Reviews for Impose
xxxLeanniexxx chapter 6 . 4/30/2016
Brilliant. I just caught up with the first three stories and as such am probably going to fail all of my exams
Guest chapter 6 . 4/30/2016
I like how Moody's Boggart is a whistling Sneakoscope. Or is that 'Moody'?

For real-Moody, it could be that he fears unknown dangers... But I think it's more likely that this is already fake-Moody and he fears being found out.

Much, much more interesting than Lupin's Boggart...
Dixie.f.9 chapter 6 . 4/28/2016
Good one Hermonie.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/24/2016
Fantastic chapter! Can't wait to hear Draco's reaction to Hermione punching his brother.
sparksx4 chapter 6 . 4/23/2016
This story is amazing! I love it so much! Honestly, when I first looked at the word count for 'Innocent' I thought it was going to be one of those stories that dragged on, but I was pleasantly surprised! Throughout the series, you've managed to keep the attention of the readers very well.

The POV change is very good, it's easy to tell who POV it is, unless the story requires it to be unknown. You're mysteries are so creative and left me second-guessing everyone. Also, just the general kids messing around is great, it's so cute. I am curious to see as the story progresses, who the kids will end up dating, personally, I've found myself leaning towards Draco and Hermione (idk, but when Hermione was petrified Draco was by her bed and it was so cute. Also, it would be such rebellion towards Lucius)

Overall this is a really good series and I'm excited to read more. Your writing is so good, keep it up :)

P.S sorry for the long review, I didn't write one this whole series (I've been reading it over the holidays) so I felt that a long one was necessary :)
AnonymouslyKnown chapter 6 . 4/22/2016
finally finished the rest of this series. and im loving it. so glad after all this time youre still writing! can't wait for more . thank you!
almostinsane chapter 6 . 4/19/2016
This was perfect. I enjoyed the dueling scene a lot.
mysticalphoenix-avalon chapter 6 . 4/18/2016
Thank YOU! Oh. I love this piece! You managed to write the duelling part beautifully!
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
The Original Boy Who Lived is even a bigger prick than the canon-Draco.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 5 . 4/16/2016
Harry's very first stalker, eh? She made her move early.
quin3218 chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
Loved the dueling scene!
lollapalooza-18 chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
So happy to see an update!
And I like how you're mixing both PoA and GoF into the same story.
Those boggarts were pretty interesting, what with Draco's biggest fear being growing up to be like his father and Neville's.. Well, to be honest, I was wondering if what he 'saw' was a memory of his mother being tortured?
I love the fact that you're including so much of Neville's past and his experiences into the story.
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
Nik1627 chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
Amazing! It's always astonishing to see Hermione in a fight with Malfoy especially a punch!
Lyra121 chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
I love this chapter, especially because I don't think Neville's bogart is a banshee, since it didn't take on a shape, maybe it's something he heard but didn't see as a baby. Something like his parents screams. Maybe Moody knew that and that's why he got so many points.
HannahFranziska chapter 6 . 4/16/2016
Hiya :-)
I spent the last few weeks reading the whole series and I love it. Even though it's AU, you've kept everyone remarkably in character. I love your take on Narcissa and Snape especially. I always have trouble when people try to make Snape into the "good" guy, but you've managed to retain is essence.
There's a few minor things that I would note.
One thing that I didn't like was that Sirius went to cave by the sea to find the fake horcrux. I know he tends to me immature and reckless but he also cares about Harry, so I don't think he'd take the huge risk of dying and leaving Harry all by himself, especially since he was not exactly pressed to go. I think he would understand that he means a lot to Harry.
I like the take on Greyback and his "Werewolf Village". I don't think I've ever read a fic that described it in any detail.
I loved the idea of the "Serpent Sworn", and you totally had me. I was convinced that it would end with some feeble revelation, some far-fetched Death Eater ploy, but no. You resolved that mystery perfectly. Well done!
You also managed to avert the trap of making Marlene into the typical woman, conveniently located so Sirius can have his happy end. Even though she's mostly an OC, she has a lot of depth and the interactions she has with Sirius within the stoy add to it. There backstory is actually believable, which is a rarity.
Your Remus is spot on, definitely, completely with his loyalty and bravery but also his tendency to cut people out because he thinks he's not good enough. He and Tonks are very sweet together, and I love the way you write her, as well. You got the balance right between her as a way to provide comic relief and her skill in becoming an auror.
I was a little worried in the beginning, when Harry started to learn magic and became an animagus so very early on. It's usually in time travel stories that suddenly all the twelve year old master occlumency and become animagi, but you've managed to tone it down enough to still be believable. I'm not entirely sure about him being able to apparate. I mean, there's got to be a reason why the Ministry bans it for everyone under seventeen, so Harry being not eleven yet and mastering it seems a little off to me. Still, I suppose that will come up eventually, when everyone learns that Harry can do it.
Your take on Draco is interesting. I like that you put him in Gryffindor rather than stick Harry in Slytherin in order for them to be friends. I like how cluesless Lucius is about his wife and Snape going behind his back, taking years to change Draco. Still, I think the slicing of the hand might be a bit too literal a take on the "mudblood" issue. Then again, he is still a child and might not yet grasp at the underlying social structures of that prejudice.
That's all I can think of for now. Great story! I'm now eagerly awaiting new chapters ;-)
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