Reviews for Impose
Guest chapter 32 . 11/2/2024
Mein weil in afterlife dorcas said that whent better then fought it would sins those two hate each other then james said wel snivelus doesnot try to insold my son and im oke with it because snivy does hit nasty hex and prank him ow lily what hell then
lily said james you promish that you would stop pick on him and if does bully are son i will have word severus
Toxic Rave chapter 36 . 11/1/2024
The Aubergine reference made my day lmao
MotherBear chapter 20 . 8/21/2024
….its been a long time since I’ve read thru these so i don’t fully remember what is coming… but I feel like waking Harry up might have drawn Moldy’s attention to the link. Maybe?
Doctor Lumos chapter 53 . 6/19/2024
It is rather fascinating how you both hold to some aspects of the original and yet make it your own.
One thing that had never occurred to me before, or at least I do not recall ever reading of it was a rather logical reason for why Dora's pregnanacy might be problematic. You even went so far as to create a scenario in which Fenrir had tried for an offspring. I had never actually thought of it as other than an illogical concern on the part of Remus. But being a pretty logical person, that does not really make sense either. Fascinating.
Kashmiran chapter 11 . 5/27/2024
Why does Draco still call his ‘best’ friends by their last names? Theyve been friends for 2 years now.
N chapter 53 . 3/2/2024
I have recently discovered your series, and am loving it! Thank you for the time, dedeication and heart you've put in for others to gain enjoyment. Onto the next book for me. I hole you continued with your excellent writing so i get to see the end.
Guest chapter 53 . 1/3/2024
Please dont get me wrong here. I loved this story, i really did. I had a heart rate of about 180 when i read the chapters 48 to 50. Also the Dursleys are written perfectly. The only sad thing is, that harry didnt get his firebolt...
Guest chapter 53 . 7/12/2023
Ohhh no draco and lucy ..
Bettina chapter 1 . 6/25/2023
Hi there, I discovered your amazing universe a few months back and have been progressing unti here without reviewing simply as it's old and well-commented.
Still, you have me hooked, and I love your ideas. I like your characterization and the easily flowing narrative. The plot and tensions anyhow.

Now I'm wondering though, about the runes Suoja and Unelma - are you a Finn or related to some? For others, they are Finnish words: suoja protection and unelma dream, while I saw no such runes in the WWW. I love the idea to use them!

Now I'm off to that wedding to not annoy Andromeda!
Guest chapter 27 . 5/16/2023
Harry’s right it is absolutely Hermione’s fault for not helping him catch pettigrew i don’t know why you keep saying it’s not her fault when it absolutely is in my opinion harry should unfriend her just for that she is helping pettigrew she helped him escape
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 44 . 4/22/2023
Sooo literally the chockhold u put us in , at the end of everyone of these is almost too much! Like seriously u are Brilliant! This is like reading the actual HP series but on steroids! Like sincerely Jk WISH, PRAYED, to write the original this good, and she failed in comparison. Like you just ughhh magnificent!
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 44 . 4/22/2023
Why is Hermione pushing Harry on Cho? He’s 13 it’s like she thinks cuz she already 14 and thinks like a 16 year old that he should be thinking the same and then pushing him as if he likes the girl just cuz the girl likes him. That’s really rude . He literally just met her, even if she does like him.
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 37 . 4/22/2023
Ok I am loving this story. However I honestly think that a 14 year old girl and a 15 year old girl are expecting entirely too much out of a 13 year old boy who doesn’t have a Mother! He doesn’t even know he’s “dating” Cho he jus thinks he likes her she likes him and they hang out. She is 15 going on 16, she has no business trying to date and or having expectations of a 13 year old. And Hermione for all theI’m a girl” comments still doesn’t understand Harry enough to know her best friend is Obtuse and a Boy. So why would it matter if he couldn’t go to hogsmead and hung with a group of friends. Like the expectation of a 13 year old is beyond. Not to mention a emotionally stunted 13 year old BOY. Not to mention he’s clearly friends with Luna and Cho takes shots at his friends . No one likes that and the idea she thinks it’s ok just proves the point she’s immature and too old to be trying to date Harry. Like I am all the way on Harry’s side . I really hope you don’t end up making him feel bad because of this or forcing him to apologize cuz honestly she’s a friend who kissed him once and that he sorta kicks it with. He’s never had a relationship that’s not friendship and even if he sorta sees it like he’s 13 and needs leeway . I’m so annoyed with Hermione cuz it’s as if she doesn’t want to actually help him, only push him to be with a girl just cuz she thinks he likes her. Finding someone attractive is not the only thing u need to fancy someone not to mention everything going on. Like Cho is the last thing on his mind and always will be compared to anything else. Which is why him dating at 13 just cuz they can go to Hogsmead now is Ridiculous.
Guest chapter 29 . 8/11/2022
- Dudley smiled back for just a moment, but he had questions now, important ones.

"So, if magic's real, what about aliens?" -

You just made me like Dudley Dursley, I can't believe it.
sarrylover chapter 52 . 7/20/2022
Oh god not Harry telling stating the whole prophecy to children. Also all of a sudden Ron cares about why Voldemort is after Harry. Yeah so random
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