sure about yvrainne's backstory.. also need to find out who lobo is.. finally hang in there. I hope your cat gets better.. will pm..
Amir-015 chapter 34 . 7/14/2024
I'm sorry about what happened to your cat, I hope he's feeling better now.
bigwoof chapter 33 . 4/29/2024
great chapter! finally caught up by basically skipping the 3 pervious chapters I have not read yet.. had to catch up.. but wow! great intrigue... will be interesting to see what the fallout with the slaves will be.. and what double dealing vloks and raks cook up.. will they team up to form the VR connection?..

also is lelith is coming back. she was great and added another angle to the polygon of intrigue...

ending with the chosen one? is the musical omake finally happening?
TichePotato chapter 33 . 4/28/2024
Reviews for the review throne.
evolution-500 chapter 33 . 4/17/2024
So Commorragh is heading for a second apocalypse and Vect is making preparations? Not only that, but poor Temira has now gained the Supreme Overlord's favor as his "chosen" one. I can't help feeling like she's some sort of sacrificial lamb for whatever plot Vect hopes to put into motion.
MrNarwhale chapter 33 . 4/5/2024
god this chapter was perfect
Xager-the-Chaos-King chapter 33 . 4/5/2024
Well, this is going to get very... unpleasant. Temira's screwed, Vect's got her dancing on his strings and now... yeah. Honestly, I'm curious if Vlokarian might know a way to transplant Temmy's soul into a Drukhari body.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2023
"Will she be interesting enough to be more than just a torture slave?"


No, no she won't.
Grocamol chapter 31 . 11/24/2023
I think this chapter needs some touch up, cause the use of italics if confusing. Italics ate usually used for thoughts and past tense story telling, but it seems like this entire chapter is full of it and I'm trying to understand if any is thoughts, speech, or past tense storytelling. Very confusing.
evolution-500 chapter 31 . 11/23/2023
Jesus, I can't believe how much of an evil bastard Vect is. Wow. I mean, The sheer lengths that he would go, the various plans within plans...what an absolute piece of shit.
Great work with the writing, though - it was atmospheric and eerie, almost kind of dream-like when Temira ends up doing his bidding. What happened to Lisbeth is truly heartbreaking, and really, REALLY makes me want Temira to have some sort of happy ending, but it seems like that will never happen for her, unfortunately.
Morticus Mortem chapter 31 . 11/22/2023
Oh my.
bigwoof chapter 31 . 11/22/2023
congrats on another chapter! will post a longer review once I get done reading it :-)
Guest chapter 30 . 11/6/2023
This is such an amazing story, you write beautifully and so evocatively that it feels like I'm really seeing everything happen. Thank you for keeping at it so long.
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