Reviews for An Eye For An Eye
TigerLily713 chapter 3 . 6/27/2003
Finally! I was reading your story months ago, when something happened and I lost it. I just stumbled across it again and I'm very excited to catch up and then get to the sequel. Thanks, Lily
TigerLily713 chapter 1 . 6/9/2003
I am so glad I have stumbled upon this story again. I started reading it some time ago, but somehow lost it (bad Lily!) I enjoy your writing style immensely and look forward to catching up on this story so that I can begin reading the sequel! Lily
Tears of Eternity chapter 2 . 6/9/2003
once again, poor Elrond! can't wait till Leggy arrives!

~Angel of Death~
Tears of Eternity chapter 1 . 6/9/2003
LOL! love the relationship between Elladan, Elrohir, and Estel! poor Elrond...*bursts out laughing*

ended on a dark note, though...onto the next chappie!

~Angel of Death~
megan chapter 16 . 5/29/2003
I love the way you write you are such a good writer!
trustingfriendship chapter 22 . 4/28/2003
So Sorry I didn't get to reply sooner, but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed every minute of this fic; I love your depiction of their friendship, love, and devotion to each other. I can't wait for the sequel; that little spider was adorable even though it didn't like the elves much.."nasty"..-lol; can't wait for more:-)
Jessimaca chapter 21 . 4/27/2003
totally awesome fanfic...i've been readin it nonstop for like the past 2 weeks, my family yells at me cuz im on here to much. anywayz, its great and as soon as im done writing this im off to read the final chapter...which better have aragorn feeling all better (or he at least better be ALIVE! lol) and the same goes for Elrohir, Elladan, and Legolas. Also, im sad that Nolad had to die! i liked him, i knew throughout the wholefanfic that he was a good guy, and i really didnt want him to die! but, besides that, awesome fanfic, and good bye, i have to go read the last chapter!
katie chapter 22 . 4/26/2003
That was one of the BEST stories(it was well-written and had a AWSOME plot!) I have ever read-not to mention the funniest! I was holding my side and laughing pretty much the whole time I read it!(I loved hearing about all Legolas' and Aragorn's liilte 'adventures'!)

You need to write more LOTR stories! HURRY UP! I have nothing bad to say about this story -only it should have been longer and WHY didn't you kill Donyc and Cornallar a little more painfully!(lol!) Keep up the good work!
Mommints chapter 22 . 4/23/2003
I figured if I put off reading this last chapter long enough, I could avoid the fact that this awesome story is over. :(

I've added it to my favorite stories list to read and re-read, hopefully waiting for another of your LOTR fanfics to come out soon.

Till then, Assalam’alaikoom [peace be upon you]. :)
Stacee Phelps chapter 22 . 4/22/2003
You don't even know how much I love your story! It is possible *the* best Lord of the Rings fan fic I have ever read, and I have read *a lot*. Way to go, and please, you must write a sequel! Please! Oh, and the part about Elladan's hair was the funniest thing in the world! And, the part about the tea party with Sauron and the nine Ringwraiths...LOL...priceless!

~*~Stacee Phelps~*~
Legselover chapter 5 . 4/22/2003
HELLO! WHERE IS LEGOLAS! I'VE BEEN VERY PATIENT UP TILL NOW! by the way, great story. NEED'S MORE PAIN! (yes, I am a pysco-path:)
Aurienia chapter 22 . 4/21/2003
OOps sorry for the late feedback, my real worldy life got in the way. Ahuh.

Wow the last chapter was really great,sweet.

The bondings and all between Elrond and estel was really nice to see. It was just a great chapter, happy happy end. But hey thats not right, you didn't tell us whats the Big plan for seobryn.*angry huff*

well I hope you come up with a new story sooner then later, I hope it is very sooner.

My best of wishes for that story!
tineryn chapter 22 . 4/20/2003

that was AMAZING. brilliant beyond scope. Went on my favorites list, definitely. Among the stars on this site.

I can't WAIT for your sequel! (and i have heard the name seobryn somewhere... if i could only remember...)
L chapter 22 . 4/19/2003
that was a great ending! there is really nothing moer i can say then that, except maybe i could say a lesson learned the hard way for lord elrond. i really do not know why i call him lord, i just do. as long as my elf didn't die or get any more life threatining injuries, i'm happy. long live legolas! cya when your next story comes out. what's it called anyway? emial me if ya want to tell me. cya l8er!
reginabean chapter 22 . 4/19/2003
*reginabean looks up*

::really? you'd give me a Nolad clone?::

*perks up*

::yaayye! elf clone all for me!::

(aah aren't emotions fickle)


what's all this, ending a story on a cliffie?

who said u could do that?


the nerve!


oh well, anywho...

keeping a watchout for new storie...
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