Reviews for An Eye For An Eye
Jenny chapter 22 . 4/13/2003
Oh I'm so sad this over! Nili, I just want to say you are one of the best authors on and I can't wait until your next story! Well done girl, you did good!
TrinityTheSheDevil chapter 22 . 4/13/2003
'Tis a wonderful ending, and I very much enjoyed it! (Even though it's currently 4 AM...)

I definitely can't wait til the next story. *bounces* :D


who would have written more but she's about to pass out on the keyboard...*thud*
Seveawen chapter 22 . 4/13/2003
aw, that end bit is well sweet! aww *cries...again*

So does that mean seobryn is in the next story! Aww, o yes...are you gonna hurt him...u cant write back can u?...nope didnt think so...*cries again*

it ended! MAY! SERIOUSLY! MAY! that like...ages! Rudeness!

LoL, brillant story, loved it so much, well done! and hurry up with the next chapter
Ubena chapter 22 . 4/12/2003
wel it shoots again, its only about 2 feets or so shorter o.o; you should write the story of teh spider incident too seems fun! and i'm sure gonna read your next story, to bad it'll take a while... you should write it down on paper already, and then you can always change it to the reviews :)
Acacea chapter 22 . 4/12/2003
You know, I saw your update at 3 in the morning, and the darned chapter refused to show up! And it was the only update worth reading! But... The world is alright now, I can see it now *grin*

There’s a tiny little typo there, btw, save instead of safe.

Anyway, yay! Great work, beautiful story, terrific angst, me like, me like!

You don’t get off with just a sequel btw, we needs a prequel too, spider incident? You said spider? Delusional elf? Spider bite?

Alright, I’ll wait *patiently* till May. *sigh*
AngelMouse5 chapter 22 . 4/12/2003
This was such a lovely ending to a really well written story my friend. It sums up Legolas and Aragorn's friendship really well.

And I'm really looking forward to the sequel.
Analia chapter 22 . 4/12/2003
Ahh...*gives Nili Irish chocolate* Your fanfic was wonderful. I've enjoyed reading it so much that I can hardlyt begin to put it into words-suffice to say that I am eagerly anticipating anything written by you in the future :-)
Isadora2 chapter 22 . 4/12/2003
*OK, OK, you FINALLY did it! My PC just had a short-circuit, because I have been drooling all over my keyboard for the last 20 minutes or so. :)*

Hi, Mädel!

Du kannst Dich wieder gebauchpinselt fühlen! Ich bin nämlich die halbe Nacht noch aufgeblieben, bis das allerletzte Kapitel endlich von fan*hell* angezeigt wurde - und es hat sich wahrlich gelohnt! Ich möchte Dir an dieser Stelle für spannende Wochen und eine süchtig machende Story danken und tue dies auch einmal stellvertretend für alle Lurker, die Deine Geschichte auch mit Begeisterung gelesen, aber nicht bewertet haben.

Cola Light & Lemmon: ICH LACH' MICH TOT! Es sieht so aus, als habe ich hier eine Seelenschwester gefunden, vor allem was das Thema Schreiben und Wachblieben mittels koffeinhaltiger Diät-Brause angeht! *grins*

Und Du wirst lachen: Auch mich hat inzwischen gar heftigst das LOTR Plot Bunny in den Poppes getreten. Als ob ich mit dem Buch, an dem ich gerade schreibe, nicht schon genug zu tun hätte. Nein, jetzt möchte auch noch eine hochdramatische Aragorn/Legolas-Geschichte das Licht der Welt erblicken. Aber was erzähle ich Dir... Du kennst das ja! :) Ich hoffe also, ich kann mich in nicht allzulanger Zeit mit einer spannenden Geschichte und vielen gemeinen Cliffies revangieren! :)

Dir wünsche ich erst einmal viel Spaß an der neuen Wohnung und nicht allzuviel Streß beim Umzug. Mach' Dir vor allem keinen finanziellen Streß wegen der Computer-Kauferei. Wir sind auch noch alle da, wenn Du soweit sein solltest, keine Bange! Du erkennst uns an dem bettelnden Golden Retreiver-Blick, der hochgehobenen rechten Pfote und dem Schwanzwedeln! :)

Ganz, ganz liebe Grüße!

Deine Isadora
JoX5 chapter 21 . 4/12/2003
Thank you for another great chapter. It's a shame the storys coming to an end. I'll be watching for a sequal or your next work.

Great job on 21, I love action. I enjoyed seeing everybody get what they deserve for hurting poor Estel/Aragron.

I'm waiting for the final chapter and I'm not a patient person. Please don't keep me waiting.
Aurienia chapter 21 . 4/12/2003
A CHEER from the cheerleaders

Bad Guys *DEAD* *DEAD* yay

wow!what a chapter!action loaded!

It was a really fababulus chapter, too bad donyc didn't get squashed into a marshmallow, your way of killing

him was superb, besides who would have eaten donyc marshmallow anyway,Would You?*giggle*

The fight between Legolas and donyc was superb,

and really all the fights couldn't have been more


Nolad is dead, at first I was very angry, but then

I realized he died a noble death*sniff,sob*(he did save Elrond's life)

that part had me all crying.

Seobryn standing up to his uncle was really nice part.

* he brought his left hand up in front of his face and smashed his fist that still grasped his second dagger into the grinning face of his attacker. Donyc reeled back in shock and pain*

Go legolas, really donyc had that coming.

Dan and Ro were pretty cool.

*he had vowed to forgive Legolas every injury the younger elf had suffered this far and to patch him up for the next few decades without even giving him the look*

Well Mirkwood warriors unkowningly saved Legolas from Elrond giving him

any further looks,and strangles!

Does this mean now only Elladan and Elrohir are in trouble with there Ada?

But I believe after seeing that dagger sticking from Legolas's shoulder!

I think not!

Estel is finally saved*Estel:About time too(humph)*

I can't believe that only one final last granfinale is left.

*sigh*All good things come to an end*WHY*

*blows nose in a tisse,sob* I REALLY REALLY hope that you have some more

stories planned,

We will MISS YOU!

Three months journey coming to an end!

Don't make us miss you, we can be really grumpy when needed!

I anxiously wait for the next chapter, and for an assurance that you will be

back with more!


my warm wishes to you!

Glad you loved the Oscar award.
one15 chapter 21 . 4/11/2003
ok, ok , ok es tut mir wirklich schrecklich leid, dass ich nach den letzten beiden kapiteln nich gereviewt habe, aber dieser pc hier ist zur zeit bestimmt in seiner pubertät. oder vielleicht erleidet er schon altzeimer auf grund seines alters und kann (oder will) sich nich dran erinnern was ich mit ihm mache wenn er nicht macht was ich will. böser böser pc, böse!

na gut, ich hab jetzt hier 1 1/2 stunden vor dem pc gehockt und gelesen und gelesen und gelesen. ich ...ich bin einfach nicht von dieser story losgekommen. es war einfach zu spannend. eigentlich hätte ich ja englisch hausarbeit machen müssen...aber das musste halt warten!

aber ehrlich: das is die beste story die ich seit ewigkeiten gelesen habe. ich bin mir sicher ich werdse mir am ende ausdrucken und nochmal lesen. puh...armer drucker, wird dann viel arbeit haben.

zum inhalt: JA er ist endlich tot, dieser...dieser...*grummel* donyc. dachte schon er hätte soviel leben wie eine katze :)

mein gott was war das für eine genugtuung. ich hatte echt angst um dem armen strider. aber das mit dem verbrennen wäre echt zu gemein gewesen.

naja, net das du jetzt denkst ich bin einer dieser ach-aragorn-er-is-ja-so-süß-anhänger. nein ich gehöre zu der gruppe die noch um einiges "kleiner" sein dürfte. ich bin eine dieser _elben-sind-perfekt-anhänger. freak könnte man dazu auch sagen. :)

und ich muss ehrlich sagen, du hast mich dazu gebracht mich mal näher mit Elrohir und Elladan zu beschäftigen. in deiner story liebe ich sie einfach nur. hoffe sie kriegen nich doch noch den "look" ab ;)

und aus dem süden komme ich übrigens auch net. nein isch bin äschter Soachse! ich schreib nur immer irgendwelche abkürzungen, damit ich meinen gedanken hinterher komme. dem entsprechend sieht es dann auch immer aus :)

bis zum nächsten kapitel. mal sehn wies strider ergeht

bis denne, ciaoi one
e chapter 21 . 4/11/2003
Well, it is comming to an end! Wah! If you do not write a sequel, I'll...I'll...I'll sick my mafia of monkeys on you! Yes, that is what I will do.

I find it kind of interesting that Elrond did not want to kill Cornaller. It seemed to me that he was quite prepared to kill, say, Donyc, but he was not when it came to the Elf who was at least as resoponsible as Donyc for the shape his son was in. Was it because Donyc was human? Just a thought.

Well, as it is ending, I feel I must congradulate you! I firmly believe that you have passed the C&S exam for writing torture fics! This was really well done.

So once again, I pester you to write a sequel, and FAST!
TrinityTheSheDevil chapter 21 . 4/10/2003


And if you didn't get that, THANK YOU, for this chapter. You have completely made my day. I absolutely LOVE this fic! And the death scene for Nolad? Absolutely perfect! Love it!

Now, I cannot wait for the last chapter. *thud* Have decided not to threaten you this time, *sigh*, even tho it grieves me to let you off like this. ;)

So, I'll ask POLILTELY (very hard accomplishment for me!) for you to hurry and update. Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with ice cream, whip cream, chocolate sauce, and a cherry on top of Aragorn and Legolas? *grins*

ToastyToasty chapter 21 . 4/10/2003
lol Glad I read your story. I was in a very bad mood-composing music can do that to you! *scowls darkly* lessee, Aragorn is almost dead, Elladan and Elrohir are all bruised and battered, Legolas looks like he's been through hell and back, hurt...and, how many more casualties? *grins*
Aralondwen chapter 21 . 4/10/2003
OMG! you know how much i love this fic? *spreads hands and they strech really far* THIS MUCH! i printed out the last two chapters, and do you know how many times i've read and re-read it?...*counts on fingers and toes*...*runs out of fingers so she counts her six chicken fingers from dinner* ...26x! YES! i know it so well, i can almost quote it all vertbatum! *squeels and runs off to read it again*

You are such a AWESOME WRITER! ...oh btw..i'm so sorry i haven't reviewed in a few chapters, but i have been following it! ... *gives many hugs* YOUR STORIES GET ME THROUH BIOLOGY! *gets down on hands and knees and thanks God for Nili*

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS -Fic-that-is-too-awesome-for-words! I LOVE READING IT!

PLEASE UPDATE SOON! OR I"LL GO MORE DEEPLY INSANE! *not to mention that i plan to ducktape myself to this chair and refuse to eat sleep or *gasp* PLAY SOCCER until the last chappie of Eye for an Eye is updated!

but ... before i duck tape myself... *runs off to get napalm (just for emergencies! *winks*) and pick pretty purple daisys*

*runs back in with 'supplies', ducktapes herself to chair and stares at the screen without blinking*


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