Reviews for Impose
theonewhobreathesfire chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Love the new chapter! I love that your character's seem so real! That last little conversation with snape just struck me as exactly the kind of conversation those two people would have in that situation. It was cheeky, and funny, and the perfect end to that chapter. Looking forward to more of your good work!
psitomer chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Have I told you before how much I love you? Because I do, I really do. Do I detect a stirrings of jealousy from Harry when Draco pulled her away? Or is that just from losing his "sanctuary?" And speaking of sanctuary, I would never say it to Snape's face, but that was ADORABLE!
Keep it up, lovely!
quin3218 chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Yaaayyyy! Si glad for an update! Please do another ASAP! Lol
katiek121 chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
This is an excellent chapter! No mistakes were noted. The wedding was very amusing!
Dama Layla chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
KKKKkkkkkkkkkkk, ok, Harry se esconder do lado do Severus foi ótimo!
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
I'm surprised you don't have Harry dancing, one would think that Sirius would have had him learn, not because its a pureblood tradition but because girls like it! Beyond this a great chapter. Thanks for your hard work on it.
QueenDrakon chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Aaawwwwwwwwww! Have to say I'm as satisfied as Andromeda. Laughed my ass off at the Snape part, though.
jesusfreak100percent chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Great chapter - nice humorous bit at the end there. Got to see a little bit of everyone in one short chapter. And it's nice that all, or most anyway, of the Aurors can take a day off, and so far nothing catastrophic has occurred.
Purple Pizza chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
How boring, Harry. Dancing's fun! Can't believe you picked Snape over dancing. Nope. Not understandable. But Tonks and Moony are so cute together!
Nik1627 chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Awe! U shouldn't have cut the wedding. But its nice to know that Harry atleast took 3 subjects and not just 2 like Ron.
Dixie.f.9 chapter 2 . 1/31/2016
Oh poor Harry when the worst of 2 evils is Severus Snape instead of Andromeda. Lol
mannu-minnie chapter 2 . 1/30/2016
Ha ha ha Snape is Hilarious. I loved the whole marriage scene. Finally they are married. I dont know which pairing u r going for. but now i m too much invested in this story and love it too much to care. loved the update.
Dama Layla chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
I'm hoping updates, I read using the google translator. My English is not very good, sorry. I am Brazilian and I love your stories.
GodricGeoffreyGryffindor chapter 1 . 1/27/2016
Spectacular opening chapter to your POA year story!

Except for a few minor details, I've been pleased with this series so far. This promises to be an excellent continuation. I hope you don't adhere to canon ships. It's obvious that you're planning to wed Tonks and Remus, which is one of the strange canon ships that probably ought not to be reproduced. Even Remus knows it's a bad idea. You're making it work, but it's always seemed pretty arbitrary, what with the age difference and all. Please don't make a habit of reproducing all of the canon pairings. Most of the others are even worse than this one. This one at least has an explainable dynamic that overcomes the improbable age difference.

I'd especially like to see Harry paired with Luna, not Ginny or Hermione. Ginny paired with Harry is way too shallow and uninteresting - too stereotypically boy saves beautiful girl, boy marries girl, they live happily ever after - which reduces the girl to a helpless war trophy. Luna though, has insight into Harry that no other character has, and also he is the only canon character that really seems to appreciate her uniqueness. And Luna wouldn't be just a war trophy wife. Sh doesn't really ever need saving, even when she's trapped in a dark dungeon. She's got an inner strength that carries her through.

Your Draco seems to be attracted to Hermione. I'd love to see those two get together. Everybody always wants to pair Hermione with Harry, but that's a bad choice for pretty much the same reasons as Ginny and Harry: too stereotypical and too shallow; but beyond that she needs to feel superior to everybody else by showing off her knowledge all the time and putting everybody else down for not knowing what she knows. Draco grew up in a family that wants to feel superior to everybody else, so he knows how to deflate her ego when necessary; Ron just feeds her ego by playing the ignorant fool.

I'd also like to see Luna get more of a role in the series than in canon. Neville needs more air time too; and a better spouse than a cardboard character from Hufflepuff. Since Neville and Ginny both take leadership roles in DH it would be good for them to be paired.
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
I've just caught up the entire series. I like how you do characters, yours are deep and well defined. Not so sure about the Remus/Tonsk thing, 18 and 32 is even worse than 21 (or 2) and 35. We also know Remus is a runner from book 7 and it would seem likely he'd be even worse in this area earlier. I hope you don't follow canon with Harry and ginny. If you plan to plese let me know via PM so I can reverse what I'm about to say and not follow this story. Your Sirius is very well done as is your Harry. I like the conflict between your Sirius and Dumbledore, not enough to be crippling but still there. Your McGonigal is also a little less ... of a caricature than she is in early books of the canon series. Overall a very nice job and I look forward to following this story and its sequels if they arise. Thanks for your hard work on the series so far.
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