Reviews for Impose
Loose threads chapter 53 . 8/4/2020
Hope to find out what happened to buckbeak and more about sirius and the veil
Sleepyhawk502 chapter 53 . 7/17/2020
-Great story! Poor Siruis, everything bad seems to happen to him. Thanks for sharing!
AS chapter 53 . 7/14/2020
I really liked that you continued to bring up Ginny not being okay in this story because really after being possessed by Tom Riddle for several months at the age of eleven, she was never going to heal overnight – so starting with Bill and Ginny talking, to Ginny making vague comments throughout the story (recognizing the ring, the spell she used after the train on Hydrus) about the previous year was a really good way to not just sweep what she went through under the rug.

This whole story was an interesting development in the relationship of Sirius and Harry as they fought a lot more, but resolved itself nicely as Sirius came to realize that Harry wasn’t always trying to put himself in danger for fun, and was doing it because he was often the only one who could do something, and Sirius couldn’t see that until he was there in the moment. Your Harry has developed into a more sensible one (most of the time), especially when you go back to Identity for example and Ron/Harry take the Knight Bus to Hogwarts and not the car, or when Harry mentions the voice to Padfoot instead of only telling his friends. Harry shouldn’t have run after Wormtail in Hogsmede and shouldn’t have been so upset with Padfoot keeping stuff from Harry since Padfoot is an Auror and some information has to be semi-secret, but I think overall there was growth from both Harry and Sirius in this in regards to Harry being in danger.

Returning to Privet Drive was an unexpected twist – while it was sad to think that Dudley really only seemed to be interested in Harry because he realized he was magical, it was nice to have a reconciliation. I thought it was clever how Harry got the photo of James and Sirius at the fridge since it was a nice tie-in to your story White Flag.

Harry’s “relationship” with Cho was such a disaster, but again it was another one of your story changes that I found myself liking especially because Harry’s date with Cho ended up being fairly terrible thanks to Wormtail’s direct influence, and then indirectly when Harry couldn’t go to Hogsmede without Sirius there.

Win and Lose was probably my favorite chapter because the joy that the team felt winning the cup was amazing to read, in addition to being thrilled Padfoot and Moony were there to see Harry catch the snitch – I know they normally come to the games but again it’s nice to read a story where Harry truly grows up with his godfather and godmother who cheer him on.

Overall, I’d been curious as to what you were going to do for Harry’s third year since Sirius was already innocent, and I thought the plot was set up really well with some familiar elements from the original book but also a creative story arc on your end that I thought led well into Harry’s fourth year because you’ve set up a lot of storylines that we see again throughout Harry’s fourth year (at least so far), which shows HOW much planning went into Harry becoming a Triwizard champion: we’re introduced to the idea that Voldemort wants Harry’s blood and we see the failed attempt of trying from Petunia, and then Peter refusing the blood Harry tries to give him, in addition to Harry revealing to Dumbledore that Karkaroff was in his dream. Crouch Jr. being in the ministry has been INTERESTING to say the least – you did a good job setting it up in Identity with him escaping, but the mystery of who he’s posing as drives me crazy especially as it’s still continuing in Intensity. I’m looking forward to that eventual reveal because I spend way too much time trying to find clues as to who it is. I am hoping with Intensity that we do see Sirius and Harry have a conversation about using the dark spell from Snape (Ginny’s line about the spell made me laugh – “what did you think a spell for enemies was going to do? Stun him?” because we can see how that’s playing out in Intensity with the gillyweed hesitancy, and while Sirius clearly wasn’t in the mindset to help Harry after the third year it looks like that’s still needed.

And finally, I love your continued decision to continue allowing the prophecy to be part of the story – it was a really nice wrap up scene to see Harry explain everything to his friends, and their desire to stick around him regardless. Even though Harry found out his first year, he found out at a very natural point (IE post poison and deserved an explanation) – similarly his friends saw that Harry knew Wormtail wouldn’t kill Harry directly, and naturally, wanted to know why.

Enjoyed as always :)
madformoony chapter 24 . 7/11/2020
Sandro chapter 53 . 6/16/2020
Just wanted to show my appreciation again. Identity and Impose were as awesome as I hoped they would be. I was particularly impressed of the last sentence of Identity that was practically poetic.
The climax of Impose and the tension was wonderful, as well. Also, you beautifully set up that it made sense for Ron to have the map before being captured.
I am really curious how it all develops and will promptly get into the next part!
Divys chapter 53 . 6/13/2020
Oh, I think I really need a time-turner to have enough time for reading your stories :-)
The last chapters in the Room and in the forest were so dramatic! I stayed awake until 2 in the morning, but it was worth it:-) I'm so glad they are all alive...
In this part of your series it was hard for me to distinguish what is really important and was is not. So I forgot many things and was very surprised by the end - Lucius helping Wormtail - I had no idea! I expected something big with the time-turner or with the hippogriff. I need to say it again - you are an incredible writer, I really like your stories and I'm sure I will read them again. Thank you :-)
Tatyana lily granger chapter 35 . 6/8/2020
it's outright boring... obviously it's drama, what do you expect . its like a long-lasting bubble gum ... ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh.. frustrating truly
gumdrop419 chapter 1 . 5/26/2020
I have been reading your stories ravenously. I absolutely love your writing! I have genuinely laughed and cried from the intensity and cleverness of your writing. THANK YOU!
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 39 . 4/26/2020
Dudley is so cute, wth
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 29 . 4/26/2020
Can I justI love this chapter. Dudley!
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 20 . 4/26/2020
This Moody is Crouch?
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 19 . 4/26/2020
Is She Petunia? She'd have Lily's blood...
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 14 . 4/26/2020
Severus is usin legilimency on Draco, isn't he?
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 13 . 4/26/2020
Ohhh who is She? Hermione for being a Mudblood? That's not specific, though. Ginny would be a specific She.
Cali Dreamweaver chapter 13 . 4/26/2020
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