Reviews for An Eye For An Eye
HaloGatomon chapter 2 . 1/17/2003
Halo: Awwwwwww but I like zapping them! *looks to make sure no one is looking and zaps the eye of Sauron*

Eye: Ow!

Halo: Ha! *zap*

Eye: Ow!

Halo: Mwahahaha! *zap* *zap* *zap* *zap*


LOL! Hehehehe I am hyper today *grins innocently and hides a bottle of Dr Pepper behind her back* Fantastic second chappie Nili! I TOLD YOU that this fic would turn out awesome! *kicks FFN* HOW DARE YOU DELETE HER FIC! HOW DARE YOU! *pummels FFN to death* Baka stupid piece of...*yells a few choice elven curses*

Elladan: Legolas, for the love of the valar, PLEASE stop teaching her those elven curses!

Legolas: It's not me!

Elladan: Well it's not me!

Elrohir: Nor I

Estel: Do not even THINK about blaming me!


Hehehe, more asap Nili! I demand it!
Vana Burke chapter 2 . 1/17/2003
Again, great story! Thank you for replying to my review at the END of the chapter instead of the beginning, which I find incredibly annoying. Keep up the good work! My cheesy mode is in full blast!
Pintsizedpsycho chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
This is great I can't wait to read more please hurry with the next chapter.
AngelMouse5 chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
Ohh... interesting... Definatly very good.

I'm a huge fan of non-slash aragorn/legolas fics.

And I love the jokes between the three brothers! That was excellent! Looking forward to the next chapter.
ThE iNsAnE oNe chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
AWWW! *gives a great big hug* That so stinks! I was wondering what the hell happened! I came and your story was all strange and there werent the proper amount of reviews! *stares* So strange!

_ Anyway, as always, great chapter! I wish to have some more soon...or i shall sick fred on you instead of my boo bear. *points to evil looking warg named fred*

Well, at least Elladan is getting into a better mood.

Elladan: *glares at* You were a part of this.. i oughta be killing you...

tio: Any character who attempts murder shall be punished! *shows plot to next long story* And you already have a list of things!

Elladan: *gulps*

Yeah, threatening him again! Well, I'm hoping this sticks! _~ more soon please, or you may have to deal with fred!

Your Fan,

tHe InSaNe OnE

Ps- thank you so much for reviewing my fic! AHHH! *pokes with a stick* no i havent forgotten... *giggles and goes off to find elves* ehehehehehehe...

PPS- "Understanding" should be posted within a week (that is tentative...)

PPPS- Stop reading this and get to writing! Fred is hungry...
Trin Kallos chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! How could they do that! It's not the first time... deleted another one of my buddies stories for no apparent reason too...


Urkwush: We shall get to the bottom of this! We ride north!

Eomer: That's my line!

Urkwush: Sowy...

Oh, yeah, I was wondering...I've already got the third chapter written for "A Journalist's Tale", and you are guest starring! That is ok, right?


Your's Truly,

Zam Kenobi,

the pyromaniac,

orc horde owner,

Inuyasha sit/smush-loving,

Legolas hugging,

Haldir saving,

Estel owies,

MegumiFuu chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
Very good! Except for a few spots when verb tenses changed, I couldn't tell English wasn't your first language. Update soon, I can't wait to read more.
Antigone chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
Excellent story! Your writing style is very good. The tension is building and I can't wait for the next installment...
Alia11 chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
This is a wonderful story and I hope you'll continue soon. I loved the idea of Elladan with green hair and I almost saw Estel scared to death by his brother. Post soon
Just Jill chapter 2 . 1/15/2003
Please update quickly - this is a very interesting story (aside from Elladan's green hair).

Just Jill
lotrmatrixstarwarsfan chapter 1 . 1/15/2003
very intriguing. i was kind of wondering when the revenge was coming in... well, the green hair dying is very cute (btw is it - the formula- real?) please keep updating
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