Reviews for Familiar Of Zero: Saving Grace
Anti-Louise fans chapter 2 . 7/25/2024
It's mainly the anime's fault for making her (Louise) as unlikable as she (Louise) is.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25/2024
I wish anime permanently shelved Louise-Saito altogether instead.
Mr.Fluppy chapter 1 . 7/7/2024
Reading this after finishing zero no tsukaima:saito the onmyoji AND just reading the latest chapter of familiar evil makes this first chapter feel so out of place cause I got use to Louise caring for saito
dryden.stone63x chapter 2 . 11/5/2023
bro, don't write a crap ton a X's for transition. a lot of people listen to the story rather then read it. it's very obnoxious to hear a ai say x 35 times haha
Mr.Fluppy chapter 3 . 9/14/2023
I find Henrietta and Osmond's arrival when saito lose consciousness pretty unrealistic, the odds of Henrietta arriving at the same time just as saito lose consciousness? You have more chance of winning a lottery 5 consecutive times rather than having a timing arrival of Henrietta and osmond
Shadicgon chapter 79 . 8/23/2023
Well, it was a wholesome final chapter. Approved. xd
Shadicgon chapter 71 . 8/23/2023
Aight, I'll be real, I was liking the route the story was taking. It had its ups and its downs, certainly not reaching the lows of the OG work while far surpassing its highs.

... But this chapter reached a low vastly lower than the OG work. Was it necessary to make Saito a descendant of Brimir? No, it wasn't. This bugged me the enough to just need to comment it, but welp, let's hope the rest of the story manages to make up for it. xD
Carrotglace85 chapter 15 . 3/21/2023
so iruruka is nonexistent in this fic? ok
Luciendar chapter 54 . 3/6/2023
This is so stupid. Accelerate could've handled most of the problems in this chapter. Way to make Saito just look like an incompetent idiot. No one just leaves with the enemy. None of this makes sense.
Luciendar chapter 44 . 3/4/2023
Wooow, what an asshole move. He could be literally throwing away any chance he has of being with Henrietta here. He just pissed on their relationship for what? Revenge? He has no real plan. He doesn't know the country. As a reader, this comes across as incredibly immature of him. It also make him looks like he lacks any and all foresight.

You planned this and the future out. You know you can fix it so he can still be with Henrietta. However, Saito didn't know that. Yet, you didn't even have him acknowledge the risk of losing her forever. Honestly, this just made him look terrible.
Animeharem chapter 4 . 2/19/2023
you should’ve added kirche
Nevarus chapter 57 . 7/18/2022
why does everyone say as if? it's really jarring.
Nevarus chapter 52 . 7/17/2022
to be perfectly honest. there shouldn't be a way to charge a familiar with a crime in the first place. this is mainly due to it being considered the masters responsibility. in this case, she was just a tool for her master, not the conductor.
Nevarus chapter 34 . 7/16/2022
never really understood the whole dueling to prove something... thing. it seems like a glorified pissing contest and fighting for that reason, might as well be without reason.
Nevarus chapter 8 . 7/14/2022
the limit idea is great... except for it being a power granted by the runes. the limit being low leads to the idea that he will be able to improve it, but his original ability never actually improved as far as I know. instead it was just a huge increase in ability and yes, I know, Saito learned how to fight better, but his ability never taught him how to fight well... just how to wield weapons.

honestly it should be a similar op rune that he just needs to supplement with knowledge, instead of just granting wandless casting (at least that's what I've seen so far.)
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