Reviews for Forged in Blood and Bone
thundercharger123 chapter 15 . 9/15/2024
A shame this hasn't been updated in a long while, but I just want to say great work, I enjoyed it all the way to the end.
Slowest Turtle chapter 4 . 7/10/2024
That's not the butterfly effect.
ArashiNokitsune chapter 15 . 3/25/2024
Taylor must have had a way to survive that cause this is undoubtedly not the end... she is getting started
ExspiravitMagus chapter 15 . 1/15/2024
I love this! I'm assuming you're done with this, but if not that's cool. Would you mind if I try to continue this though? I'll fully credit you as the inspiration and for writing the first chapters though.
Sanders7201 chapter 15 . 12/1/2023
awesome story. definitely deserves an up date. love her smashing through the rank and file.
UNNYANEMPEROR chapter 15 . 8/14/2023
Love the whole 'parasite' inspiration you've got going, shame you've not updated this in 4 years
jnautking chapter 15 . 3/28/2023
Wish there was more of this
Malkeus chapter 2 . 3/18/2023
Is this a healthy way to eat your troubles?
Genesis09 chapter 15 . 12/30/2022
This is awesome, Taylor’s essentially a venom symbionte that doesn’t need a host. I can’t wait to read more of this.
cassnova5424 chapter 15 . 10/19/2022
This is too good not to be finished ToT
drucifer000 chapter 15 . 10/5/2022
I hope you come back to this, it's really good!
drucifer000 chapter 9 . 10/5/2022
This is really starting to get cool! Honestly I hope she's able to work with the protectorate as opposed to against it once they discover her. Not even join them necessarily, I just hope we don't see her outright fighting them.
LiquidusSnake chapter 15 . 7/3/2022
A pity that this seems abandoned, it was a great story
ArachnidHiveMind chapter 15 . 6/30/2022
Bruh of ALL the places to end this, it had to be HERR
CMVreud chapter 15 . 6/5/2022
And you ended the story here?
And here I... all that jummy bacon... *sniffle* whyyy~?
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