Reviews for Grinning Goblins
Katescats chapter 17 . 1/31
Hi just read your story it was awesome.
TEC4 chapter 2 . 1/27
I didn't really like this chapter. Your McGonagall was annoying and not at all like the McGonagall in either the book or other pics I I've been reading recently. But Granger is hands down my least favorite canon character who is supposed to be one of the good guys. I really liked the first chapter and hopefully it'll be better as the story passes
Pillager61 chapter 17 . 1/23
Excellent! Fast paced. It could have been expanded to closer to 250k words, but this is still a Good Tale!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/16
I’ve enjoyed your story and give you a world of thanks for sharing it.
LAB1 chapter 16 . 1/10
What a fun and entertaining story! I was super sad about Hogwarts, but the idea of it being a university is quite appealing! Love the scene with them pretending to shoot a movie scene! Genius!
libbyxox1 chapter 17 . 1/5
great fun !
noylj chapter 15 . 1/4
I don't have much faith in counselors, but the whole magical world should one
noylj chapter 2 . 1/4
I thought she went to the alley at or near HER birthday?
Rose chapter 17 . 12/30/2024
Sorry your muse is missing. I may have seen her hanging out with my muse in the local watering hole. When they realized they'd been spotted, they ran down our tiny Main Street to the closest farm, took on the form of squirrels, and climbed into trees, from which they threw walnuts and acorns at me.
I hope YOUR muse makes it home to you. I suspect mine is already halfway to Ann Arbor, in search of a more worthy writer.
Happy new year.
Rose chapter 16 . 12/30/2024
Happily ever after. Thanks, I was looking for a happy tale to read.
Rose chapter 15 . 12/30/2024
I am enjoying this fast-paced story. Sad to be getting to the end. Thank you for sharing this tale with us.
Rose chapter 13 . 12/30/2024
I've never seen another fanfic with Harry fostered by your choice of family. I think it makes a great deal of sense. They seem like lovely foster parents.
Rose chapter 9 . 12/29/2024
I wish Sally-Anne could get her memories back and go to the nice, muggle-friendly, safe magic school with no trolls.
Rose chapter 9 . 12/29/2024
Always a joy to see Umbridge, the woman we love to hate.
Yeah, Harry would be so safe with the Malfoys.
So glad he's going to stay with a decent family.
Rose chapter 8 . 12/29/2024
Interesting to get Her Majesty involved. I really do admire her.
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