Reviews for An Eye For An Eye
novelteas74 chapter 6 . 10/21/2004
Great story. Read it when I first signed on to FanFiction but I am re-downloading it tonight. Hey, you never know - Hell might freeze over and I'll actually have time to read it again! I am so obsessive. And can you believe I know who Aurelian is? Don't ask me how (or why) I know so many weird facts. I should be on "Jeopardy." (Although I'd freeze and they'd have to take me off stage in an ambulance).
Barbara Kennedy chapter 22 . 9/15/2004
I could bear to stop reading long enough to review until I finished the story.

I really liked it. I'm going to start reading the next one after dinner.

My poor husband feels a bit neglected because I was reading your story all day.

See you next time.

I'll try to review a few more chapters as I read the stories.
Barbara Kennedy chapter 8 . 9/15/2004
I'm really enjoying this story, but I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard, so I'm leaving a review to mark my place and put you on my Author Alert too.

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the rest of your stories too.
guiltytexan chapter 2 . 6/26/2004
Wow. Again, wow.
Alasse Tiwele chapter 1 . 6/25/2004
love it!
iccle fairy chapter 22 . 5/29/2004
bloody brilliant! i've finally finished it...ignoring all deadlines for coursework etc and i'm very glad i did! it's so good well done! thankyou again for sending me ch17, i couldnt have lived without it! now...on to your next story! luuv ~*~iccle fairy~*~
iccle fairy chapter 16 . 5/24/2004
obviously i would be logged in if let me but hey! it wont so it is still me really! and the second obvious fact...i am slightly late! but i have just found your amazing 1st story and have become involved in th interesting iccle story. now to another little problem that hsa resorted to that makes me scream rather wild and imaginative abuse at my wont let me onto chapter 17 so therefore cannot finish reading the story and its killing me! ah major dilema! wat do i do? pls help brill story btw luvu ~*~iccle fairy~*~
SalanTrong chapter 1 . 5/21/2004
ok,no offense but you do not know elvish very well. my friend in evish is mellon nin. mellon meaning friend and nin, i guess meaning my. mellonamin is i friend. amin meaning i mellon meaning friend.
guiltytexan chapter 1 . 5/6/2004
Craic agus Ceol chapter 3 . 4/30/2004
i know i've got about nineteen more chapters left, but this gave me goosebumps it was so good. i can't believe this is your first fanfic. my first one quite fairly stunk (well, at least the first few chapters did). I really luv elladan angst and just really bad stuff happening to MY elf! and yes, he is mine, no matter what tolkein says! *gets dragged off by tolkein's lawyers*
Opal chapter 1 . 4/10/2004
i love this story so far!
keep up the good work!
xthinkxhappyxthoughtsx chapter 22 . 3/24/2004
I could pretend I couldn’t remember the words. Or that I had forgotten how to speak Quenya,’ he thought with an odd sparkle in his eyes, a sparkle that strongly reminded the elves that stood behind him of his son. And if that sparkle looked scary in Legolas’ eyes, it looked positively terrifying in his father’s" Valar i love this fic, it made me laugh loads, the above phrase is yet another such comment that gave me hysterics, which, bearing in mind i'm reading this in my IT lesson when i should be doing my coursework, really isnt very good. everyone who doesnt know my obsession with fanfics, including my teacher is giving me rather odd looks, oh well, loved this fic, bubbye now.
xthinkxhappyxthoughtsx chapter 12 . 3/23/2004
Cornaller reminds me of Doriflen and Hebrileth mixed together *shudders* evil creepy elf dude.
xthinkxhappyxthoughtsx chapter 11 . 3/23/2004
“Father, you cannot be serious! This is a trap, and it couldn’t be plainer if he had sent you a map with a big red ‘X’ and an arrow pointing at it, saying ‘Trap!’! Please tell me you are not serious!
xthinkxhappyxthoughtsx chapter 10 . 3/23/2004
the tiny industrious dwarves had apparently received reinforcements. Reinforcements, by the feel of it, in form of at least a dozen cave trolls that were beating themselves up with their clubs.
I love the dwarves, i think you should give them names, its a bit late for that now but i still think they deserve them. after all they are such important charecters.
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