Reviews for Impose
Majerus chapter 49 . 5/29/2019
Whew... damn, that was both epic and terrifying.
And once again you slickly arrange for a bit of canon to be repeated. Too bad it would be "dark" magic to use the rat's severed hand to find the rest of the rat :/
Majerus chapter 48 . 5/28/2019
Idiot, at least make sure he transforms before you leave!
He's right back to the same fool that got him into so much trouble :(
Majerus chapter 47 . 5/28/2019
Bleeding brained blasted rat.
That's my hope, anyways.
Majerus chapter 46 . 5/28/2019
Damn. That's some high quality cliffieness right there!
Majerus chapter 45 . 5/28/2019
Hoorah for Dobby!

I hate it when the rat is clever :(
Majerus chapter 44 . 5/28/2019
Ok, I grudgingly admit that Peter is pretty damned clever :/
Majerus chapter 43 . 5/28/2019
Minor plot problem: Lucius gave his speech to his boys in front of the minister...

FINALLY, will Ron take his moment to shine?
Majerus chapter 41 . 5/28/2019
Wonderful, if it weren't for the reminder that Marlene is right now the biggest weakness they have to security, what with her working with DE #1 :(
Majerus chapter 40 . 5/28/2019
That's some terrifying stuff there.
Some of those revelations go a long way toward revealing some of his self-loathing :(
Majerus chapter 39 . 5/28/2019
Peter really does have amazing luck - or something amazingly magical - if he can roam the halls and remain unseen on the map.
Unless.. unless he has fiddled with the map to allow himself to stay hidden, and in doing so he left them the map as it would give them a false sense of security?
Majerus chapter 38 . 5/28/2019
I suppose Harry is going to forget his dream - where wormy was clearly plotting to get him and his cloak :/

Oh, and I can only hope that that's the back of cho - and more importantly that despicable shite marietta.
Majerus chapter 37 . 5/28/2019
Yes Hermione, your 13 year old male friend is clueless about girls.
The fact that a 15 yr old girls is chasing after such a younger guy is bad enough, but with her age she is still too stupid to figure out that he's just young is proof enough that Ravenclaw brains are not all they are cracked up to be. Besides, she's a nasty bint, letter her rot.
Majerus chapter 36 . 5/28/2019
I assume that Robards has figured out Sirius' role in distracting the Aurors.
I hope.
Majerus chapter 33 . 5/28/2019
That was fantastic, a very fun chapter, and definitely what I envision the Burrow to be like with company arriving :D
Majerus chapter 32 . 5/28/2019
Crud, I hope Marlene will be ok.

Is it a mark of how little Snape trusts Sirius that he'd rather floo directly to the Burrow than to fire-call first... or a mark of how much he believes himself trusted by the Weasley's that he didn't think a fire-call necessary?
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